The Heroes of Olympus Symsym's son of Neptune

symsym4561 posted on Aug 20, 2011 at 09:39PM
My version of the son of Neptune i hope you guys like it i'll try my best to post every day or at least every other day
last edited on Aug 20, 2011 at 09:41PM

The Heroes of Olympus 12 replies

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over a year ago symsym4561 said…
The son of Neptune

I have never wrote a fanfic before so bare with me and by the way this starts on the same day Jason is found so i wont be doing a camp half blood point of view.
Chapter 1 Percy

I woke up with no idea who i was or why i was lying on seats in a bowling alley.I knew two things one my name is Percy Jackson and two there were two tall guys carrying dodgeballs looking right at me.

"Perseus Jackson we meet again" said the taller on with a label that had Joe Bob written on it, it sounded vaguely familiar but when i thought harder all i got was pain.
"Im sorry but dont know you and what kind of name is Joe Bob" The guy's eyes flashed red with anger and his dodgeball lit on fire and was thrown at me with the strength of a cannonball, i dived sideways it just missed my head. I was annoyed that he threw it at me but i had to admit he had skill the lane behind me was flashing strike , strike. the other one threw his and i dodged again moving further down the alley. "Ha nothing to throw guess you'll have to leave" He smiled and walked a few steps forwards.

"Look around Jackson, there's plenty to throw" And i gasped damn there was we were in a bowling alley how stupid am i great outsmarted by a guy whose name is Joe Bob. They both picked up flaming bowling balls walking urther down the alley launching them as they walked i dived from alley to alley just dodging once i even think a strand of my hair was set alight.
Until i noticed a bowling ball dispenser with settings on it and one was "DANGER TOO POWERFUL" and a big red button my favorite kind of button. I ran over and clicked it placing a ball in the tube.

I saw Joe Bob marching over with new bowling balls and BOOM th wall next to me was smashed. I only had one chance to take them both out because they were about to cross and i'd have too hope it was seriously powerful.And then it happend i fired boom with the sound of a cannonball it launched smashing them both an earning me a strike in the lane opposite. "Yes" I was suprised i hit i had a feeling i was meant to be bad at aiming.

I slumped down on a seat a few yards away exhausted from diving around the room. But i saw the dust moving and decided i better hightail it out of their. So i got up ran too the door and yanked it open i was blinded by the light and had to cover my eyes i was somewhere in San francisco i have no idea how i knew that i just knew it when i saw a mountain with mist surrounding it. I began to run down the seat people where staring at me but i couldnt blame them, a scruffy guy in burnt clothes running down the street i must have looked like a gang member. Buty i ignored them and kept running seeing large shops and crowds of people everywhere.

Then finally i arrived at the beach to see the wierdest sight i have seen in my life well considering i only remember today that wasnt really such a big thing. There were two teenage girls one looked fifteen and the other about my age sixteen seventeen and then a old guy with hairy legs and a big stick hitting a giant crab over the head.I charged down the hill towards the beach when i felt something bouncing in my pocket i pulled it out a pen ,ok why do i need a pen i thought shoving it in my pocket.

I was about ten feet away when things went wrong the goat dude was smashed away and the girls where running towards me. For some reason i had the urge to pull out the pen and uncap it so i did and a 3 ft bronze sword grew from it, okay best pen ever. Then the girls saw me and stopped looking from me to the crap and they stopped.

I decided i had to help goat dude so i charched the crab chopping of one of its legs when it went to finnish goat dude. I decided that was a bad idea when the crab turned on me with its pincers smashing me into the sea and someone screamed, i had no idea if it was me or the girls but i didnt have time to care because i hit the water.

It should have hurt at that speed but i actually felt more poweful and calm. I thought of a wave rising with me on top and going to shore , and it happened i was shooting right at the crab. My wave smashed into it and turned it over i saw a chink in its armour and jumped of the wave onto it stabbing it in the chink. Its body exploded into dust leaving an empty shell in its place.

jumped of re-capping the pen and running over to Goat dude or Goat Man might be cooler. The two girls were already there talking to him and helping him up.I ran straight up to them and stopped when they looked at me expectantly

"Hi im Percy Percy Jackson." Then the older girl looked at me and said "Hi im Arianna Haywood and these are Lauren williams and professor Ash we just found out he's a Faun. Oh and thanks for back there how did you do it."I wanted to now that too but before i could say anything Goat man or Ash spoke "Call me Ash and who are you are you from camp because they said they were sending a retrieval crew, but i dont recognize you and from that spectacle i would guess your a powerful child of neptune and i'd know about a child of the big three." I only honestly understood half of what he just said what camp? child of neptune isnt that poseidon? wow how'd i know that.

