Soul Eater : New Start

TheAdventGhost posted on Apr 22, 2021 at 02:36AM
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Soul Eater 1959 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 1959

over a year ago LillyBlack said…
A waitress approaches the table ready to take their order. "I'm sorry for the wait! Are you guys ready to order?"
Akiko nods, "Yeah! Can we get crepes for Vanessa and I here... Ooo and maybe some taiyaki for me too? And then for Kay... some coffee jelly will be fine!" Akiko looks at Jin and tilts her head. "Do you want anything Jin?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: No thanks, I actually ended up eating before we got here.
Vanessa: Aw, if you just want to split a crepe with me, all you gotta do is ask .
Jin: .....
Vanessa: *She squeezed on Jin's cheek* Stop being Mr. Stubborn.. admit it, you wanted to split one with me.
Jin: Why must you read me like this?
Vanessa: Because you're so easy to read. Anyway, Jin's fine. He'll split with me.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
The waitress nods and smiles at them and leaves to go get their food. Akiko giggles, "You guys are adorable.."
Kay eventually comes back in and sits down with the group again. "Alright, sorry about that, your motorcycle kinda got me carried me away, Jin. Can't wait to actually see it in action once we have to leave the lab... But, speaking of the lab, I brought the blueprint back.." Kay scratches her head. "I hope you don't mind that I did write on it a bit..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: It's fine Kay, it's not like I gave the thing much value... All it is for me is a reminder of another time...
Vanessa: You hear that Jin, she called us adorable.. I'm flattered.
Jin: Just please don't get all Blair on me...
Vanessa: *She then whispered next to him* Don't worry, we can save that for later.
Jin: *His slowly turned red* Business, we've got to talk business...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay looks at the two, "Well seems like I missed something while I was gone..." Kay looks at Akiko to see if she can get anything from her but she just giggles.
"I guess you two have something planned now after the lab, huh..." Akiko says, still giggling as Kay just sits there completely confused.
"Well then- back the blueprint," Kay says still feeling confused and doesn't even know if she should question it. She lays the blueprint on the table. "I put down a few stickers to kind of guess where the guards would be... I would assume there would be two at each door... In that case, we technically have two options. One of them risks us being caught... The other doesn't but I guess you can say it's a little more uncomfortable... Which would you wanna do?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: Well, now it would depend on just what you have planned...
Vanessa: An uncomfortable plan?
Jin: If you wouldn't mind... What's the plan on each side? Each plan has its own risks it seems...
Vanessa: Well, one's in a comfort way.. The other one's a pure risk.. Weighing options or not, we should do this with as little risk as possible..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay nods, "True... But, the only reason I say the other plan is uncomfortable is because it requires us to go through vents... Now we can't necessarily travel through the whole ventilation system to get there, sadly I don't think it works like that... But we can use it to get past at least the majority of the guards without having to worry about getting caught. The other plan was to try going through all of the guards with enough distractions, but, the problem with that is if any of those distractions fail for whatever reason, we can easily get caught. There's a lot of guards so it is pretty high risk..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: It's just vents? Oh, well that's no problem...
Vanessa: Yeah, if you're thin. *She pointed to her chest* I don't think a stacked chest is going to be comfortable crawling through vents.
Jin: Can't tell if that was a weird brag or actual concern... What are we to do then?
Vanessa: *She pouted for a second* I guess I'll just have to suck it up... But Jin stays behind me. We're going to be nearly close proximity...
Jin: I was going to say I could just keep you in weapon form until-
Vanessa: It'll be fine, you just stay behind me..
Jin: ..... Suit yourself I guess... *He said scratching his head*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay laughs, "Well, I guess it's settled, we're going through the vents. Akiko do you want to go thr-"
"No," Akiko cuts of Kay, furiously shaking her head no. "There is no way you're gonna find me in those vents."
