Supernatural The Supernatural Effect Project

theSPNeffect posted on Feb 23, 2011 at 04:53AM
Just wanted to fill you all in on a new project. You've probably heard of the Butterfly Effect-a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil and the weather can change in New York (meaning a small change in one place can lead to a big change somewhere else)-well, this concept also applies to fans who watch Supernatural. One small act of watching (and loving) SPN can lead to big changes in the lives of the fans.

Yes, we know, it's just a TV show. But we have stories from people who have been inspired to create a website, start writing, make new friends, and get involved in a charity. So where has SPN lead you?

We are compiling these stories and printing a small "booklet" to share with those involved in the production of the show, (via the SPN studio), so they can know how their work has personally touched the lives of the fans. We also are giving a copy to one of the guest cast members at the NJ SPN convention.

We know you probably have many more amazing stories to tell out there. If you have one, please share it (in 300 words or less, with a summary title at the top). Include whatever personal information about your name that you want. However, please include your geographical location. The e-mail address is:

Thanks guys!

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