The Heroes of Olympus greekOmega's son of neptune

greekOmega posted on Aug 28, 2011 at 11:24PM

I am not following what RR told us about the Son of Neptune.

Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns all this stuff

Chapter 1: The awakening
Percy POV

After a half a day of pain and awkward situations, I didn’t think my luck could get worst. How wrong I was.
I had woken in the middle of a classroom, during a history class. I know that doesn’t sound wear at all, but the problem was that I couldn’t remember anything. I had no idea what my name was, how old I was. 16, 17?
I looked around me; about 20 kids sat on the other tables and were struggling to keep up with what the teacher was saying about ancient Rome and their mythology.
“Rome was the most important civilization in the ancient times” the teacher was saying. She was a fat old lady, about 5 feet tall and with only half of her teeth. “Without Rome, we wouldn’t be as advanced as we are now. They gave us military advances; agricultural advances and they thought the rest of the world to use their brains”. The things she said really bother me. “The most important civilization”? I thought to myself, what about Greece? Don’t ask me how I knew Greece was important if I didn’t have memories, but I just knew that Greece was important. A massive pain invaded my head as I tried to remember. After it passed, I looked to my sides. To my right was an athletic looking guy with short blonde hair, a tight black shirt that marked every muscle in his arms and camouflage pants. His eyes were dark brown, almost black and in his right hand he wore brass knuckles. To my left, a seriously pretty girl sat. She wore gold ray bans and her hair was completely covered in a green bandanna. She looked at me and smiled, but then turned to the board were the teacher continued talking about the greatness of the Roman Empire.
“Hey, Percy” a voice at my left said. I turned. The guy with the brass knuckles was looking at me. “Is something wrong?” he asked “Err, I don’t know” I replied. “But you looked troubled; you are always smiling and doing stuff, never staying still.” I didn’t know what to answer, but thankfully the bell save me. We all stood up and I quickly left the classroom and went to the bathroom. I stared to my reflection. In front of me was a tall boy, his hair pitch black and a complete mess. His eyes were sea green with marks at the sides that meant he smiled a lot. I couldn’t believe that was me, I mean, I looked cool, and right now I just felt like a poor idiot with amnesia. By instincts I splashed cold water on my face. Immediately I felt better, more confident. I looked one more time to the mirror and left the bathroom.
The boy and the girl that were sitting next to me were standing outside the bathroom looking everywhere. The girl noticed me and smiled in delight. “Percy! There you are!” her accent sounded Middle Eastern. I don’t know why but her accent reminded me of something wear… something bad. The boy turned and smiled too. “Dude, why you left us?” he demanded. I sigh and said “Em guys? Could we talk about something, in private? They looked at me perplexed. After a few seconds, the guy said “sure, let’s go to our dorm” “yeah, great, lead the way” I told him.

The Heroes of Olympus 4 replies

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over a year ago unknownquestion said…
great post soon!
over a year ago Percy2 said…
Amazing post soon
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
really good! grr cliffhanger... hahaha post soon! :)
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
great! love it!