"Well, then I guess all three of us will go through and Akiko can stay as a weapon. That's one part down! In that case, here's the general layout of what we have to do... Once we get there, I'm going to have to be the one to get out through the hatch of the truck first. There's probably going to be guards waiting there to meet up with whoever the driver is, so in that case, I'm going to have to knock them out quickly because we don't have time to deal with them... And to make sure none of them actually see me..." Kay gently places something on the table which just initially seems like black rubber balls. "I have my smoke bombs! They explode into smoke on harsh impact so that's why I have to be careful with them... After that, I'll let you know when it's safe to leave the truck and you'll just have to follow my lead through the vents.. Our plan is to get to the end of lab because there should be either a staircase or an elevator that should take us down to where the vault is. From there we have to wing it because I have no clue what could be down there..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: Hm, alright... Sounds good.... They have most of the elite guards guarding all of the spots outside of the vault... They do have guards that patrol the elevator, to go down there... When we get to that end of the hall, we need to ride the elevator as soon as the guards are far enough...
Vanessa: I see... It feels like we're preparing a heist here...
Jin: We basically are honestly..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Yeah, but it sort of makes me glad it's like one... these past missions I've been on have started to just feel repetitive at times..."
The waitress comes back with their food and Kay moves everything off the table and the waitress sets everything down. "I hope you guys enjoy!" She smiles and then leaves once again. Akiko's eyes filled with excitement and starts munching down on the taiyaki first. "You got me coffee jelly?" Kay asks.
Akiko nods while happily eating as if she hasn't ate anything in forever. "Oh.. thank you." Kay looks at Jin and Vanessa again, "Are we starting right after this then?"
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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: If you're feeling it, then yeah... I want to get this done as soon as possible... The sooner we can get this done, the sooner I can get this place out of my mind..
Vanessa: Hear you loud and clear on that one... *She said, cutting the crepe in half for Jin and beginning to eat her half as Jin ate his*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I'm down for doing it after we eat then... How about our escape plan...? I know we're kind of just running out but our pathway to leave depends on where you leave your motorcycle... You think you can lead the way?" Kay asks, eating her coffee jelly. Akiko is just sitting there, politely listening as she happily eats her taiyaki and crepes.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: *He nodded* You can trust that my bike can get the job done....
Vanessa: Mhm... Let's just say... There's more to it than meets the eye.... Of course, I'll let that be a surprise to your eyes.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I do have a general idea, you are technically talking to an engineer here... But I would still love to actually see it in action..." Kay takes the last bite of her coffee jelly. "Most of the surprise would be for Akiko here, although she will be in weapon form..."
"Huh..?" Akiko says, also taking the last bite of her food. "Oh- Being a weapon is enough for me to experience it, so I'll be fine!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Oh? Very well then.
*Jin and Vanessa ate the last bite of their food as well*
Jin: Surprise or not, it'll get the job done... That's all we need right now..
Vanessa: True enough I suppose.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay nods and stands up. "Well, I think it's time we get going then? You guys should go park the motorcycle somewhere near the lab and then meet Akiko and I back here so I can take us to my parents facility. I don't know if that's the most convenient way to do this... unless someone possibly has a better idea..?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: Alright, well.... Actually.... We don't necessarily need the bike near the lab... I could leave it here...
Vanessa: Really?
Jin: Mhm... You can trust me on this one.. Anywhere we have the bike will be fine.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Ooooo ok... In that case, just follow me." Kay starts walking towards the direction of her parents facility with Akiko walking beside her. "We're not going to get too close, otherwise I could start some problems... But, we're just going to wait far enough where none of them will see us getting in the truck... Akiko it may be a good time to turn into a weapon now, it's easier this way..." Akiko nods and transforms into a dagger as Kay catches her with her hand.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Jin and Vanessa followed behind them*
Jin: Hey, should Vanessa be in weapon form here too?
Vanessa: If Aki's going weapon form, then it should be fine.. *She turned into her uzi form and Jin held on to her*
Jin: It'll be better this way...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"It helps since it guarantees that we can easily get all four of us onto the truck, plus it's less people for them to notice!" They arrive close to the facility and Kay peeks over to look at the entrance where the trucks typically leave from. "For now we basically just wait until it drives by... If it passes by too fast, I'm going to have to grab onto you to get us on before it gets too far, is that ok?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: Heh, yeah it'll be alright.. Let's just make sure we can follow this plan to the best we can...