"I honestly have no idea how i did that or who i am i woke up about an hour ago only knowing my name." They looked at me sadly actually believing me somehow i thought they'd mock me but no. "Oh really thats so sad i wonder what happened is it like amnesia or something" Said the younger girl who now hadnt talked much only now i realised how beautiful they both were Arianna was about 5"9 an inch or to shorter than me withlong blonde hair beautiul blue yes and a dazzling smile , she had a perfect figure not to big or skinny, while Lauren was brunette with deep brown eyes she was 5"7 and had a very smilair figure to Arianna.
I have no idea but i would love to find out" I was about to say more when a girl on a pegasus and two boys in a chariot landed right next to me they all wore gold armour obviously roman with sword and shields in their hand exept for one of the guys in the chariot who had a bow and a short sword at his hip.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Awsomee cappte its great keep posting(:
over a year ago fman172 said…
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
good job.
over a year ago symsym4561 said…
This is kinda boring but its just a filler and next chapteer is the test.

Chapter 2
I meet a crazy girl with a sword and mood swings.

The girl jumped of the horse strode over to us sword in hand and yelled at me "Where is he punk" I was shocked i'd just faced a giant crab but he was nothing compared to this fierce warrior in armour. "I dont know who you're talking about i have no memories other than my name and i just fought a giant crab so im not in a good mood." She walked towards me fire in her eyes and crabbed me by the scruff of my neck looking into my eyes but i didnt back down staring back. Then totally unexpectedly she dropped me and started crying.

I was stunned she'd gone from super angry too sad in seconds i had no idea what was happening . Then one of the guys from the chariot walked over as she walke to the pegasus and flew off. "Im sorry guys thats Reyna daughter of mars her well im not sure they kissed after we won the war but before they discussed it he disappeard and we where told we'd find him here or at least a clue but we found you, oh and by the way im Bobby son of minerva." i was kinda freaked out but i understood why she was like that now.

"Hi im Arriana and these are Lauren and Percy and im guessing you know Ash." She said before i could get a word out he looked at us thinking then said " Right lets get going before any monsters attack" Well he's a bit late for that id already killed three monsters today and these guys were annoying me so i said "Well your a bit for that i already killed a giant crab and two giant's before i met you so i really couldnt care if we saw more monsters" He looked at me like i was crazy but the others nodded and his eyes glazed over as if he was thinking deeply about something. Then he turned and walked to the chariot gesturing for us to join him.

I slowed down so i was right next to Arianna and Lauren and whispered"Wow what's with these guys and being serious maybe its a disease and we're gonna catch it" It was a lame joke but i tried to lighten the mood. I got smiles from them both wether they were from pity or not i was still glad. The three of us got on the chariot and i immediately did not like it we took off with no back and i had a feeling i wasnt meant to fly plus to horses holding five people and a chariot how does that work. But it actually seemed too we flew for about ten minutes all silent until a camp came into view but it was more like a army camp than anything there was a brick wall with a bit and stakes surrounding it and kids patrolling the wall. There where loads of buildings but what caught my eye were two a huge parliment building but ancient rome style and a colliseum about a third the size of the original. "Wow" we all said in unison it was great and the best thing i just noticed a huge clearing with horses and a lake with a forest surrounding it the lake seemed to draw me in enticing me it was beautiful.

"Yep this is camp or in latin Castra Romanum " Said Bobby the guy with the bow just stayed silent staring ahead.Somehow i understood this i saw an image of a blond girl with grey eyes yelling at me , and decided i must've been bad at learning latin. "If this is a camp why are there walls and you all have weapons" i said confused. He looked at us and thought for a few minutes before saying "Well this is no ordinairy camp it's for demigod's the children of a god and a mortal. You see the roman god's are still alive and kicking and they have children with mortal's and their children have to fight monsters and complete quests for the olympians.

"What you expect us too beliaeve that its the stupidest thing i've ever heard " said Arriana.

