Supernatural The last time I....

HorrorFan101 posted on Jun 03, 2010 at 06:55PM
Ok, so the person above you says

The last time I....and suggests something, e.g. watched an episode, the person below answers and starts it again by saying, e.g

The last time I dreamt of Dean topless was....

and the person below answers, thinks of another one, and it goes on and on :) I'll start it off:

The last time you watched an episode was...

Supernatural 175 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 175

over a year ago xxWinchesterxx said…
Technically today, at like 5 in the morning.

The last time you bought something Supernatural related...
over a year ago joose32 said…
A couple of weeks ago I found some SPN magazines online and bought them :)

The last time you said a quote from Supernatural was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
about 3 hours

the last time you saw an episode with one of the boys topless on it was...
over a year ago shomill said…
Last night! I watched Free to Be You and Me. (Yummy!!! :)

Amazing game!!!

The last time you pulled a prank you learned from Supernatural was...
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
In my dreams.

The last time you swore at someone for forgetting your pie was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…

the last time you listened to Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas NOT in an episode was....
over a year ago shomill said…
:( I've never heard it outside of Supernatural. Poor little me...

The last time you watched a funny episdoe was...
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Hmm... I can't remember. I find every Supernatural episode has some funny bits to it. But non- Supernatural, when I caught up in Glee.

The last time you mentally kicked Sam for something stupid he did was...
over a year ago shomill said…
Again, Friday night, when he refused to call Dean in FTBYAM. (Actually, it was just a mental slap. I can't kick these boys.)

The last time you dreamed about Cas (daydream or night dream) was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
a few days ago, probably. he doesnt come near my winchester boys ;)

the last time you quoted from SPN to someone who doesn't watch it and therefore probably looked at you like you were crazy was...
over a year ago shomill said…
Um... a couple of days ago. My mom doesn't get why I keep saying, "I love me some pie."

The last time you made your own fanart for SPN was...
over a year ago joose32 said…
Yesterday because the Cas spot reached over 800 fans :D

The last time you watched a SPN fanvid was...
over a year ago shomill said…
Today. I watched a gag reel montage. My sides are still aching.

The last time you wrote an article about Supernatural was...
over a year ago doctor-reid said…
big smile
A few weeks ago - my top 20 moments from season 5 XD

This is a great game!

The last time you said 'Ass-butt' was...
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Right after I heard it. Funny lines.

The last time you dreamed about the Impala was...
over a year ago Puppyslove said…

A few weeks ago I had a dream where Sam was kidnapped by a ghost and it put him in the Impala's trunk! I don't know which thing Dean was more upset about, that Sam was taken, or that the ghost took his car!:-D

Oh, shomill, when were either of them topless in Free to be...? Am I just totally forgetting something? I don't remember that at all!

The last time you casually mentioned a Winchester in a conversation was... :-)
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
about an hour ago, to my more than patient brother who has probably heard enough about SPN to last a lifetime! lol

the last time you watched the pilot was...
over a year ago Puppyslove said…
A couple months ago, sadly- need to watch it again :-)

The last time you said "Dude, where's the pie?"
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
yesterday, after i watched that episode lol XD

the last time you bought any merchandise, e.g magazine, t-shirt, etc. excluding dvds was....
over a year ago doctor-reid said…
Unfortunately never, but I plan on using it XD

The last time you listened to a song from Supernatural (but not actually on the show) was....
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
5 minutes ago haha, bon jove wanted dead or alive :D

the last time you watched a new episode for the first time was...
over a year ago MetallicarXD said…
The last time one came on? Erm... about a month ago?

The last time you watched a Supernatural episode NOT on TV was...
over a year ago Puppyslove said…
Does DVD or recorded off TV count? If so, about a week ago (When the Levee Breaks). I've never watched a whole ep online.

The last time you paused a scene to just stare at a specific shot. :-)

Oh & shomill you can just ignore my above question regarding 5x3- I remembered :-) (I don't know how I couldv'e forgotten!) :-)
over a year ago doctor-reid said…
Hmmmm..... probs when my friend and I were watching Hammer of the Gods - we paused it right on when Gabriel has that rose: see pic - totally swoon-worthy hehe so that was.... a few months ago? Whenever HOTG aired...