Vanessa: Yeah, the moment any part falls apart... We may not can make up for it...
Jin: Once we get what we need from the vault, we're solid.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Don't worry, I believe we can go through this without any mistakes... Plus... I also promised you, Jin, that not a single guard will touch me during this and I meant it.. It technically implies there was a mistake by me and I'm not letting it happen..."
Kay peeks over again and notices a truck beginning to leave the facility. She moves back to prepare to jump onto it, however, it moves pass them in a quick motion, faster than what Kay was at least hoping. Kay sighs and looks at Jin, "Welp... sorry about this, I guess.." She grabs onto Jin's wrist, Akiko still in her other hand, and she closes her eyes and takes a quick deep breath. She dashes towards the truck, fast enough to at least catch up to it and she immediately jumps on the top, hoping the driver doesn't feel any feedback from it. To prevent any problems, she immediately goes inside through the top hatch and let's go of Jin's wrist once they're inside.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: Alright... We're here.. And uh... There was no need to apologize... This was an alternative if the first plan didn't work.. Of course factoring truck speed isn't the first easiest thing to do.. Anyway, that's phase 1 completed... Now we wait for phase 2..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"True... I was worried I would end up being too far behind or too far ahead..." Kay scratches her head, "At least if I was too far behind, that's a little more manageable I guess... But if I was ahead that would've been a problem... By the way Jin, how sure are you that the grimoire is actually there anyways?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: ....... *He closed his eyes for a few seconds* It's there... I can feel it... I'm sure of it. In a way... I guess you could say Ouroboros kind of connects me to it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Interesting... But, it makes sense... At least we know it won't be much of a gamble then now, huh? Do you think we should be worried about coming across Vyper along the way?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: *He clenched his free hand into a fist* That's the only REAL problem we may have to deal with... If he gets in the way, there's nothing we can do about him...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Oh right, I forgot you two sort of have a connection... Then I guess that's the gamble we truly have to worry about here, but I'm sure we'll get through it..." She places her hand on his shoulder. "We WILL get through it, ok?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: *He unclenched his hand as he took a breath and calmed down* Yeah... We'll get through it.... I've got to be optimistic....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
She smiles at him, "Yes, you do.. I'm sure after this, you'll feel a lot better about it."
She feels the truck finally stop and takes a deep breathe. "Well, time for phase 2... I'll tell you when to come out." Kay quickly opens the hatch and throws smoke bombs on either side of the truck when she hears the guards approaching. She jumps out the truck and confronts the first guard. She quickly hits certain pressure points to knock them out and turns around once she feels the other get close to her. She kicks their stomach to push them back and kicks them once again on the side of their face, hard enough to knock them out as well. "Well, those two are down now..." Kay opens the door to the driver's seat and looks at the person there. "I'm sorry, you're probably not even that bad..." She says to them and does the same thing she did to the first guard right after.
She sighs and closes the door, "Alright you guys can come out now..!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Jin hopped out and walked to Kay*
Jin: Alright, time to get busy then...
Vanessa: Let's get this done.
Jin: Right.... Kay, let’s do this.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay nods and starts to look around for the vent. Once she finds it, she grabs the nearest desk to climb on top of considering she can barely reach it. "Being a lil taller could've helped..." She mumbled under her breathe. She climbs on top of the desk and removes the vent cover. "Alright! Now all you really do is follow me... Hopefully we don't make a lot of noise in the vents but I doubt it. Vanessa, are you going to climb with us too or stay as a weapon?" Kay asks. "And I already know you're going to stay as a weapon Akiko..."
"Of course! Like I said, I'm not going to go in there.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Vanesda returned to her human form*
Vanessa: Of course, I did say that Jin would be behind me.
Jin: Why though?
Vanessa: Don't you worry your little head... I just think it'd better if you crawled behind me. Everyone's better off for it.
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay laughs, "Well that's something between you two then." Kay sheathes Akiko on the backside of her belt, creating an x shape with her other dagger that Kay made. "Sorry Akiko, you're going to have to stay there in the meantime..."
