The Heroes of Olympus SeaweedBrain101's Heroes of Olympus

SeaweedBrain101 posted on Aug 13, 2011 at 10:22AM
hope you guys like it!


Now I must tell you that this "book" doesn't have Percy in it SO FAR (I know. sad isn't it?) but he WILL be in it, so keep reading! It DOES have quite a few characters that you will know and the new characters are REALLY cool. Everyone i know says that it's a pretty cool version so i thought it would be good for you guys to read it. This is bassicaly what it's about. I call it 'Heroes of Olympus, The Nine Muses:

Gaia is awakening…

Gaia has opened the gates of the underworld and is planning to destroy Olympus.
Her son Porphyrion, the giant king, has captured all the nine muses.
But as Porphyron was sailing across the ocean, Poseidon (or Neptune) sent a storm to sink his ship.
The nine muses got separated in the storm and were washed up on different shores.
Without the muses safely back at Mount Olympus the giants will conquer over the gods and destroy the world.

Will the Olympians find all the nine muses and bring them back to Olympus before it is too late? And why does Taylor think there's a bigger plan behind all of this?
last edited on Aug 28, 2011 at 01:11AM

The Heroes of Olympus 30 replies

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over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
Please feel free to comment! I hope you guys think it's ok!

Chapter 1:


Well Taylor's demigod life basically started like this:

'Aaaaahh!!!' She said as the fire-breathing lunatic taxi driver chased her through the busy morning traffic of Miami, missing her by millimetres as she dived for her life into a side street. ‘Can’t you get a decent taxi driver around here?’ The taxi’s wheels screeched as it turned to follow her. There was a large dumpster bin ahead of her. She knocked the bin over, completely blocking the taxi's path as she darted out into the main square, brushing her annoying golden-blond hair out of her deep brown eyes. Why did this always happen to her? Couldn’t god make someone else other than her unlucky for a change? She guessed not as the taxi lifted up into the air and flew strait over the turned over dumpster and gained speed. Great. Flying cars. Completely normal. Taylor cursed and ran through a door into the nearest building, almost crashing into an old lady crossing the road.

Judging by the the complete silence and the millions of books stacked everywhere, she had run into a closed library. The librarian looked up with a dull expression. 'Library's closed. Get lost.' Well that was a very nice way to greet a customer, Taylor thought as she nervously watched the taxi driver screech to a stop and get out of the car. He then did the strangest thing: He sniffed the air, as if trying to pick up her scent even though she was about a mile away, but hey, that was nothing compared to what had been happening that week.

For the past week, ever since she turned thirteen, monsters big and small were chasing her around like crazy. Her record was four monsters in twenty-four hours, not including the evil waitress who had tried to serve her toxic acid instead of lemonade. She had no idea what was going on, but that was also normal. Taylor has never met her parents. She doesn't even know who they are. She’d been kicked out of five orphanages so far - long story - and she seriously didn’t want to get kicked out again. The only thing her parents gave her was a stupid empty old locket on a rusty gold chain. And how do you think the cops are going to react when she says a lunatic taxi driver blew up the city. If the cops ask her who her parents are, and her only answer is "I don't know" you'd probably think that she was some kind of crazy rebel. And she couldn't have the cops look for her again. Not now. But she couldn't really walk out there and become barbeque either. She had to think of something intelligent to say like: 'So how’s your day going?' Taylor said to the librarian as the taxi driver got closer. 'I'm sorry, can't you read?' the librarian pointed at the sign hanging on the door. 'We're C.L.O.S.E.D.' Taylor was starting to panic. The taxi driver was only a few feet away, and he wasn't going to give up now. She needed a plan. She needed to focus. But focusing was probably her least successful quality. 'Listen girly, either get out now or I'm calling the cops.' said the librarian as the taxi driver reached the door. Taylor then did the stupidest thing she’d ever done: She charged the driver. At first he was stunned at the attack, but unfortunately, he came to his senses quite quickly. He tossed Taylor off as if she were a ragdoll. She landed in a big pile of books about three feet away. It was his turn to charge. He ran at her, arms out-stretched like claws. Wait a second! He didn't run… He slithered.

