The Heroes of Olympus The New Video!

sonoboreas posted on Aug 09, 2011 at 07:45PM
First off, let's give a round of applause to the dedicated and genius Leo(V44)!!
Now if you haven't see the video, oh what am I saying of course you've seen it! But, let's say we live in some parallel universe where everyone isn't as crazy about the SoN as I am. Well go find this video "Official Son of Neptune Trailer" and watch it.
Now, this forum is meant to expand the already vast hole in all of our minds and hearts that wants to know more and more of Rick Riordan's upcoming book.
So go on and comment all you want, spitball all the little(or BIG) ideas you got from the video and share them with everyone looking at this forum. Maybe you will see something you wouldn't have thought of in a million years, or after reading the book!
First off, let's give a round of applause to the dedicated and genius Leo(V44)!!
Now if you haven't s
last edited on Aug 09, 2011 at 07:59PM

The Heroes of Olympus 44 replies

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over a year ago sonoboreas said…
big smile
The girl on the horse looks like she could become the love interest...Maybe a daughter of Minerva.
Also, the boy with the arrow has the shadow of a dog/hound behind him. Mars? Apollo?
last edited over a year ago
The girl on the horse looks like she could become the love interest...Maybe a daughter of Minerva.
over a year ago LeoV44 said…
Lol, thanks for the shout-out. First off, here's the video for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Now, I'm actually stumped on the character art. Like I said before, I felt like the guy on the left was a son of Apollo.
The guy on the right was a son of...I don't know. The teddy bear kind of stumped me.
The girl on the left, I feel like she's either the temporary leader till Jason comes back, or she's Lupa. I'm leaning towards the former but I'm still not sure.
The girl on the right is either a daughter of Minerva or Mars.

That's all my opinion anyway.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Sorry man, I began making right after I asked hahah.

But, I'm going to go with Apollo right now. And Minerva for the girl on the right. Lupa for the girl/women on the left. And...Hades? For the guy on the right.
over a year ago LeoV44 said…
^^Bold, very bold. Especially that last one.
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Go big or go home!
over a year ago 131newbee313 said…
link Gold and Silver Automaton dogs. Same as in the image?
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Nice, yeah maybe. The only Ancient Rome Throne I found was the Throne of Roma.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
The teddy bear....would that be Hypnos? God of Sleep, Clovis's dad?

The bow and arrow...Apollo? But the dog shadow....

The girl on the horse. I think thats Reyna. Daughter of Ceres?
I'm crazy but i think Demeter every time I look at her.

Other Girl. Again I'm crazy but she looks like Piper to me. Maybe she's Lupa in human form..
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
big smile
Well, I think those are the three new demigods we were going to meet in this book that would be a part of the prophecy; mentioned by R.R.
And so that leads me to believe that, in this specific book, we would also want to focus on Frank and Hazel the ones going on the specific quest to the Doors of Death. So, that leads me to believe that Hazel is on the horse.
Also, with the whole "Olympus Week" thing I want to think of the possibilities at hand.

So here it goes my choices for the seven...
Teddy(Boy with the bears)-Hades/Pluto
Frank(Boy and Arrow kid)-Ares/Mars
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LeoV44 said…
^^Makes sense. Although I don't think that there's going to be four Romans, but who knows? Anyway, I have to go to my SAT class now, so I'll get back to this later. The class is four and a half hours long so I might only come back here tomorrow.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
Well then.
If thats Hazel, maybe she's a daughter of Mars? Which takes care of him for Olympian week.

Then the dog shadow boy. Would that be frank? Son of Pluto?

those were the two gods from Olympian week without children on the boat. So doesn't that work?

Then the girl with the Statues is Lupa
And the boy might be a son of Hypnos, maybe he's Bobby! The only male friend Jason remembered(unless you think Dakota is a boy)or he ,like Frank, is someone Jason didn't know.

over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Well, I'm basing that off that R.R. said we would meet three half-bloods of the prophecy but who knows! Have fun at SAT class and remember to keep your mind on SoN!!

Well, Hazel(If that's even her) doesn't strike me as a child of Mars. Look at that smile, imagine Clarissa trying to pull that off! Frank has a smug grin and a weapon, that slightly fits the Mars persona. And the glum Teddy fits the personality of Pluto as well. Because, despite always being tired, Clovis never seemed to be grumpy, unlike Nico....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago liverpoolrock05 said…
I don't think he'll have a love interest (well she might be into him but I don't think he'll be into her) because he remembered Annabeth wheres Jason didn't remember Reyna.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…

What i came up with a month ago^

1) Jason (Zeus/Jupiter)
2) Leo (Hephaestus/Vulcan)
3) Piper (Aphrodite/Venus)
4) Annabeth (Athena/Minerva)
5) Percy (Poseidon/Neptune)
6) Frank (?)
7) Hazel (?)

you've forgotten Annabeth is going on the boat. It said so at the end of the Lost Hero.So Teddy-bear boy. Doesn't need to be on the boat, we already have seven and Annabeth covers Athena/Minerva Hazel can't be her daughter
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
The whole video mystifies me! It's sooo cryptic! When did he relize it exactly? Annabeth may be on the ship...but she may not be part of the seven actually we can't put it that way already and Frank and Hazel may MAY! Be part of the prophecy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
hey if you want to know the parents of the seven for sure go to it only lists the gods and godesses in greek terms but its still a pretty good idea
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
^That is what I based my answer off of.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
oh ok im tryin to figure out if nico will be in the prophecy or not
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
I would say no, but my answer is up there^^^
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
ACome to think of it Rome was stronger military wise,so maybe it will be 4 romans.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
maybe but i guess ive grown fond of greeks cuz i sorta want to have 4 greeks but i sorta dont care
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
This is my long ramble about the pictures if anything important comes up

I think on the right is Reyna cause she looks like a queen and on the left is Hazel.
But why would Hazel be on a horse? There's Terra but then again if it is Percy love interest Neptune has to do with horses?
Also Reyna looks like she has a bag on her back or she’s tied to the chair?