"Yes it is we arent crazy the world would now if their were actually monsters and demigods the crab was probably an experiment by the militairy or something." Said Lauren . I actually believed him but after everything id seen and the feeling in my gut i knew it. " Guys he's not lying or joking i believe him it would explain a lot. They looked at m as if i was crazy for a sec then just nodded "I'll be back now ill go ell lupa our camp director about you guys so wait here" He left walking off into the maze of buildings.
"So you actually believe him " Said the two of them at the same time.
"Yeah i have a gut feeling plus it would explain the stuff that happened today."
Lauren looked at me and said "Yes it would but it wouldnt explain how you did what you did"
"I have no idea " As i went to say more a beautiful lady appeared with Bobby and Reyna who had now calmed down.

"So these are the new campers"

"Yes Lupa "

"Well! she said circling us "This one looks like he has had training and i snese magic on him"

I was intimated but said "Y -yes lupa i have some magic items but i have no idea where i have been or who i am exept my name." They all looked at me and Lupa's eyes flashed in recognition.

"Well i can sense you hae already be claimed but you too willl be claimed at the fire tonight, Bobby show Perseus around camp he will not need a weapon. Reyna take these two two the baracks get them weapons and armour then give them a tour of our facilities dinner is at six campfire straight after dismissed."Bobby looked at me and walked away i ran to catch up with him then walked alongside hime taking in the sight of the camp.We walked roun h talked about all this amazing stuff magic , archery , pegasus and horse riding , Arena fights monster training capture the flag it was great but he just talked about it as if it was nothing.Then we arrived at three lines of cabins all diferent shapes and size's."These are the cabins one for every god olympian and minor . If you are claimed tonight you'll be put in your parents cabin if not you'll be put in the mercury cabin until you are but dont worry since last summer the titan war for some reason the gods have told us were their children are and claimed them straight away" Ok fight monsters meet wierdo's have a god for a parent and not sure if its my dad or mom great.

Arriana same chapter
Wow this day was crazy we had met monsters and Percy who even though i'd only known him for five minutes i really liked him. He had saved me and the others defeated a monster and was really nice to me plus he looks good and his eyes they're sea green and beautiful.

Reyna led us to a large building and knocked on the door A girl's head popped out "Hey Reyna did you find Jason"then she looked at us and asked "Who are they" I was confused i thought we were gtting stuff not finding some girl. "These are two of the three campers i found instead of jason and yes i know they are older than most. I brought them here so you could give them weapons and armour."

"Ok come with me" She walked into the building and i followed their were weapons and armour covering all the walls and racks with more of them on in the center. "Ok a size 8 and a size nine should do now for weapons." She led us over to a rack and started showing us weapons she showed me a spear i shook my head a dagger deinately not then i saw a short sword next too a bow and arrow's i ran over and took them down"These are perfect" She looked sad at their sight "The sword has never been used before but the bow belongs too a camper who died in the war the quiver can never run out and only a child of apollo can use it" just then there was a flash of light like the sun and a lglow coming from my head i looked up and tried swatting it." Hey what is this is my hair on fire please dont tell me my hair is on fire."I said spinning in a circle. Hazel looked at me amused.

"No its not you've just been claimed by apollo i'll show you to your cabin later it's next to the minerva cabin thats my one."
"What i just got claimed does that mean i can have the bow."
"Yes it does but now let's find Lauren a weapon" it didnt take long she immediately took to two short swords like mine called gladius' and picked them up.

"Excuse me but when will i get claimed because i feel left out" Said Lauren with a sad look on her face she must want to know who her mother is since her ather died years ago.

"You will probably be claimed at the fire but i dont know lets have the tour i'll do it since Reyna has left." She showed us around this amazing camp explaining how it worked i was stunned it didnt take long until a bell rang and we had to go to dinner.

I walked in with Lauren and saw percy already at a table. I immediately walked towards him but was stopped by Hazel and sent to another table the Apollo table . I saw Lauren go and sit next to percy and wished i was her but i found out my cabn was actually really cool they all enjoyed the same things as me but they were a bit too serious for my liking and curious about percy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago symsym4561 said…
Chapter 3 Percy.
We all fight to the death.