The first thought Taylor had was: How on earth did he fit in the car? He was massive! Now that he (it?) was close up she could see that his top half was normal...mostly. Except for the evil red eyes, sharp talons instead of hands, the deadly sharp devils horns and the smoke coming from his mouth. The bottom half was like a giant serpent. He could squeeze the living daylights out of her with that thing. ‘Why do you want to kill me? What did I do?’ she asked, but apparently he couldn’t talk. That was fine by her. The last monster was sooooo annoying, it just couldn’t stop talking. It was more likely she would have died from boredom of its voice than its giant, deadly crab claws.

The librarian looked confused, as if she was trying to let the scene sink in. But seriously, wasn’t a murderous half-snake enough to get the point through? But for some reason, she didn’t react. In fact, she didn’t do anything except stare and look nervous, as if trying to recognise something she should have been able to recognise…

Taylor let her instincts take over. She grabbed the closest thing: "The Odyssey, by Homer" hardcover and swung with all her might at his face. It would have knocked him out cold if she hadn't realised sooner that his skin was made of copper… and his scales, were steaming…he was a screwed up evil fire breathing snake robot. He staggered into a bookshelf, tipping it on top of him, books tumbling on top of his head and covering him completely. Then everything went quiet again. Maybe he’s dead, she thought hopefully, but she knew better. No way one little bookshelf could kill something like that. She summed up the odds. A giant, deathly, fire breathing snake robot vs. a thirteen year old girl with no fighting experience whatsoever holding a book. She then decided what she would do next. Run!

Taylor raced out the door, still holding the Odyssey. ‘I’ll pay for it later!’ she shouted to the librarian, who still looked bewildered. Normally she wouldn’t leave a monster with a defenceless person, (wait a second, Taylor was also a defenceless person!) but she figured the monster was only after her. Therefore if she ran outside, it would follow her and not try and kill the innocent librarian. Taylor ran as fast as she could. She looked over her shoulder and saw the snake-guy stand up, screaming in rage. He picked up the bookshelf as if it weighed nothing and hurtled it at the window, smashing it into a million pieces of glass. He then completely set fire to the library. The librarian ran out of the building screaming. Taylor hoped there wasn’t anyone else in that library. And it looked like today was her lucky day because the library was right next to the gas station. As the fire moved in next door it ignited with the gas, making one of the most loudest and obvious explosions ever. Don’t attract cops: check. Crowds of people ran from the scene as the mechanical monster slithered out of the window without a single scratch, searching the mass crowd. Now what? She’d run out of ideas. Her brain was numb from too much unbelievable information. She tried to blend into the crowd. ‘Come on Taylor, focus’, she muttered to herself as she scanned the area. She spotted a small brown leather backpack lying on the ground next to a café table, obviously left by someone and forgotten in the rush to get out of here. She ran over to the bag and checked to see what was inside it: An iPhone, useful for normal people, but who could she call? A wallet… maybe later, if she survived that long. A pocket knife, yeah right, she’d more likely stab herself before the monster, and a water bottle. That gave her an idea… water. The half metal snake guy was basically a metal robot right? And like all electricity-operated things, they can die if water gets in their system. But this wasn’t enough water to destroy a giant robot killing machine. She searched the panicking area, looking for water. ‘Aha!’ Taylor said as she spotted the city water tower through the crowd. She put “the Odyssey” into the backpack. ‘Mr Snake-guy, you’re going down.’
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
Let me know if you think the chapters are too long.
over a year ago Zobar said…
Hell No!!

Post soooonn!!
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
omg! thanx Zobar! you're my first reply!
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
but seriously guys, are the chapters too long? cuz if they are i can shorten them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
People. i'm sorry but im gonna use the same tactic fman172 used. i can not write any more chapters if no one comments! i at least need three more comments. (i know i sound desprate but it's only because i have the next chapter ready to go!)
over a year ago Zobar said…
big smile
You have me=D

Post sooooooon!
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
big smile
Anddd Me!(: Great chappters
over a year ago fman172 said…
PSOT! whoops POST!
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
Yay! thanx guys! that's 3 comments! ok...

Chapter 2:


‘Hey hot head! Looking for someone!?!’ The fire breathing metal reptile swung around to face Taylor’s direction. And she was half hoping he wouldn’t, but that was part of the plan. His glowing red eyes reflected pure hate. He started slithering towards her. He was really fast for a snake, which didn’t make Taylor feel any better. She shouldered the backpack and raced away for all her life was worth in the direction of the water tower. He followed her.

