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The Heroes of Olympus Question

Do you think Greek and Roman mythology are two different worlds, or do you think they are just 2 different names of the same gods?

I am just trying to work out why Jason used Roman terms :D
If they are just different names of the same myths, so what's the difference if Jason uses Roman terms? And if they are 2 different worlds, where were the Roman gods when Percy was fighting Kronos and which world will fall in the prophecy?
RoHeHa_6264995 posted over a year ago
The romans adopted the greek culture. But the romans were way mor organized and military powerful. Thats kinda how they took over. it was sorta mentioned in the Lost Hero but in totally different words
Corgilover183 posted over a year ago
it's a mix
Spikegilfer1997 posted over a year ago
 RoHeHa_6264995 posted over a year ago
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The Heroes of Olympus Answers

percabeth-bcz7 said:
This one is hard, because if we're looking at the Roman's and Greek's gods, they are a little alike, mainly just 'cause they're names are switched, but they're attitudes and personalities are different. For example, the Romans are more disciplined. The Romans also worshipped the gods differently than the Greeks did. The Greeks worshipped all the gods, but especially Zeus, as he was the king of the gods. The Romans on the other hand, worshipped all of the gods, like the Greeks did, but especially Ares, since he was the god of war, and the Romans liked discipline, like Ares. Now if we look at the Roman's Mythology and heroes, it's a little more different. Although in most cases, people just change the name of the gods when telling the stories (example: "Hades captured Persephone in his chariot and brought her to the Underworld, leaving Demeter in a state a depression for months." or "Pluto captured Proserpina in his chariot and brought her to the Underworld, leaving Ceres in a state of depression for months."), you have to wonder where gods like Bellona or Pomona/Pompona were during heroes' quests and lives. Surely Bellona would want more battle, being the Roman goddess of war. So, I think that what happened was that the Romans got hold of Greek Mythology, changed some names, worshipped a few more gods, added some more myths and believed that they did things differently than what the Greeks believed. So really, I believe that they are both two different names for the same gods, but when changing from Greek to Roman, they appear as though the Greeks and Romans formed them to be (Romans: more disciplined, Greeks: laid back but fierce one-on-one fighters). Jason used the Roman terms as that was what he was used to, being Roman. :)

Woah.. that was long :P
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posted over a year ago 
HecateA said:
I think that the two worlds shouldn't be mixed together. Some stories aren't the same (Romulus and Remus for example) but yes, the gods are similar.
Maybe Jason is Italian.
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posted over a year ago 
goddessoflife said:
I think, in a way, they are. They have different gods too.
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posted over a year ago 
For example, they have a god the greeks don't have.
goddessoflife posted over a year ago
i think there they say but just written and interpreted differently (i think spelled Interpreted wrong) anyway like i said same world just different interpretations.
Odssey posted over a year ago
Charon greek god of bounderies and Tantulus roman god of bunderies its weird right
Alvin2442 posted over a year ago
and Janus, now im thinking they hinted the existence of the Roman camp in the Battle of the Labrynth
darkling_menace posted over a year ago
stickdude said:
The Big Three names in Greek/Roman

Greek Name:Zeus / Roman Name:Jupiter
Greek Name:Poseidon / Roman Name:Neptune
Greek Name:Hades / Roman Name:Pluto
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posted over a year ago 
redhawks said:
I just found on the internet that they are the same thing just the Romans gave them different names. For example:
And some of the minor gods/goddess that we might see in the next book (that I could find)
Pan/Faunus not really minor but was classfied as one.
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posted over a year ago 
yeah but some are just pure Pompona the Roman goddess of plenty..there is also a roman goddess of war(forgot her name)
WiseGirl_Shayne posted over a year ago
Ya ik
redhawks posted over a year ago
The Greek Goddess Of War Is Enyo The Roman Bellona
Alvin2442 posted over a year ago
Lightning98 said:
i is a strange sitch with that because the Romans took the greek gods and made them their own.... for an example Ares was made into Mars but he was not the main god of war any more...
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posted over a year ago 
ase said:
*shakes head* Romans worshiped almost all the gods from Greece, Egypt, Britannia, Norse-lands, everywhere because they didn't know which were real and which weren't so in order to keep all the "real" gods and goddesses happy, they worshiped them all. Soooooooo... yea.... they're two different things.... The Romans just mainly worshiped the Greek gods......
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posted over a year ago 
ArtemisDiana said:
That's hard. I've got to say I've done a lot of research on this trying to figure out who's who. The Greek and Roman gods are a lot alike, they just have different names in roman times and were more disciplined, war-like and withdrawn from humans. Its the same 'world' with a few variations.
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posted over a year ago 
lollypop94 said:
i think it like what frank and hera/juno said the romans took the greek and "improved" it however the gods are not the same as when they meet the gods under different names because they have different personalities
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posted over a year ago 
darange said:
they are not just one person with 2 different names they are like 2 diffrent people in the same body and thay have diffrent personalitys in romen form they are more tough and mean for example hypnos the greek god of sleep in roman form he will terrorize your dreams and never make you sleep agian and trust me you never want to be super tiared if you are going on a quset or going into war so ya
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posted over a year ago 
DMLIME said:
When the Gods moved from Greece to Rome you have to accept that it wasn't just their names that changed along with a little personality. They moved to a country where people spoke a different language and so when the Gods brought their world with them, the Gods adapted along with their creatures like Satyrs for example to mix in with the Roman ethos. So when Satyrs came they adapted to Latin and became Fauns. As someone who is from Rome and will know the adapted version, Jason will use the new term of Faun. I hope tat makes it clearer. So essentially, they are one world that just changed or adapted.
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posted over a year ago 
DarkJules said:
The Greek was the Original later in history when Roman mythology started that the Roman more war-like aspect of the gods where created. the Greek is more peace, agricultural based, while the Roman is more War based.
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posted over a year ago 
Kybug17 said:
In my perspective the Roman gods/goddess are the same gods as the Greek but with slightly different personality. Such as Zeus who when he became Jupiter was more disciplined and war like. Also gods became more important like Ares when he became Mars he was more respected and was worshiped a lot more. As for Pompona the Romans created gods in places that they felt really needed one.
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posted over a year ago 
extremeriordan said:
I like to think of it as let's say if a Greek deity was a certain shape then the roman equivalent of said god would be the same shape and a slightly different color. So like Zeus would be a blue triangle and Jupiter would be a slightly darker colored blue triangle.
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posted over a year ago 
GreekMythoGal said:
This one's pretty hard. I fell in love with Greek mythology when I read the first series. Then, I read the second series and I was like "what?". I couldn't keep up with the roman terms. For example: the names of the Greek and roman gods. I got do confused I had to print out a list of the names. then I got used to it following the series. Now I like both roman mythology. But, I'll always love Greek mythology more because I find the romans are a bit too organized and aggressive. The point is it's both. They are still the same gods with different names and in the same way both worlds are completely different.
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posted over a year ago 
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