The Heroes of Olympus Forbidden 2: Everlasting Demigod

rapunzeleah123 posted on Jun 17, 2011 at 11:55PM
Okay you guys. This is Forbidden's sequel, and I really, REALLY hope you like it and comment! :)

The Heroes of Olympus 36 replies

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over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Forbidden 2: Everlasting Demigod


"Campers." Lupa announced at breakfast a week later in her human form. "Something is happening. Something that hasn't happened in a very, very long time." 

She winced, and all the Romans frowned.

"What's wrong, Lupa?" A little girl who couldn't have been more than six inquired.

Lupa raised her eyes to Olympus. "The Greeks are coming," she stated.

A collective gasp rose from the cafeteria.

"But Madame Lupa." a girl from Ceres stood up. "How can they be coming here? What possible reason could they have for coming here?"

Lupa's eyes darkened, and she replied shortly, "It involves the Great Prophecy."

There was no gasp this time, only silence. I glanced at Annabeth and Percy--specifically avoiding HIM with my eyes--to see their reactions, but their faces were expressionless.

"What's the Great Prophecy this time?" Someone else asked.

Lupa took a deep breath.
"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms at the Doors of Death."

This time, everyone spoke at once. "Who could be the seven? An oath to keep?" they wondered. "Doors of Death?" I wondered. "Surely that's somewhere in the Underworld…"

"Soldiers, settle down." Lupa's voice, though not loud, echoed across the fancy cafeteria.

The talking ceased.

"Thank you." Lupa nodded. "The Greeks will be coming here today at six o' clock. I suggest you be ready."

The swords clanged together. I groaned when mine crashed to the ground.

"You're getting better at swordplay, Anna," brown-haired Gwen Compton said. The Romans preferred to call me Anna, because they thought it sounded more "normal."

"Thanks, but I think the contrary." I said, mopping my face with a bit of cloth and taking a drink from my water bottle.

"Hey, from your point, you could only improve," she smirked. The Romans were so brutally honest.

"Thanks for the compliment." I replied sarcastically. "I'm gonna go wash up for lunch."

She nodded and started wiping her sword off.

Children of Mercury… I rolled my eyes. Sometimes they were annoying, but they knew how to handle a sword.

But that wasn't what I was focused on particularly. As I grabbed all my stuff and headed to my cabin, I thought about what Lupa had said. The Greeks were coming? But wouldn't that mean… everyone?

I shuddered at how I knew the Romans would react. Sharing their cabin with one Greek was quite enough, in their opinion. Sharing it with ten…

I opened the door to the armory, balancing my armor on one hand. Dropping it all on the floor, I plopped down, exhausted.


A voice cut through the silence of the musty armory. "What are you doing?"

Caleb Sanchez stood in the doorway and crossed her arms. At sixteen, she was pretty, with short blond hair that was almost always in a ponytail, light freckles across her nose, and piercing gold-and-green eyes. It was a strange combination.

"Nothing," I said hurriedly, trying to stand up and brushing the sawdust off my clothes.

She smiled a little. So far, she and another Trivia girl--Hazel Braxton--had been my only friends here. Sure, Gwen helped me with swordplay, but I realized one thing with a start: I was never going back to Camp Half-Blood. This was my home now. I was Roman. My friends now would be my friends forever.

"Hey," she repeated. "Anna, snap put of it."

I shook my head. "Sorry, just got a little… distracted."

She grabbed my hand and helped me up. "It's almost lunch. You're going to have to report your progress to--"

"--the Pretty Committee," we finished in unison. I groaned. They were the goody-goody kids of Venus that kept track of the day's progress. (We got the names from The Clique by Lisi Harrison) You couldn't go to any meal without telling them something productive that you had done that day. If they thought your actions were passable, they sent you off to your respective meal. (A.K.A. If they liked you, you could eat.) And there were no loopholes. They stood at the only entrance to the cafeteria, so you couldn't get in without talking to them. It was--in a word--brutal.