The water tank was four blocks away. She seriously hoped she would be able to make it that long. It was very unlikely. The metal snake robot guy was now pegging fire balls at her. The flaming balls of fire missed her by centimetres, but she wouldn’t let herself die. She had the rest of her life to live. She dodged a person who was obviously too shocked to get out of the way. She was two blocks away…one block… She was going to make it! That’s when everything went wrong.

She turned the last corner and stopped. A guy, fourteen…maybe fifteen years old, was standing in between her and the water tank. He had shockingly pale skin and dark shadows under his eyes, jet black hair, jeans, and a black T-shirt with a skull and cross bone print on the front. He didn’t look surprised when he saw her panicked face. He didn’t even look surprised when he saw why she was panicking. ‘Stand back’, he said to her, as if he dealt with giant evil mechanical snakes all the time. She darted out of the way just in time. The monster crashed into the scene and landed right where she was standing only moments before. The fourteen year old guy unsheathed a sword the colour of death, which matched his appearance perfectly. The snake man saw Taylor first. The mechanical monster slithered so quickly towards her that she was sure it was her ADHD playing up. He was about to strike her down when something, a soft-drink can, hit him in the face. ‘Hey! Pick on someone your own size!’ the fourteen year old shouted as the snake man noticed him for the first time. The evil metal snake man forgot Taylor and approached the boy with the sword. ‘Er… you’re not exactly “his own size”, Taylor said to the boy as he slowly backed away from the snake. ‘I’ll just keep him distracted; you just get out of here.’ That was very tempting, but Taylor couldn’t leave this guy with this thing alone. The snake man lunged at the boy, aiming at his face, but the boy deflected the attack and slashed his sword across the snake’s body. For such a deadly looking sword it only left a small scratch on the monsters chest. The boy was a great fighter. They fought furiously, but it was obvious that the boy wasn’t doing any damage to the monster. Soon he would get tired and the monster would win. So that left Taylor with the massive water tower. She found the metal ladder and started climbing. The water was up very high and it would be a long fall if she lost her grip. Her real trouble was how she was going to get the water to poor down on top of the metal snake man. She reached the top and looked down. She wished she hadn’t. The boy wasn’t going so well. He was definitely tiring and the snake man had started breathing fire. Even though he deflected most of the fire with his sword, the boy had burn marks all over his body and the monster still looked just as angry as ever.

There was a really strong wind up on the tower. Taylor walked around the outside of the tower along the narrow metal platform. She couldn’t find an opening anywhere. She was seriously hoping there would be a “in case of emergencies, please open this door” sign somewhere but she knew that would be too lucky for her. She was quickly loosing hope. Then she felt something cold drop on her head. She looked up and saw a small leak in the wall. The cement must have cracked under the pressure of the water. If she could just open it up a little more somehow… then she remembered the pocket knife in the backpack. She quickly rummaged around for it… She couldn’t find it. It must have fallen out some time while she was running for her life. She cursed her bad luck. Then she saw it. It was on the ground right next to the edge of the platform. Below was a giant drop. She carefully walked over to it, trying not to make the platform vibrate. She bent down slowly and reached out to grab it. Suddenly there was a massive gust of wind and the pocket knife fell over the edge. ‘No!’ she screamed and she dove after it.

She caught the pocket knife in mid-air with her left hand, her right hand clinging to the railing. It took all her strength to hoist herself up again. She heard someone scream out in pain from below. She slid the knife into the crack in the wall and levered it back and forward. It opened a bit more. From inside the tower came a satisfying breaking sound of a structure under too much pressure. Lots more water poured from the gap. That’s when Taylor realized that if she didn’t get down from the tower the water wasn’t going to be the only thing to fall from this height. She shoved the knife into the pocket in her jeans and grabbed the leather bag. She raced across the railing and climbed down the ladder like she’d never climbed before. She was halfway down the ladder when the tower completely exploded. Pieces of cement and metal platform flew everywhere. Water rushed out in every direction, completely drenching Taylor and forcing her to lose her grip. She fell from about ten feet with the tidal wave of water and hit the ground hard. Her feet crumpled beneath her and she felt a terrible pain in her left leg, that wasn’t good, most likely broken. She watched as the water completely drowned the snake guy…and the boy.
over a year ago fman172 said…
No! Nico hang on there! (Ya I know it's Nico)
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
ha ha ha! yeah, i kind of made it a bit obvious! oh, by the way, next chapter will be posted Monday... afternoon. cant post it in the morning cuz of skool.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
its good!!! i hope u keep writing!!! i hope u can read my SoN...good job!!! its excellent!!! laugh it out
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
thanx! what's you SoN called? i wanna read it! sounds good
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
cool great awesome. could you read my SoN
over a year ago emily427079 said…
this story is amazing.
but don't kill off nico!
that would be terrible ):
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
to pjlover212051- sure! luv 2. what's it called?
to emily427079- thanx! and you'll c. dont wanna spoil it.