The boy on the left could be a son of Apollo but he doesn’t have the blonde hair and blue eyes even though I have a thought that the appearance of the gods are opposite. He has a wolf/dog behind him meaning he could be very loyal to Lupa or since their also two lions behind him-and there both tough animal I think it’s Mars. So that must be Frank
The boy on the right does look a lot like Luke minus the teddy bear. It could be a son of Hypnos but then again he has a tunic (which is very Greek). If this was the roman camp, why would he have a Greek tunic? His teddy bear could also be a weapon? Maybe

over a year ago unknownquestion said…
some weapon
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
im sorry but i didnt know rick had such a wierd accent but i dont think the girl on the left is lupa maybe its her parents animal or they just wanted a cool picture
over a year ago losthero5 said…
When i saw the picture of the girl on the throne, it made me wonder just how much hecateA nailed down. Imagine if rick read some of it?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
and the dude on the left Frank has to be a son of Mars cause the is a dog which is also an animal of Mars
+Percy comes to Camp Jupiter two months later which is as I found on March 1st one of two celebrations for Mars. the other on october 19. This one is a new ares years day which ares is greek-funny
i know some weapon but why would a ROMAN teenager grip it so tightly?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
When I saw the guy on the left I immediately thought of him transforming into the animal behind him, and that could be the awesome power RR talked about. And if he was a son of ares, why couldn't the dog thing he transforms into be a... BOAR?!?!??!!?
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
O my lordy...
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Umm ok but he's most likely demigod that can only stay in one form
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Oh and about the Teddy bear what if it belonged to his mortal parent before they died or he's on a mission to return it to someone or he's a little boy or a Greek in disguise as little boy and the Teddy bear helps with the character
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
He might just be childish but who knows.

But, yes R.R. mentioned we would meet a demigod with the coolest power yet.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
If you look there's a stuffed bunny toy behind him. So its not just the teddy bear.
over a year ago athena305 said…
I don't know...I'm sort of leaning towards Somnus here...It may seem too obvious but then again, Rick Riordan, however brilliant he may be, uses pretty obvious parentage for his demigods. When you first met Piper in the Lost Hero sneak peek, your first thought was probably Aphrodite. But then you were introduced to a whole bunch of other ideas and dismissed it. Am I right? Or am I totally off base?

Basically what I'm saying is to not read into it too much. He definitely feels like a child of Somnus. What with the teddy bear and the pinched look about him (Somnus isn't very nice, after all).
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Like Leo I thought he was a son of Hermes until he made that helicopter but I'm goin to ignore the Teddy bear foe now
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
thats the Roman name! I couldn't remember so I was calling it Hypnos. Yeah I'm going with Somnus. And i think every new it was Aphrodite for Piper.

that brings me too a different point. How much did the Character art help for The Lost Hero? Other than Leo's tool belt(making it obvious it was Hephaestus) was it helpful?

Jason is blond and Flipping a Roman coin in the air. Did that help with his parentage at all?

Piper is looking at her reflection in a dagger and there's a monster in the reflection too. That only helped a little in knowing she was a Daughter of Aphrodite(staring at herself in a mirror/thing)

I don't think you can base too much off Character art.
last edited over a year ago
thats the Roman name! I couldn't remember so I was calling it Hypnos. Yeah I'm going with Somnus. And
over a year ago athena305 said…
That's true. But like you said, we could figure it out with one of the characters. So we should really look at what they're holding.

An arrow and a teddy bear. So which one of them is going to be the one that's obvious? I say the kid with the teddy bear is our best bet because he doesn't have anything else that points to another parentage. The other kid has an arrow but there's also a boar...So you get confused.

What I'm trying to say is that one of the character arts (is that the right wording? Because I don't think it is...) should make it clear who the parentage of at least ONE of the demigods are. And I think it's the teddy bear kid.

That was a very repetitive statement and I apologize for that.

Okay, bye.
over a year ago Hades123 said…
For the guys...I think the guy with arrow is a son of Mars. The sacred animal for Mars is a wolf and there's a wolf's shadow in the background. I think children of the war god would be good with all weapons. The blonde dude/dudette, looks like he needs a hug. But he could be...the oracle? (Brain fart, excuse me)
The girls...I think the one on the horse is Reyna. The one on the throne could be Hazel taking over Jason's duties at the camp as leader. I thought it could be Lupa...but why would she need a human form? The Roman campers COME to her.
over a year ago Athenabeth said…
good point. And a boar is a male pig, usually wild. That is either a canine or a bear. dose that really look like a pig too you?
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
not really so obviously that has to be a son of mars and today just saw the help it HILARIOUS but so sad great movie
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
check this out guys plz link
over a year ago Groversbro said…
i think the kid with the teddy bear is Athena but for them minerva
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Might be wonder how a Minerva child be carrying a Teddy bear
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Spam is unwanted PersesJr.
over a year ago percyrulz said…
big smile
first of the cabins in olympian week


ok now my gueses

posidon - percy
athena - annabeth
hepetateus - leo
aphrodite - piper
zeus - jason
hades - the girl on left im guessing hazel
ares - frank [the boy on right] [i know its him bcz its given on]

the girl on right

im guessing lupa or the existing praetor & the 2 statues could signify romulous & the other guy


im prety sure its her it cant be reyna bcz she isn't one of main characters and didnt give annabeths pic in charactor art during lost hero even though she was there



black hair
black eyes [i used piccasa to zoom in]
olive skin

not neccacarily all hades children have to be sad remember nico from before his sister died he was still a son of hades