"C'mon kiddo," Caleb said, circling her arm through mine. "You can't escape them, and--"

A gurgling sound escaped my stomach. I grinned sheepishly.

"You're hungry, I can tell." She laughed.

"You know what's for lunch?" I asked her, rubbing my stomach as we walked.

She shrugged. "Let's just hope that the Ceres kids are cooking today and not the Mercury ones."

We cringed when a smell hit our noses as we got to the doorway of the cafeteria, like burning socks.

"Mercury," we groaned.

We strolled casually up to the Pretty Committee.

"Hi, Alyssa," Caleb said.

The blond girl who looked like she was in charge of the others smirked and adjusted her clipboard.

"What have you done to deserve this--" she cleared her throat "--wonderful meal today?"

"Only practiced my swordfighting, carried messages for Lupa, and saved someone's life from the giant squid," Caleb recited casually.

Alyssa's lip curled. "Go right ahead."

"I think I'll wait for Anna." Caleb lifted her chin.

One of Alyssa's "friends" turned to me. "What did'ja do today?"

"Practiced swordfighting, returned everybody's armor to the shed, hunted a few monsters, and taught some eight-year-olds a few bow-and-arrow tips." I grinned.

The girl--Arabell--planted a false smile on her face. "Go with your friend."

I linked my arm with Caleb's. "We conquered them this time."

She laughed, and we sat at one of the stone tables. Golden plates and silverware appeared in front of us. The food that appeared wasn't so pretty.

"Is this… broccoli?" Caleb held up a burnt piece of charcoal shaped like a tree. We burst into giggles.

"I wonder what this meal actually is…" I pondered.

Caleb peered at her plate. "Roast turkey and mashed potatoes with veggies on the side?"

"Spaghetti, but nice try," said a Mercury kid walking past us.

We grinned and rolled our eyes, continuing to make fun of the food.

So there was the first chappie of Forbidden 2! Hope you liked it. Please PLEASE comment.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Anyone there? ;)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
Cool I like it. I'm glad you made a second one for this amazing story. :) that Anna found a friend

THE SHIP IS COMING! * In hope Percy and Annabeth can still be part of it.
Definatly Anna, maybe Jason and Reyna, Piper & Leo, and them and that would work:) :):):):):):):):)

And OMG from the title Anna is gonna be immortal
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
^ Thanks for commenting! :D
Yeah good idea :) you'll see in the next chapter…
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
awesome! i looooove this!:)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Thanks!! :)
I've been at camp all week, not getting the chance to work on my story. :(
It'll be posted soon, though :)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I've pretty much been grounded the whole week from my iPod and I was at camp last week, but I will post soon! I swear it!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
This is really good. What camp?
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
El Porvenir, New Mexico :)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Hey guys! I'm just letting you know that I'm posting tomorrow :D
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yay can't wait.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Okay, it's finally here!!!
F2: ED (Forbidden 2: Everlasting Demigod)


"Hey." Hazel appeared behind us.

"Hi!" I greeted her and patted the seat next to me. She sat down.

Hazel Braxton was one of the most witty people I knew. She could come up with a quick retort for anything, and her deep hazel eyes that I supposed gave her her name reflected the mischievousness of it all. She could've been a child of Mercury if it hadn't been for her extraordinary magical powers.

"Here," she offered. She snapped her long fingers over our plates, and new food appeared, probably the intended meal that had been slightly overcooked.

It looked delicious. Caleb and I dug in, but Hazel, far from acting her clever-tongued part, ingested nothing. She seemed distracted today, probably by the fact that the Greeks were coming.

"They aren't so bad, really," I told her, guessing what she was thinking.

"You know, it sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying." She rolled her eyes. Now that was more like her.

I stuck out my tongue. "Please. Like you'd know."

"Maybe I do," she answered quietly.