and you guys, guess what? it's Monday afternoon! that can only mean 1 thing... *drumroll* ... Next chapter!

Chapter 3:


When the water subsided, the metal snake robot was sparking at the neck, still standing upright, and for one scary second she thought he was still alive. Then the snake guy exploded, parts of him flying everywhere. She stood up, her T-shirt and jeans were dripping wet and her worn out sneakers were soaked through, making her feet cold. One of the metal snake man’s arms came flying at Taylors face. She ducked as it soared over her head. ‘Yeah that’s right. You just got owned, you big piece of scrap metal!’ But her smile quickly ran away from her face as some parts of the monster started moving… coming back together, but it was not like the actual pieces were moving, it was almost like the ground was dragging them. ‘Come on! Can’t you just die already!?!’ Taylor stood up. A massive, intense pain went through her body as she remembered her busted leg. She started limping over to the boy, it was so painful she wanted to throw up but she had to get them both to safety before the monster was fully formed. The boy was unconscious. She didn’t know how she could tell from so far away but she knew she was right. She was horrified. How could she kill someone that had tried to save her? She managed to drag him over behind a small building just as the last pieces of the metal snake guy came back together.

The mechanical man/snake stood up and started sniffing the air. It looked like the water had damaged his wires, making it harder to pick up their sent. It also looked like he couldn’t breathe fire any more, thank god. They had roughly two minutes to get out of there before they were exterminated. She bent over the boy to see how much damage had been done. It was bad. He had burn marks from head to toe and his clothes were ripped and scorched. She saw a massive bruise coming from his forehead and his right arm was in a funny position. He was dripping wet with both the water from the tower and the blood from his wounds. He didn’t seem to be breathing. ‘If I have killed an innocent boy that saved my life I will never forgive myself.’ She put her hand on his forehead and a massive shock spread through her body. She felt a flood of warmth starting from her hand and working its way up into all of her senses. All of a sudden she knew how much pain he was in, and how to fix it. Her skin tingled as she put all her focus into the bruise on his head, the scratches and burns on his body, his broken arm, and lastly his lungs, forcing them to work again. His forehead was getting seriously hot. So hot that it burned Taylor’s hand, but she kept her hand touching his skin. The wounds started to heal themselves, the bruise faded to nothing, the bones in his arm moved back into place, and he started to breathe again. His eyes slowly opened. She took her hand off his forehead, completely dumbfounded at what she had just done. How the heck had she managed to do that? The boy spoke. ‘I thought I… How did you…?’ He sat up, coughing and spluttering. He leaned his back against the wall of the building, his clothes were dry. Taylor replied, ‘Apparently I’m not sure.’ She’d never been able to do something like that. She’d never even taken nursing school! Then again, she’d never met a giant killer snake robot either. ‘What happened to the Cecrops?’ the boy asked. ‘The what?’ Taylor had no idea what he meant, or what language that was. ‘The snake guy, what happened to him?’ Taylor’s face paled as she remembered why she had hidden behind the building. She looked over to where the snake guy was. He had finally picked up there scent and was now slithering towards them, following his nose. She stood up and grabbed the backpack, her clothes were completely dry. ‘We have to get out of here. Now.’