Dinner was pretty boring i got to now Lauren better she was really sweet and nice but i'd have rathered got to know Arriana i felt a conection to her straightaway for some reason. Dinner ended with a bell and then the campers got up as one and the most cheerful mood id ever seen them headed towards the arena and took their places i sat down at the front and Lupa sat next to me before she stood up. "Camper as you all now we have three new campers Arrianna who has ben claimed as a child of Apollo . Lauren who has no..t" A light was shining in the mddle of the crowd and there was Lauren with glowing plants moving above her head. "Lauren daughter of Ceres and Percy stand up and come to the front Percy." I was suprised but did what she said. "Percy i believe you know who your parent is and you can show the campers" she said this and pointed to the bucket of water i knew what to do. I reached my hand out and concentrated the water exploded out of the bucket whirling around me with a hurricane above.
"Hail perseus son of Neptune" The whole camp stood and bowed muttering about me in suprise when they sat back down. "Tomorrow they shall take the test and either die or be put into a legion.Campers from Lauren and Arrianna's cabin take them back and Dakota from the venus cabin take Percy to the Neptune cabin and explain the rule's."
She walked over to me and threaded her arm through mine leading me out she was very pretty and around my age but the whole way there she talkled about random stuff when i wanted to know about these rules. "Ok where here now i may aswell tell you about the rules for tomorrow. Their are nine legions dictated by skill they all have a centurion and a second exept the first which has a praetor and a centurion the Praetor is leader of our camp.They decide your legion by making you fight ever second and every leader wichever second you lose to you join their legion if you win against the second and the leader and lose against the next you become leader of the last one if you beat everyone then you become Praetor but other than Jason no one has managed to do that before their fourth year Jason did it after his second you have almost no chance."
"Thanks, but ye i understand what you mean thanks for explaining i'll see you tomorrow maybe" I walked into my ccabin leaving her their. The cabin was beautiful sea green coral walls a pool of sea water with fish that wsas bi enough for two or three people to relax in and three beds i walked over and dropped onto one falling asleep straight away.

I had a wierd dream three people two boys and a girl were on a bridge one was knocked ou anther boy was on a faun's back and the third was slicing up monsters left right and center but before i could see what happened Hera appeared wait no Juno what is wrong with me.
"Ah perseus i see you made it through your first day at campbt the second will be harder . You must prove yourself at all costs orall will be lost you are the leader of the seven and you must be prepared."
"Prepared for what, which seven how do i do this." She was confusing and vaguely familiar."
"You must defeat them all tomorrow and become the new praetor then you mustbfind the clues and the key's to unlock Hestia's cage before all is lost . Start in New york there le answers too where Hestia is and parts of your past."
Before i could say anymore she dissapeared and i woke up with a girl's face above me." Aaaah! what the hell Arianna " she looked hurt for a second before answering.
"I'm so sorry i was sent to get you for your test we have had ours"
"Oh im so sorry for yelling at you i had a bad dream and am i up that late"
"Yep im in legion three and lauren is she was immpresive she used her power too tangle up her opponents and i shot them and lost when i had to duel a son of mars im second Lauren is praetor."
"Wow thats amazing wait outside and ill be their in a sec" She walked out of the room and i hopped up i put on some jeans and a breastplate and for the first time realised a watch on my wrist i tapped the screen and it turned into a circular bronze shield "Yes i tapped it again and walked out.