I frowned. What did she mean?

Just then, a bell rang. End of lunch, time to start on our next duties.

As I put up my "lunch" trash, a random thought occurred to me. I remembered my aunt Nina. I didn't have a father, apparently, and she had been his 'sister'. That obviously wasn't possible. So who was she?

I pushed the thought away. Probably a friend of your mom's, I told myself. Must've been a goddess. But which one?

"Hey. Anna. Helloooo? Anybody in there?" Caleb waved a hand in front of my face.

I realized I'd been spacing out. "Sorry. Let's head to the lake."

"Great." Hazel said.

We sprinted to the lake. Well, they sprinted, I practically flew. I loved the water, and we were teaching the littler kids how to fight in deep water.


I rubbed my forehead. I hadn't been looking where I was going, and I'd run into…


I shoved him to the side.

"Hey, wait, Lili!" He called, but Hazel and Caleb had already caught up to me.

"Don't worry. We're just gonna focus on the little kids today, okay?" Caleb gripped my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.

I realized that that was why I liked hanging out with them. They made sure my mind was always moving, that I didn't focus on just my problems.

"Hey, you three."

Another voice, this time a girl's, spoke haughtily.

"Hello, Mariella," Hazel said calmly to the head of Venus's house.

"I just got back from the beauty shop."

"So sorry it was closed…" Hazel replied, steering me and Caleb toward the lake.

Mariella's face got beet red. "Somehow I don't think Lupa would appreciate it if you ignored her instructions."

That shut us up. Lupa had a job for us?

"What's the assignment?" Caleb asked.

The other girl shrugged. "She just said to meet her at the Colosseum, I don't know what for."

"We better get going, then," I said.

Hazel snapped her fingers, and we transported to the Colosseum.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Great as always :)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Thanks! :)
I didn't really feel like it was my best chap. But glad you liked it!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
very kool
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
i'm glad u posted
over a year ago athena305 said…
Loved it! I just read forbidden. So good!!!!! Anyway, keep writing. You're extremely talented.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Thank you thank you thank you!! I always like it when you review, athena :)
over a year ago athena305 said…
Leah, you are so sweet. Seriously. Thanks. I meant it.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
:') makes me happy :')
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
that was great. :)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chappie.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago Peracbeth2136 said…
big smile
i LOVED it!!!! u know i rlly want acamus and lilliana to be 2gether. i dont know bout anyone else but i think they would look sooo cute. i wonder y lupa needs them. hmmmmmmm.i rlly love ur story. plz write more!!its amazing!!!!!!!:DD
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Guys, you rock. I love all of my fans.

But I do have a life, and I have enough other Fanpop stuff without this.

So I'm quitting Forbidden. Well, I'm either quitting it or putting it up for adoption. If somebody else wants to finish the story, go right ahead. (Athena preferably :D)

SO sorry :'(

(PS though, I'll probably write another fanfic :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena305 said…
NOOOOOO! NONONONONO! *Faceeverything*

That's so depressing! But it's so good!

Anyway, back to sanity. I'm flattered and would love to continue it but I wouldn't really know where to begin. Do you by any chance have any plans for it? Not specific ones, but if you have some overall plans, it would be really helpful.

I'm not saying yes yet but I am certainly thinking about it.

over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I'll PM you.
over a year ago Percy2 said…
Post soon
over a year ago athena305 said…
She put this forum up for adoption. If no one takes it, it's over. I would but school's starting for me and I get EXTREMELY busy during the year.
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
ummmmmmmmm... rapunzeleah123- can i post an ad for you on the wall? maybe that way forbidden won't fade away like the long-lost god Pan.
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
is ANYONE going to continue this?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!­?!?­!?!­?!?­!?!­?!?­!?!­?!?­!?!­?!!­?!?­!?!­?!?­!?!­?
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I don't know.
over a year ago percy359 said…
well this is bad not the story but the fact you QUIT