The boy stood up and picked up his sword, strapping it back onto his belt. ‘Why? Didn’t you kill him?’ he already knew the answer by looking at Taylor’s facial expression. ‘He basically exploded, but then he started coming back together, and he’s heading straight for us.’ The boy cursed, in some different language she had never heard before, something like Greek. He got the message. They snuck around the other side of the building and ran towards the cinemas in the centre of town. Taylor glanced behind her just enough to see the not so fire breathing snake man turn the corner of the building and look exactly where they were hiding before. He roared in anger and smashed a hole in the wall of the building. Then a sudden thought occurred to her. Her left leg had been completely broken before, she knew it had, and yet when she healed the boy she could stand up as if it was never broken, that is so not normal. Taylor could hear cops in the background as they ran across a road and made a left into a dark ally way. ‘Why are we going this way?’ Taylor asked amongst the chaos of the town. ‘Shadow traveling.’ ‘What on earth is shadow traveling?’ ‘You’ll find out soon enough.’ ‘Who are you?’ Taylor had been wanting to ask this question for a while now. ‘I’m Nico, Nico De Angelo.’
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
i probs wont hav enough time 2 write another chapter till next week! 2 much homework :(
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
great cool heres the link to my story if you want to read it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
nice story it's nice and well thought out well bacicly it's awsome i can't whait for the next chapter laters:)
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
Thanx guys! I'm glad you think it's ok. btw i read your story pjlover212051 i luv it! it's really creative and the story line's great! can't wait 2 hear more! and dont worry green-art-ac-pj im going to read your story asap. cant wait!
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
to green-art-ac-pj- i read your SoN! luv the facebook idea! it's so original! :)
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
Ok guys! next chapter is here!!! and i made a little adjustment to the first chapter. Before, you didn't know where Taylor lived... she lives in Miami. thought i'd tell u otherwise this chapter will be a little confusing. And i know i'm using Taylor a lot in the story so far but i have no idea how i can make this next chapter about someone else. It just won't work.
i hope it's ok! :)

Chapter 4:


Shadow traveling was by far the worst experience ever. They had managed to get away from that place just before the cops found them. They had arrived in the darkness of a forest overlooking a huge city clouded with mist. It was about midday and yet the trees were so thick here that they blocked out most of the daylight. Birds chirped lazily and the trees rustled in the warm breeze. It was so peaceful that it was hard to believe a giant evil snake robot had almost pulverized them both. Nico collapsed on the ground, he looked exhausted. ‘Where are we?’ Taylor asked him. He gave a big yawn before he spoke. ‘Just outside San Francisco, it was the first place that came to my head.’ ‘What!?! We were on the other side of the world before! How on earth could we travel that far in just a few seconds?’ ‘I told you. Shadow traveling can take you anywhere you want, but it can zap your energy, a lot.’ He yawned again. Nico took out a small flask from his jean pocket and put it to his mouth. All of a sudden he looked a lot better, and the shadows under his eyes faded slightly. He sat up and leaned against a nearby tree, fully energized. ‘What was that?’ ‘Nectar, the drink of the gods. It can heal almost anything, but if you have too much it can kill you.’ Taylor wondered why they didn’t have this stuff in hospitals. ‘Wait a second, what exactly do you mean by “the gods”?’ He paused for a moment, as if trying to work out what would be the best way to explain without her having a reaction. ‘You know all those myths of the Greek gods that live on Mount Olympus? Well… they’re real. And one of those gods is your parent. You’re a demigod, half god, half mortal.’

