The Heroes of Olympus The Olympus Initiative

losthero5 posted on Aug 20, 2011 at 12:12AM
This has nothing to do with the HoO series

This story has been bouncing around and growing in my head for years. I never got the chance to type it up because when I did, I lost my train of thought. But this is one solid piece of the story and can give you. I want to know whether a writer like you likes it or not.

Synopsis: Kenn Butler knew he wasn't normal. But there wasn't much to prove it. Only surviving electrocution was his abnormal part of him. And there were plenty of stories like that. Little did he know, that is what was so special about him. Kenn and 7 other friends were part of a high profile government project called "Olympus", inspired by all of the stories about superhuman warriors created by the general public. They were given an injection at birth, which enhanced their physical abilities. They were never given the second injection that brought them to full power, due to the violent reaction caused by it. Only one, Sergio, was given the second injection because his powers controlled something the military was familiar with. Mechanics. Until they hit 14, the age they can take the injection at, they must rely on weapons that they are supplied. However a threat already has emerged, and will stop at nothing to kill them and the U.S. government... (Wow I already revised this at least twice to improve it...)

These events occur right after they receive training from Navy SEALs during winter break, not a week before school begins.
(I’m not much of a writer, so let’s give this a shot! This is told from Kenn's point of view)

The Heroes of Olympus 4 replies

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over a year ago losthero5 said…
This story has been bouncing around and growing in my head for years. I never got the chance to type it up because when I did, I lost my train of thought. But this is one solid piece of the story and can give you. I want to know whether a writer like you likes it or not.

Synopsis: Kenn Butler knew he wasn't normal. But there wasn't much to prove it. Only surviving electrocution was his abnormal part of him. And there were plenty of stories like that. Little did he know, that is what was so special about him. Kenn and 7 other friends were part of a high profile government project called "Olympus", inspired by all of the stories about superhuman warriors created by the general public. They were given an injection at birth, which enhanced their physical abilities. They were never given the second injection that brought them to full power, due to the violent reaction caused by it. Only one, Sergio, was given the second injection because his powers controlled something the military was familiar with. Mechanics. Until they hit 14, the age they can take the injection at, they must rely on weapons that they are supplied. However a threat already has emerged, and will stop at nothing to kill them and the U.S. government... (Wow I already revised this at least twice to improve it...)