She led me into the arena and the crowd cheered First i was against a 15 year old son of Hermes he just charged i uncapped my pen and cliced my watch taking his first hit on my shield before hitting him with the blunt side of the sword on knee and hitting him in the head with the butt of Riptide. He was knocked out i checked his pulse and readied for my next battle. They began to blur together slash kick duck roll slash kick duck roll.
Until the second legion when the second was The guy with the bow David atwell son of bachuus he began to fire arrows at me i either dodged or blocked them with my sword going closer and closer. Until i threw my sword right at him the but smashing him inn the nose. I charged smashing him to the ground with my shield and winning. Then the first was bobby. He came out with a large shield and a gladius but unlike the others he didnt just charge he slowed walking in a circle eyeing me carefully. Then we both charged are shields slammed together and we stepped back i struck at him he blocked with his shield and counter struck i doged smashing my shield into his knee he used the force to roll back and hit me with his sword but it bounced of my arm i was confused but took my chance hitting his sword away with my own and placing it on his neck.
"Percy Jackson wins again now Dakota daughter of Trivia" She came out with a wand and a sword and immediately fired a fireball at me i dodged running towards her then dodging again i threw my shield like a frisby right at her she didnt expect it but managed to dodge and yelled "Who are you captain america " I laughed and slashed at her she blocked trying to counter me but i did a move i seemed very familiar with twisting my wrsit and disarming her catching the sword and placing them against her throat. "I win" She looked shocked but couldnt deny it .
"Well done Perseus this is the most people anyone has ever defeated on their first go you have one left temporary head of legion one Reyna Maverick."
She walked out pulling a shield and a spear out of no where the spear wasnt ordinairy it was on fire with a golden tip. She charged stabbing at me with the spear i blocked with my shield feeling the heat and kicked it sideways slicing at her with my sword she blocked it with her own shield spinning away and stabbing again. The match went on like this for a while no one getting the upper hand till i noticed the drainage around thestadium with water and blood smiling from my idea. I kicked her back shot the water at her and summoned a hurrciane throwing it at her , she blew backwards smashing the wall i charged up kicked the spear away and held my blade to her neck. "Perseus Jackson leader of camp and praetor of Legion 1 " They all bowed exept Arianna who ran up and jumped at me i took her in my arms and on impulse kissed her it was short but sweet and their where wolf whistles all round...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
nice nice dude its good keep it up and post soon
and plus you said Hecate shouldn't it be trivia
over a year ago symsym4561 said…
Thanks i changed it i always call the roman one hecate and greek one trivia for some stupid reason

Chapter 4
I broke away from Arianna seriously embarrased wow how did that happen. We looked at each other "Talk later on the beach" And i mouthed seven she nodded taking a step away. I was crowded by campers congratulating me exept Reyna she was in the corner of the arena crying. I drove my way through the campers as they strayed out wow was there that many campers before. "Hey Reyna " She looked up wow she looked happy.
" What are you doin here its time for dinner " she gave me the evil eyes its wierd how all mars kids can do that is it like a curse or a gift.
"I came here to say im sorry for beating you if thats what your crying about " If thats not what she's crying about then then i am confused and i know im not exactly the smartest person but still.
"What thats not it at all, look my boyfriend jason's been missing and he was Praeor you took his job" Oh not expecting that great im the bad guy and wow daughter of Mars in love wieeerdd.
"I'm sorry i didnt know when you find him ill give my post up"
"No you'll have to fight for it Bye!" She walked of angry but hopefully not at me.
i left the arena thinking how in the gods names i can gain at least one enemy plus his others friends in two days and kiss a girl i dont know. It was only 6:30 but i went to the beach anyway. I sat down on a rock and began to think. Well on one hand in the short time id known her she seemed perfect and she was pretty but i dont have any memories what if i get them back and have a girlfriend could i do that to her.

Arriana Same chapter After arena Fight.

I broke away from Percy with a smile on my face i may have only known him for two days but i really liked him he mouthed something like beach seven so i nodded and walked away. I had only just left the arena when lauren caught up with me. " Hey Arianna wow i never thought you were so well you know"
I didnt understand for a sec and i began to think hey wait did she just "I am not you know i really like him and yes two days blah de blah de blah but i honestly do hes amazingand he started it "
She looked at me staring into my eyes neither of us blinked then she relented " Fine you arent you know but he might be as i was leaving the arena he was talking to Reyna." I felt a sudden urge to go back but stopped hes just talking your not even dating calm down .
" I't doesnt matter were not even dating it has nothing to do with me let's go get some food then im going to the beach. "she looked confused i laughed as we whirled round the buildings heading towards the center where the pavilion was.
"Ummmm why are you going to the beach it seems wierd and technically its not a beach its sand by a lake."
"Percy asked me to meet him there after dinner around seven " Her face got interested .
Just then we arrived at the pavilion. "Your coming to my cabin after and telling me everything kay" She said with a perky smile and skipped into the cabin , wow venus girl moment much.
I strode in and walked to my table "Hey guys" They all looked up smiles on their faces .
"Hey sooo Percy" Said one of the girls whose name was something like sarah .
"Yeah percy "i replied . Then the food appeared and i began to eat staring at my plate i could feel they're gaze until sarah burst .
"Oh come on spill you guys just kissed are you dating or what " Oh great venus has taken control of the camp where's the alarm button i may have to kill them all.
"Look we kissed i like him i think he likes me we are going to talk later now leave it ." She looked shocked but did as i asked and left it oh yeah rulaer of the camp come on .
The rest of the dinner blurred until i found myself walking to the beach wondering why percy never showed up at dinner.