There was complete silence for a moment. Then Taylor spoke, or shouted. ‘ARE YOU CRAZY!?! ME? A HALF GOD? YOU’RE JOKING! THAT’S IMPOS-’ she stopped suddenly. That would explain how she had managed to heal Nico, and she had never met her parents anyway. She took a deep, calm breath before she spoke again. ‘So,’ she sat down next to him, ‘if the gods are real, that means that the monsters are as well, and if they’re all just roaming around everywhere, how come no one sees them?’ Nico was relieved that Taylor had calmed down. ‘The reason why mortals can’t see magical beings or objects is because of the Mist. It’s not like the real mist you can see, the Mist acts like a vale, making it impossible for mortals to recognise what is really in front of them. Instead they see something different, more normal. Only a few mortals can see through the Mist, like Rachel, our oracle at camp.’ That would explain why the librarian was acting strange when the monster was there. ‘Wait, what camp?’ Taylor had so many question and so many answers flying back at her that she was having a hard time keeping up. ‘Camp Half Blood, it’s where all demigods go to train for quests. It’s basically the only safe place for demigods.’ ‘Well then how come I’m still alive?’ Nico shrugged. ‘I guess you got lucky.’ Lucky, now that was surprising. ‘And if the camp is the only safe place in the world, why were you in Miami?’ Nico looked crestfallen, as if remembering something he wished would be different. ‘I’m looking for a lost friend, his name is Percy Jackson. He’s been missing for weeks and…’ He trailed off. ‘It was all my fault. Chiron, our activities director, asked me to stay and keep guard of camp for a while, before I left to-’ Nico stopped in mid-sentence. It seemed that he was almost about to say something he shouldn’t. ‘-before I left, but I told Chiron I wanted to leave early. If I had agreed to stay for a while I would have been able to find out where they had taken him, and who had taken him. Heck, I might have even been able to prevent it from happening.’ He looked so devastated that Taylor didn’t know how to comfort him. Even the birds seemed to have gone quieter from his sorrow. They both sat in more silence for a while. ‘So who is this Percy Jackson anyway? Why did they only take him?’ ‘Percy was the last demigod of Poseidon. There was a great prophesy about him choosing to either save Olympus or destroy it, and he saved Olympus in the end, destroyed Kronos, the Titan king. Now there’s a new great prophesy, but I have no idea what it is, I left before our oracle foretold it. And I’m sure it has something to do with Percy’s disappearance. But I don’t know why they wanted him again. Although something’s gone wrong with the gods, they’re not talking to their kids anymore, and when I arrived at the empire state building, the doors to Olympus were closed, bolted shut.’ Taylor couldn’t believe that a parent, even if they were a god, would do that to their kid, what the heck was that all about? ‘Well that’s pretty stupid of them… wait just a second, the empire state building? That’s where the doors to Olympus are?’ ‘Well, at the moment it is. But it changes places all the time, depending on where the centre of power is, like how they moved from ancient Greece to Rome.’ They sat in silence some more. Taylor still could barely believe any of this stuff about the Greek gods, but she had to have some hope about her parents, even if one of them was a god, which was pretty cool. And she couldn’t help but believe that her parents were still alive. ‘So now what? I mean, are you going to shadow travel me to camp half blood then continue to find your friend, or are we going to sit here forever?’ Nico was deep in thought. He took a while to reply, his thoughts slowly drifted back to earth. ‘What?... oh, right. Well… we can’t shadow travel until I’ve completely got all my strength back, otherwise I’ll most likely die trying. I’ll take you there in the morning, until then we should find an safe place to set up for the night, there’s been a lot more monsters than usual’, Nico got to his feet, ‘and last thing we need is our gravestone saying “Here lies a stupid person that fell asleep in a forest full of monsters, R.I.P.”

Taylor thought they had been walking for at least two hours. They had walked in silence most of the way and Taylor was not so sure whether Nico knew what he was doing. They seemed to be travelling further and further away from the city and deeper and deeper into the wild, overgrown forest. ‘Where the heck are we going?’ she said as she ducked under a spider’s web, almost tripping over the thick, twisting roots of a nearby tree. ‘Where almost there…maybe, it’s this place I stumbled upon while looking for Percy, I-’ Nico froze in his tracks, a look of complete terror swept across his face. ‘Don’t, move.’ He muttered. ‘What do you mean? What’s-’ Taylor looked up and found the answer…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
ha ha ha! ill try and post this weekend :)
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
Iv manadged 2 finish the next chapter early... dunno if its good... and the chapter after this one will be a different character finally.

chapter 5:


Right above them in the top most branches of a very tall fig tree was a whole flock of big, evil birds. They were bigger then pelicans and their beaks and claws looked impossibly sharp. Their tails were forked into two feathered spikes, and of course they’re not evil enough until you say they had piercing, evil hungry eyes, which they did. But apart from their deadly weapons they were quite beautiful. Their feathers were bright orange and their wings shimmered golden just like their beaks and talons. Their underbellies were speckled with black and their crests were a rich peacock blue. One look from one of them and you knew you were gone, and Taylor and Nico had a whole flock staring down at them.
‘The Stymphalian birds’ Nico whispered, ‘they have brass wings, beaks and claws and their favourite food is demigod. But they haven’t been seen since Heracles scared them off with a rattle Athena gave him. Rumours say they had such a fright they flew through the gates of the underworld and never escaped, but then how did they manage to get here? It’s basically impossible to travel out of the underworld unless you’re a god.’
The Stymphalian birds didn’t make a sound, slowly they moved closer, trying to decide which demigod to eat first. ‘When I say go, follow me.’ Nico said. The birds were getting closer still. They didn’t seem afraid of Taylor and Nico one bit, like they were no threat at all, just an easy snack. ‘Er…Nico? Can we run yet?’ The Stymphalian birds cooed eagerly to each other, they’d finely decided who to attack first: Taylor. ‘Go!’ Nico said, and he bolted straight underneath the tree and ran down towards a steep slope, Taylor right behind him.

