Supernatural Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Fandom Help?

katieackles posted on Jul 22, 2010 at 04:49AM
Hi guys,

I'm not sure if this is in the right place or not, and I'm probably a little late, but I've been surfing the web looking at the many fandom charity/fundraisers that have taken place over the years, and I was wondering what you all thought of conducting one to help the rescue and rehabilitation of animals after the oil spill? I'm in Australia, so I'm a bit "out of the loop" (our media lags!) so I'm not sure what's going on in that front, but I thought it would be an excellent opportunity for fandom to get together once again and lend a helping hand.

Thinking about it, it wouldn't take many people to raise a good amount of money. I was thinking we could run it along the lines of a fan auction of items like fic, fanart, vids, etc. - something like that - and I'd be more than happy to look into websites/auction software to run it, as well as getting the appropriate authorization from the charity we'd want to give to. What I would really like is

a) an opinion on whether it would be possible
b ) anyone who's run one/been in one before to give advise?
c) maybe a name of a charity we could give to?
d) a "media correspondant" in the US/local area to keep us in the loop (or me in the loop, at least)

And just some general ideas... I don't know if it could happen, but I kind of want it to.

EDIT: a quick google search has told me that there doesn't seem to be anything like this happening already in fandom - though it might be wrong.

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