Supernatural Dean-Cas scenes in "The Man Who Would Be King"

Soussanah posted on May 11, 2011 at 08:10PM
I must to say that Dean's characterisation in this episode was odd, I thought he would be more shocked at finding out that Cas possibly pulled soulless Sam from Lucifer's cageon on purpose and lied to him about it!???? Dean was more outraged that Castiel was working with Crowley. I mean, he and Sam themselves worked with Crowley before so why is he so outraged? And Dean-Cas scenes...well. It seemed like a soap opera. Dean as the jealous hurt wife demanding an explanation and Cas the repentant, hand-in-the-cookie-jar-husband. A bit overkill from my POV. I just want my old piss off-badass Dean Winchester who is acting like a true man in every situation. Sorry, just my opinion.

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over a year ago curiobi said…
hmm, well it seems to me that next to sam and bobby castiel is the person that dean trusts the most, remember he refused to belive cas was lying to him no matter what, when he found out the truth it hurt him as much as when sam chose ruby over him, not sure how macho dean could have been in a scene like that, also the writers seem to want to do something a little diffrent with deans charecter lately, not sure i like it either, but if he just stays the same all the time, it would mean the charecter didnt evole and that would not be good either
over a year ago User20392 said…

Agreed, although... well, after all Dean's been through, he's not going to be the same all the time. Even if you remember season 2 when he said he didn't want to hunt things anymore and it had just been two years hunting things, now six, so...