These events occur right after they receive training from Navy SEALs during winter break, not a week before school begins.
(I’m not much of a writer, so let’s give this a shot! This is told from Kenn's point of view)
Most schools have a nice auditorium or at least an assembly area. My school uses the church basement next door. I mean it did have nice lighting and everything, so it didn't look TOO much like a basement, but if we could afford to remodel a new campus, couldn’t we afford putting a small assembly hall? Nope. Go figure. But we weren’t complaining. After all of the training over winter break, we were ready to assimilate back to our old life. No weapons, no top secret whatever. Just boring teachers and good laughs. Of course it wouldn’t be like that for long... No stop thinking like that. Get back to reality. I sighed and followed the rest of the class across the snow covered parking lot. Behind me, Shelder started talking
"Yo dog, why do we get the ghettoest stuff at this school?"
"What happened?" I said, slowing my pace a little.
"It’s only the 2nd football man, SECOND! And the stupid principle said we ain’t getting a new one until spring!"
"What the hell? Cheap little school..."
"I know right?! Damn guys can’t even get a proper basketball hoop!" Keanu said
"Forget hoops, jerks can’t even get god damn grass on the place." Dylan muttered
I grunted in agreement "What kind of school has a parking lot for a playing field?!"
Maya overheard us and came over "All that complaining and yet that doesn’t stop any of you from playing football, now does it?" We all grinned at that.
"Well we're just awesome like that" I said.
She smiled a little and rolled her eyes “You’re all hopeless" she said. Then she walked back up the line to chat with the girls who were already inside. I watched her hair for a bit, curious for no reason in particular.
"You sure you don't want to tell her?" Richard asked, walking down the stairs with everyone.
"Huh?" I said, trying to act dumb.
"You know what I’m talking about" he replied, giving me a look.
I stared down. I knew Maya should just be told for her own sake, but some part of me resisted. She was cute, nice, had stellar grades, and most importantly, a life. Not quite like us misfits.
"Soon, I'll tell her" I muttered.
"And I’m white. Look, whoever "they" are, they know that she is one of us!" Us like were different. Nice. “And when she gets hurt, captured and interrogated, what the hell can she say? When they figure out she doesn’t know anything her head is-"
"Shut up, Richard, alright?" I said "Were more than capable of fighting. And I will tell her, now calm down,"
He gave me a 'yeah-right' look, then sighed and gave up. He walked across the basement to go sit with Dylan and Sergio, who seemed to be looking at something on the floor. I could only imagine what it was. Probably some sort of new weapon Sergio managed to make.
I sat down behind Shelder. I was well aware of Maya right behind me. I pulled out my phone about 5 minutes into the period. The principle, Mr. Lipman (no joke) was not the most interesting speaker out there, so you can only listen to so many of his "You can do it!" speeches, before wanting to compare him to Rebecca Black.
The phone had been tricked out by the techies at the Pentagon, so now it could do some sick things, like a 3D terrain projector for battle planning and my personal favorite, the laser cutter. It kills the battery though. I opened up a browser and just did some random Google searches that were blazingly fast. Ok, so maybe some top secret things were cool. I settled for some Eddie Murphy comedy and fed my earbuds through my shirt.
It happened about half way through the period. One moment, I was listening about how big MJ's lips were; the next, some sort of interference, like something was trying to talk louder than the YouTube video. I frowned and pulled out my phone. Eddie wasn't moving, but there was a pulsing red bad on the top of the screen. Aw you got to be kidding. No, no, don’t think like that it might just be someone who knows my number... Yeah, like I was that lucky. I tapped the pulsing bar apprehensively.
"Hello?" I whispered through the earbud mike
"Alpha-one-Bravo, this is Mike-one-Romeo, do you copy, over?" crackled a deep male voice.
I moaned internally. Why? Not even a week! Not even a week and they were contacting me!
"Mike-one-Romeo this is Alpha-one-bravo, it’s Friday and you already have news for me? This better be real good, over."
"This is Mike-one-Romeo it’s REALLY good and REALLY bad." Oh no..."Just depends on how you look at it. We figured out who hacked our base a few minutes ago." Maybe it's not so bad after all. "It’s the North Koreans"
"Huh that’s a little surprising. Not that surprising though. It was bound to happen someday" I responded. Thankfully, no teachers were nearby.
"Yeah? Well then you won't like this." You have got to be-! “They didn't like it, it seems like they got the wrong wind of things and they have sent over a massive force. It seems like they have taken over Logan Airport and have grounded all flights, they've also sent away all flights, claiming there has been a gas attack, which there has, unfortunately." Oh this keeps getting better and better "All of Boston and the surrounding areas have been attacked with a powerful sleeping gas, over."
"Sleeping gas? That’s a negative over Cambridge. Everybody here is wide awake." I said
"The Koreans just sprayed Cambridge about a minute ago. You should put on your masks soon. They have seemed to plan on a hit-and-run. Get what they want and leave. This won’t go responded, but it’s a little ah, chaotic. We launched a strike force about 10 minutes ago, and thankfully there was a tanker on standby, but by then they could be gone... over"
"Good God... this is Alpha-one-Bravo. I copy. What are my orders, over?"