Percy Same chapter.

I had been sitting their for a while when i saw her walk onto to the beach i jogged over "Hey Arrianna " She looked over wow does the moonlight make everyone look prettier or just her, hey damn it percy get your head together you gotta get to know her tell her the speech and let her decide you love struck wierdo.
" Hey percy " She said her cute blue eyes staring into my own.
"Look Arrianna i do really like you but i think we should get to know each other before rushing into anything so my name's Percy i dont remember a thing ,i lead legion 1 and i feel really stupid right now. " She laughed oh great yeah i made a fool of myself yeah lets get to know eachoffer oh wait i dont even know me.
"Well as you already know my name is Arriana. I'm from LA i live with my movie star Mom but you wont know her because since my dad left she stopped making movies because she was too sad plus you wont remember seeing it. I like archery and isinging and im sorry for that harsh joke. "
Wow shes like me talk talk talk " Wow sorry about your mom . Look i do really like you and i like you more and more every minute and i want to date you but i dont remember my past so i might have a girlfriend and that would hurt you so it's up to you if you want to risk it i will if you don't i understand " She staired of into space thinking wow i wonder what shes thinking and why shes taking so long then she began.
"I choose to Aaaaaah " She was snatched by a hand from the ground and disappeared.
" What no bring her back bring her back!" I was punching the floor she had been where could she have gone i never even got to hear her answer...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blackNblue said…
Wow, your fanfic is so awesome! Post soon :)
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
hmmmm sorry but i can not stop laughing! pice of advice? percy is sooooooooo not that ummm..... wierd? i dont know alli know s that my name is greekgrlA and your storie sounds like a spoof of somebody elses.
over a year ago symsym4561 said…
Chapter 5 Percy
Sorry i took so long Prophecy's are really hard mine is longer than most and not as good as Ricks but i think its ok. And when is percy any wierder in this than in Ricks he's wierd in that
I ran straight back to camp and to the senate building whcih was in the middle of camp next to the arena not far from the cabins. I ran straight in not bothering to knock.Lupa was there i bowed quickly "Lupa Arriana was j-just swallowed into the ground."
"It is finally showing itself the reason the gods have been queit ,you may not have heard but for a month the gods have sent no messages dreams or anything and i have been unauthorized to tell you but now it has shown itself. It is Terra the earth she is awakening we must call a meeting."
I was shocked Gaea i mean terra mother earth was awakening you'd think she'd be good not evil."But isn't Terra good she's mother earth "
"No she is evil the mother of the titans and the gia- it doesnt matter sound the horn." Then magically a conch horn sounded three long notes. I waited a few minutes until all the legion leaders and second plus the cabin leaders arrived and took there pplaces in the large circular room with marble floor and benches spinning up in the ancient rome style architecture. "You sit on my right Percy as the leader of camp." I walked up and sat down next to her looking at all the curious faces assembled there were at least fortykids there from 14 to 18 all dressed in mixtures of purple tops and armour.
"You have been assembled here because there is a new threat and the Next great prophecy is starting." The crowd broke into whispers "Silence most of you know the next great prophecy but ill say it again for those of you who do not
Seven Half-Bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.
I knew that prophecy from somewhere but didnt want to say.

While i was thinking Reyna put her hand up "Lupa how do you know its starting now and Arriana's not here"
I know because Arriana was kidnapped by Terra not long ago and now we must send a quest led by one of you to get her and one of you must get the Oracle so that she can say the prophecy for this new quest."
Everyone was suprised and began whispering amongst eachother until the oracle came She was a girl Maybe 14 with blue hair but plain looking for some reason i pictured mummy. She went to the center of the room and looked at Lupa .
"Oracle where will Arrianna be found "
The girl began to hover above the ground other than Lauren who i had just noticed in the row behind me no one eemed very freaked out by this when she reached the center she began spewing Orange smoke and said

The one from the sea knows the way
Travel north to the fires jail
To lands of ice and storm
Three keys to find within the stone
Friends lost shall be found
And joined with vines and water bound
Only two shall be on this quest
But the sun will meet them in the west.
last edited over a year ago