The birds took off and soared towards them, cawing like crazy. ‘Of all the places that you could think of traveling you thought of a dark, wild forest full of evil, hungry man-eating birds!’ One of the Stymphalian birds dove at Taylor’s head, talons outstretched. She ducked but it managed to take a swipe at her right arm, it looked like a pretty deep cut for a bird. The wound stung on Taylor’s arm. ‘That’s it. Now I’m angry’ she picked up a stick from the ground, still running after Nico. Taylor looked up to see where Nico was heading. A few yards away straight ahead of them was nothing but thin air. They were heading straight for a cliff and Nico wasn’t slowing down.

Great, Taylor thought, we’re either going to die jumping off a cliff or getting eaten alive by metal birds, whichever comes first. Another one of the birds swooped down at Taylor, but this time she was ready. She grabbed the stick she was holding with both hands and swung with all her might at the bird. It made a dull clunk as the brass wings made contact with the stick. The bird hit the ground about three feet away, unconscious. ‘One down, about a hundred to go’ the trees flashed past them as they jumped over a huge fallen tree. The only sound Taylor could hear was the loud, high pitched screeches of the Stymphalian birds, getting closer and closer towards them. Nico had got out his sword and started hacking them out of the air. Bird flew at them from every angle. ‘Batter up!’ Taylor swung her stick at in a sidewise motion. The bird missiled through the air and hit a tree somewhere to her left. More and More of the Symphalian birds were swarming them as they got further towards the cliff. ‘Nico! What the heck are you doing?’ they were ten feet away from the drop. ‘If this is the same cliff that I went to last time, we’re saved.’ Taylor couldn’t see why jumping of a shear drop would save them. ‘What do you mean IF?’ Taylor said as two Stymphalian birds came swooping down at her from opposite directions. She dodged one of the birds and smashed the other. ‘Well, there’re lots of cliffs around here and it would be easy to get them mixed up, but I’m sure this is the right one. See that tree?’ Nico pointed towards a tree that was way taller than the rest. It looked like it had been there forever. ‘That’s the same tree that was here last time I was here. This has got to be the right cliff.’ He said, slashing a bird clean in half. It fell to the ground in pieces. Then the earth started to pull the pieces back together and before you could say “not fair” it was flying straight for us again. Nico was the first one to reach the cliff face. But he didn’t look so confident anymore. In fact, his already pale face slowly got whiter. ‘This isn’t the right cliff.’

The Stymphalian birds had closed in on them, the only place left to run was off the cliff and down, down, down into a massive rocky canyon drained of water. Taylor and Nico were just holding the birds off. But the birds were slowly making them back up towards the cliff. ‘How on earth couldn’t this not be the right cliff? That’s the exact same tree that led to the entrance’ Nico said. ‘What do you mean entrance? How could there be an entrance on top of a cliff canyon in the middle of a forest?’ Taylor said, dodging an extra vicious bird that almost clawed her eye out. All the birds that had been slashed to pieces or knocked out were back in the air again, Taylor and Nico were seriously out matched, two to a hundred. Taylor backed up some more and almost had a heart attack. She was right at the very edge of the cliff, a few small rocks tumbled off the drop and fell about fifty metres below before hitting the bottom and splitting in half. Taylor gulped. ‘Goodbye world.’ She said as seven birds soared at them at once, ready to attack. Then all of a sudden there came a sound so loud and terrible that even when Taylor covered her ears it still hurt them. It was the worst sound possible, like nails down a blackboard times sixty. The Stymphalian birds screeched in panic and took off into sky as fast as their brass wings could carry them. Taylor couldn’t believe it. She’d actually got lucky for a change. ‘What is that?’ She shouted over the noise. Then someone came out through the trees.