"This is Mike-one-Romeo this is straight from the top brass: Alpha team will counter and eliminate all hostiles in the area. Capture and secure any personnel with commanding power. That is all. I'm going to patch a live feed of enemy forces throughout the city on the terrain map. Get your gear, and meet up with Alpha-one-Charlie and Delta. They are moving to meet up with you at rally point Gamma ASAP. You have 20 minutes, over. I'll contact you later about an extraction. Also, command says that you can reveal yourself to public if you wish."
"Now there’s a surprise... this is Alpha-one-Bravo. Unit copies all, over and out."
And then Eddie Murphy came back. I had to smile at that. I tapped the pause button and locked the phone. Eddie could come later. I took a deep breath, set my shoulders, and tapped Shelder’s shoulder and began whispering into his ear.
"We have an I.D. on the hostiles. It's the North Koreans”
"You would`ve figured it was the Chinese" he murmured
"Same, now here’s the problem, they've attacked Boston and are planning a hit-and-run to either capture or kill us, and we have no idea."
He sighed and hung his head down, and his veins started to swell on his neck. It happens when he gets angry.
"It's our job now to attack. We’re going to meet Ale and Chris over at Twin City Plaza. They gassed us just now so use your respirator. Go tell the others."
He nodded. “What about Blondie?" he said.
I considered that for a moment.
"We'll leave her here. Nothing’s going to happen." I replied
He gave me a that’s-what-we-always-say look and went off to the back of the basement. I pulled a respirator out of my pocket. It was going in my mouth when the first person fell. I turned around to see what the three of them thought about what shelder said. They obviously weren’t impressed. They all had looks that clearly said: oh come ON! It goes to show how impressed we were with this.
Shelder came back after getting scolded by the teacher. She told him to meet her afterschool. He sat down and leaned back with a smile still on his face. I could understand why. Lady, we won’t be here!
“Not impressed either, are they?” I asked.
“Except Sergio, but I think we both saw that coming.”
“Yeah, any questions they had?”
“Yeah, rules of openness and if we were going to get some CAS”
“Openness; they gave us a choice. I chose no. you good with that?”
He considered it then nodded “It’s too early” he said. Then he put a hand up with one finger up.
“What about CAS?” he asked, putting his hand back down.
“Close air support… It should be something good, no promises.”
He put his hand up with a thumbs-up. At the same time, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone slump in their chair. I instantly closed my nose and put the respirator over my mouth. Everyone else immediately covered their mouths discretely, pinching their noses as well. It was over in about 5 minutes. Everyone was confused when it started happening, but chances are that they won’t remember anything but a bad headache.
The moment the last student gave in to the gas, the back three guys and Shelder began jogging to the exit. We had full chemical warfare suits back at the school building (Where no one could see, obviously). I stayed back for a second and looked at Maya, who had her head rested on some other girls shoulder. Some part of me felt like I should’ve told her before this happened, but it probably would’ve gotten me nowhere. Actually, she’d probably believe me more now that this had happened. I patted her shoulder, and jogged away to meet up with the rest of the group.
That’s all until I can write the next chapter. Tell me what you think?!
over a year ago losthero5 said…
PS the 7 other friends are
-Shelder-black. Completely buff, average height, and has a very dark black skin tone. He gets quiet when someone gets him really angry. And you don’t want to be within 10 feet of him when he does.
-Dylan- black. Very cocky, very short. He has a fairly average skin tone. Has a good sense of humor and knows how to win.
-Maya- white. When she becomes a fighter later, she will be very smart and also quick on her feet. She will also have remarkable medical knowledge. Slightly short and modest. Well, most of the time anyway.
-Richard- black. A fairly quiet person most of the time, but can get loud when voicing his opinions or when just having a good time. Tall and has long legs. Amazing footwork skills.
-Alejandro (different school)-Latino. He is an amusing El Salvadorian with some hot blood. Average height and skin tone. A slight pyromaniac and loves anything to do with rocks and minerals.
-Chris (different school)-white. He’s pretty much Dylan’s white counter-part. Cocky and short. Loves water based sports and has a mild interest in other universes
-Sergio- Latino. He is a very tall Spanish kid with a light skin tone. He’s also an amazing gamer and computer whiz. He has an equal talent with weapons, even though he rarely used one until now.
All of the "code names" are military alphabet. I’ll explain that next time.
over a year ago HecateA said…
Ooh, Ahh! Very cool, I love it! Keep posting!
over a year ago losthero5 said…
By the time I had caught up with the rest of the guys, I was a little annoyed. I had already run through two doorways that looked like someone had kicked in their doors. See, we try our best not to absolutely destroy things. Kind of gives us away, you know? So it`s not very subtle when a pair of doors are 10 feet from where their supposed to be with foot impressions on them. At least they had the decency to put in the code on the bunker, which was on the roof of the building. Camouflaged and protected, obviously. I stepped into the first chamber and let the sleeping gas get replaced with some clean air. An airtight door closed behind me, and another opened in front of me with a hiss, Star Wars style. Then I stepped into the fairly large operations room. To be honest it was my first time in there, and I was impressed.
