Supernatural Cringe

linalin posted on Jun 19, 2009 at 02:24PM
Ever read, saw or did something related to Supernatural that made you go "Oh God, I'm so embarrassed for/of him/me!"

If you answered yes, or even had a smidge of guilt, tell us all, this is where we come clean on the dark side of Supernatural.

Don't be afraid, we're here for you.

Supernatural 2 replies

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over a year ago spn4eva said…
It was dark and i was outside the shop, and this man had really black eyes (probs just the mixture of brown eyes, and the dark night) but i really freaked out, and said 'Christo'!! lol
He turned round and said "Excume me??!"
i just went red and ran off... Oh dear!
Yep... its true... Oh the embarrasment! I have supernatural on the brain 24/7 hehe its unhealty! - in a good way mind:P
over a year ago LEH-Pjevsen said…
Ohh, I feel so sorry for you spn4eva:)
Well, here is my 'story': I have, twice actually, called my little brother Sam out loud, and everybody in the room, especially my little brother, just turned around looking at me like: "Why the hell is she calling him Sam?" It was so embarrassing.
Have to say my little brother's name is Christian, nothing to do with Sam, and even I can't figure out why I ca... Oh wait, that's right, because Supernatural never leave my thoughts(x
last edited over a year ago