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TDI's Noah and Cody Question

You think that Noah reminded Cody #17's birthday?

Yesterday was Cody's big birthday, everyone!!! =D

So to continue celebrating, I want to ask about this little situation that I've been keeping to myself for a while! Because as you all know, our precious cynical Noah was eliminated before time; and we didn't have the right answer to this question, JUST because he wasn't there. That's why I'm asking you: What do you think? He did? He did not? Why?!

Honestly, I think he did. I mean, at least to me, in "Hawaiian Style" a.k.a the next episode, he looks so sad! Even when all that's about supporting Cody the final! I know that too many people would said that that's because he doesn't care about Cody. But I don't think so, I think that is more probable that feels bad seeing Cody everywhere and reminded that he wasn't there in his birthday. And that he probably thinks now that Sierra was the only one to remeber it becuase Cody himself couldn't remember it.

But hey! That's only my theory, and this isn't about me, this is about you. So, don't be shy and tell me your story! =D
 luz-anwar-light posted over a year ago
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