At least 100 weapons lined an 8-foot high wall. There were sniper rifles, assault rifles, portable machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, the list goes on. Sergio and Richard were gearing up and testing the feel of the weapons. Ammunition was neatly stacked in a corner with a “DO NOT APPROACH WITH FLAMMABLES” sign. On the other side, there were a few comfy looking bunks, a mini gym, 2 showers, and a bathroom. There was a fridge which I guess had some rations for anyone who needed to survive a zombie apocalypse. The top door was open and Dylan seemed to be hunting for ice cream.
The most impressive part though, was the center of the room. A pentagon of huge glass panels sat on top of a circular table, which was lined with executive chairs. The panels seemed to be separate screens for computers, which looked like they were in all in standby mode, except for one, which had a terrain map slowly swiveling around. Shelder was staring intently at it swiping his hand across the screen every now and then. None of them acknowledged me, but things were tense right now so it was no surprise.
I walked over to where Shelder was standing and asked
“What`s it look like?”
He glanced at me and moved over so I could get a better view.
“They don’t have good Intel on where we are, because they seem to be doing searches of all of the schools in Cambridge.”
“How big are the search parties?”
“They`re about twenty troops and two light armors per squad. BTR-60`s by the looks of it. There seem to be four squads.”
“How did they get a cargo plane over here without NATO knowing?” Dylan asked, he had wandered over, holding a bowl of cookie dough ice cream.
“First thing I thought. It seems like a threating call that they could fly around the world. Remember, on CNN?”
Dylan nodded. By now, everyone had walked over and was listening in.
“Well put it dumb and straight, they took the threat idea to a new level and attacked us.”
“There has to be some sort of motive though, even with all of that propaganda, they`re in no shape to win a war against us.” Sergio pointed out.
Shelder was about to answer but I intervened.
“We`ll find out when this mess is dealt with. For now, let`s focus on the priorities. How are we going to deal with the search parties and capture Logan? We needed to make the best of our time. So here’s the plan: Sergio, take Dylan and hit the two units making their way into West Cambridge. Limit deaths, I want as many as I can alive. Do your best not to go loud as well.”
They both nodded
“Good, as for the rest of us, we will intercept the third team heading over to this building, and then meet up with the other two at twin city plaza. From there, we hit the fourth team, go through the Callahan tunnel and capture Logan.”
“It’s a good plan, but you need some better Intel if you want to get that air support and your life.” Said a voice from the computer.
I turned around, mildly surprised.
“How long have you been listening in?” I asked
“The moment your computer was on. Now, first’s things first: We got Intel from some satellite photos that there are some Pl-12 SAMs there. But there are no radar dishes, so we’re guessing that they are coordinating with the conquered ATC to launch missiles. Your air cover has just entered the detection radius, but it will be a while before they are detected. We sent you some Raptors from the 1st Fighter Wing.”
“That’s good to know, anything else?”
“Yeah, Sergio, that back and orange box over in the ammo corner has those finished Optix glasses.”
We had no idea what he was talking about, but Sergio`s eyes light up. “Alright, that’s what I`m talking about!” he said then made his way over to the little ammo dump.
I turned back to the monitor. “Anything else Mike-one-Romeo?” I asked.
“You get to use your new call signs” then the line went into static, he had ended the call.
“Well talk about a brief sitrep” Shelder muttered
“Tell me about it Reaper-one” I said
He grinned “Zeus-one does fit you”
I smiled and turned to Sergio, who was busy opening up the box that Mike-one-Romeo was talking about.
“What was that Optix thing he was talking about?” Richard asked, beating me to the question.
“Back at the Pentagon, I was working on something to replace the Land Warrior system because it was outdated. So I made my own system. It’s pretty much a pair os sun glasses that give you a feeling like you have video game eyes.”
He began tossing the glasses to everyone. They looked pretty normal, except for the wire running down to a black battery pack.
“What exactly can I do?”
“Well your squad leader, so you can tag enemies, friendlies, I also managed to integrate your guns with it, so different types of reticules will come up for separate gun types. Anyone can call airstrikes too. You use your options with a little dial and two buttons. One is back and one is select.”
“You developed this in a month?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“Like you said, I`m just awesome like that, now try them on!”
I rolled my eyes and put the pack in a pocket on the table. I switched it on and put on the sunglasses.
And I was blown away for the second time that day.
It was like a video game. Everyone who was wearing the system had little green boxes on their chests. There was a small map in the top corner. I fingered the dial and a small menu popped up with an array of options.
“This is freaking awesome.” Dylan said.
Sergio laughed then nodded to me “Hey get geared up, we got 5 minutes left.”
I walked over to the wall and picked up my assortment which consisted of:
2 H&K MP7 submachine guns
1 H&K G36C assault rifle fully equipped
1 MGL Mark 14 grenade launcher
5 M84 Stun grenades
5 M67 grenades
And all my ammo for it, of course.
When I picked up the assault rifle, a small box appeared on the lower right area of my vision. It showed how many bullets I had in my magazine, how many magazines I had, AND weather I was in semi-automatic, automatic, or safety mode. Like Sergio had promised, wherever I pointed my gun, a small crosshair followed. I shook my head.
“Technology is crazy man” I said to nobody in particular, walking back to the rest of the guys
“So we all ready to get some action for the first time??” I asked
“Yessir!” They replied.
I nodded and snapped my mask on “Lets kick some a$$”
last edited over a year ago