It was a girl about their age. She had dark skin, short dark kinked hair with a long piece of cloth wrapped around her head. She had a tomboyish look about her. She wore a denim jacket over a simple T-shirt, camouflage jeans and ugg boots. She looked really tough. The girl held a small fog horn in her hand as she strode towards them. ‘May I ask WHY you two were stupid enough to come here?’ the girl said, sizing them up. She had an African-American accent a lot of attitude. Nico was the first to speak. ‘Er… we sort of just came across this place.’ Something told Taylor that Nico didn’t want the girl to find out he knew the place. ‘How in the world could you just come across this place? You knew the entrance was here. Who are you?’ Taylor was starting to get annoyed that she was the only one who didn’t know anything about an entrance. ‘What do you mean entrance? Entrance to WHAT?’ The girl looked at her like that was the stupidest question possible. ‘Don’t play dumb on me blondie. I know you know what I’m talking about, the entrance to camp half blood. It used to be here, but too many monsters were getting in so they moved it under a tunnel somewhere in Berkeley, and you guys are trying to sneak in. Don’t see why you’d want to though, since you’re both demigods.’ Nico looked confused. ‘What do you mean?’ he said. ‘The entrance to camp half blood is all the way in New York on top of half blood hill.’ The girl looked at them both as if they’d gone crazy. ‘What the heck are you talking about? There’s nothing there but strawberry fields.’ She looked seriously annoyed. And if Nico looked confused before, that was nothing compared to now. ‘What? I thought only mortals saw that.’ He said. Taylor was just as confused. How could there be the same camp in two different places? It looked like the others were thinking the same thing. ‘Nico, how’d you find this place anyway?’ Taylor asked him. Nico took a while to reply. ‘I dunno. I just had a gut feeling that the place was important somehow, like if I went there everything would make sense.’ ‘And did you go?’ This time the girl asked. ‘No. I really wanted to but something told me i shouldn't, almost as if I was entering the territory an enemy that would pull me to shreds if they saw me.’ The girl looked uncertain. ‘Well, you won’t find anything like that there, unless you count the intense training and the one-meal-a-day policy.’ ‘Wow. That sounds harsh.’ Taylor said. The girl smirked. ‘Oh, you think that’s bad? You should see us on “survival day”. Only the toughest and strongest can pass’ the girl rolled up her sleeve, revealing tattoo-like markings across her arm. There were four straight lines close to one another, making it look sort of like a barcode. ‘each year we have a “survival day” where we all go down to the arena. One at a time we go forwards. They whip us, hit us, scratch, punch and slash us, basically every single nasty thing you could think of. If we show any pain, we fail the test, and we get to be used as punching bags for a month. If we stand our ground, you win, and you get a line burned into your skin. I’ve survived the test eight times’ she said, gesturing proudly to her arm. ‘one for each year at camp.’ Taylor looked into her dark eyes and found nothing but pure pain inside them. ‘But you get used to it.’ The girl said, rolling her jacket sleeve back down. Her sad eyes drifted off into space for a few seconds before shaking her head, she came to her senses. ‘Why are you still here?’ She asked angrily. ‘Hurry up and get lost before I tell Lupa you’re here. Go to your imaginary camp where everything’s a breeze why don’t ya? And don’t expect me to save you two again ok? Next time you might not be as lucky. I don’t want any more distractions, not now that I have a quest to stop Terra…’ and with that she stormed away into the trees, leaving Taylor and Nico standing alone. Taylor and Nico both stared at the spot where the girl had vanished into the trees. Then Nico said ‘Who’s Terra?’ And before they could change their minds they were sprinting after the girl.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
hi people. im ditching this forum cuz its not much sucsess. sorry. probs cuz its not a very new idea... im gonna try and make somethin more original... i was thinkin Ancient Greeks and Romans meat Middle Ages... u know: nights in armore, king arthor, damsels in distress etc... but now that iv put it down in words it sounds really bad. that always happens 2 me! anyway... i think im quiting this forum... and starting a new one if i can find an ok theme.
tell me what u think and let me know if the Middle Ages idea is really failed (which it is). thanx!!! :)
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
NOOOO!!!! Anyways can you put the link to the other one here.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
sure, here it is:

over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
and im not doing middle ages for the new 1... just 2 let you know
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
that was good post soon!