The last time you swooned over a character that WASN'T Sam, Dean or Cas was....
Hmmmm..... probs when my friend and I were watching Hammer of the Gods - we paused it right on when G
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Hmm... on this show... their brother, half brother. So the last time he was really him, not Gabriel.

The last time you spontaneously bought a season of Supernatural was...
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
never, I never spontaneously buy them I have them reserved half a year before they come out ;)

The last time you listened to a song from SPN was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
november the 2nd 2009, the first day when the complete season 4 was released on dvd in the UK....hehe :D

the last time you went to a convention (if ever, i wish i had!) was...
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
May 21!!!!! muhaha! it was amazing!

The last time you pissed off someone because of SPN was...
over a year ago GlassyBlooEyes said…
Friday xD Told this girl that Dean will cut&shoot off Edwards head off in a gory battle scene XD (She's a Twihard & was about to slap me)

The last time you quoted SPN was...
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
lmao!!!! this morning..."mornin' sunshine!" my ma was so pissed at me ;)

The last time you fantasized about SPN was....
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Sometime today. I'm rewatching the first season so...

The last time you bought a bacon cheeseburger and thought of Dean was...
over a year ago shomill said…
Right now. lol

The last time you ate pie and thought of Dean was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
about a week ago....hmmm....yum :P

the last time you saw another film with either of our main boys in it was...and was called.....
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
this morning and it was House of Wax

The last time you creid because Sam keeps dying
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
when i re-watched all hell breaks loose 2 in my marathon of 1-82 a coupla weeks ago :'( and i haven't seen S5 but i get the idea :'( more tears lol :'(

the last time you watched an eppy which has one of the boys topless (and which one?) was...
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
Hell house and that was like 2 weeks ago

The last time you put up a SPN poster was...
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Never... I feel like a bad fan. But I'm not a big poster person. My computer desktop background is a Supernatural Wallpaper of Dean (yum! :P) though. And so is my laptop background.

The last time you kicked down a door a la Dean was...
over a year ago joose32 said…
big smile
Never :( I would try but I'm not sure everyone would be too happy coming home to a house with busted doors xD

The last time you got someone addicted to SPN was...
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Well, my sister's not addicted, but I did just get her into watching the show this last season.

The last time you thought someone was possessed by a demon and tried to exorcise them was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
never, but i sometimes think my parents are demons lol :P ive never tried exorcising them though....haha

the last time you watched the season 4 finale was......
over a year ago Puppyslove said…
A couple months ago- always breaks my heart. :-(

The last time you watched the same ep back to back (2x in a row) was...
over a year ago HorrorFan101 said…
never, im always scared im going to kill it too much and not enjoy it as much in the future :/ i must try it sometime though....

the last time you watched the pilot and saw how much j-squared have changed was....
over a year ago shomill said…
Hey, HF, I do that, too- not rewatching an ep twice in a row.
And, my last post was a reply to the question about fantasizing about SPN. We posted at the same time. lol

Replying to HF (just in case someone else is posting right now), I just watched the pilot today!!!! And I was thinking, "Wow! They HAVE changed!"

The last time you called someone "dude" was...
over a year ago joose32 said…
big smile
Yesterday on twitter when my niece was tweeting her cousin and getting no reply I said Awww she's probably gone on bebo dude xD

The last time you called someone an "Ass-butt" was...
over a year ago VMars4ever said…
Never. Although every time I've watched Cas say that, I repeat it. It's quite comical.

The last time you got a tattoo because of the boys was...
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
Last november on my bday, I got a devils trap

Last time you made a SPN icon was...
over a year ago doctor-reid said…
big smile
Last night for the icon contest =)

the last time you had a dream about meeting some of the cast (I had
one last night where I met Jensen, Richard, Misha and Chad XD lol)
over a year ago shomill said…
I can't remember. February, I think, or was it March? It's been a few months, at any rate.

The last time you wished you could be a hunter was...
over a year ago doctor-reid said…
All the time... lol

The last time you thought of an appropriate SPN quote to use in a real life scenario but then decided against it was....
over a year ago shomill said…
Um... never. I always use a quote when it comes to mind. :)

The last time you saw a black Chevy Impala (any year, it's too hard to find a '67!) was...