Kay starts climbing into the vents and crawls far enough to give Jin and Vanessa space to come in as well. "Let me know when you're in! Since I can't really look..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Vanessa climbed into the vents and then crawled in far enough*
Vanessa: Jin, your turn!
*Jin climbed into the vents crawling behind the both of them*
Jin: Alright, I'm in... *As he was behind Vanessa, he began to think* Ooooohhh, I get it! You didn't want me behind Kay, because you didn't want me staring at her butt. So you rather I stared at yours...
Vanessa: *Her face turned red* You didn't have to say it out loud.... C-Come on, we NEED to focus..[Jeez...]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay's face turns red as well and buries her face in her arms, but, she decides to keep quiet. Akiko, on the other hand, is just laughing away, "If you think about it, it's a good experience for Jin regardless of how this ended up.." She says.
"A- Akiko shush... We need to be careful if they can hear us... Like Vanessa said, we need to focus..." Kay says, sounding a little bit muffled since she's still buried in her arms. She looks up again, "J- just follow me..." Kay starts slowly crawling towards where the end of the lab would be, her face still slightly red.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*They followed behind Kay as they should*
Jin: ..... Incredible....
Vanessa: What is it?
Jin: Its presence is growing stronger.... But.... There's something else...... Alongside the grimoire... I can feel... Something... No, someONE else....
Vanessa: Think it's Vyper?
Jin: No.... He's nowhere near this location...
Vanessa: I'm guessing it isn't just the guards then....
Jin: Who could it be?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I guess this isn't going to go as smoothly as I hoped it would be then..." Kay sighs, "We could always wait until you can't sense it... But is that even worth it?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: We need to keep going, if there really is someone else after the Grimoire, then we need to stop them... They aren't Vyper, so they're someone we can take down...
Vanessa: Good point...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"True... And we can't risk anything as well.. We're almost here anyways."
They make it to the end of the lab and Kay looks through the vent cover. "There's about 3 guards near the elevator.. Should we wait for them to move out or should we take them out?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: Leaving any bodies now would be unnecessary... Let's just wait a bit for them...
Vanessa: *She nodded, but she could tell Jin had some kind of emotion building inside of him*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Kay nods, "Alright, makes sense... Letting you know that you're taking the lead after this point... If anything, you know more about anything that's down there compared to any of us..."
She continues to keep an eye on the guards and waits until their out of her view. She waits until the sound of their footsteps get farther and then punches off the vent cover. "It should be safe now... It's so nice to be getting out of this cramped space now.." She crawls out and starts stretching out her arms waiting for the others to come out as well.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Vanessa came out first, followed by Jin and then boarded the elevator*
Jin: [What is this feeling?! Why do I feel like....}
Vanessa: ..... Jin, is everything-
Jin: Alright Kay, once we're down here... I need you to stand guard... Vanessa, think you can draw your gun and do the same?
Vanessa: Of course.... But Jin... Can you tell us what's going on?
Jin: That other feeling..... It's something I have a bad feeling about.... It's still... It isn't moving around... Like it's.... Sleeping...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Sleeping...? Not only did things just just get a lot less simpler, it just got a lot more confusing..." Kay presses the button multiple times for the elevator, eventually it reaching their floor and the door opens. Kay goes inside and unsheathes Akiko and her other dagger, getting ready.
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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
*Jin walked over to the vault, he put his hand where the Ouroboros symbol showed. Then his vector arrows came out of his back to cover 6 holes that were on each side. The big door then opened, and what was inside was unbelievable that made Jin move back*
Jin: What.... What in the?!!
*Not only was the grimoire there, but several pods and in each pod...*
Jin: There's no way..... That's.... Me?!!
Vanessa: Jin......
Jin: They're all... Lying dormant..... What the....... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!! IS THIS SOME KIND OF SICK TWISTED JOKE?!!!!
Vanessa: Jin.....
Jin: They made clones..... If they're clones.......... THEN WHAT THE HELL AM I?!!! *HE said clutching his head*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"H- huh..." Kay sheathes her weapons again and slowly walks towards Jin. She places her hands on Jin's shoulders, but her eyes don't move from clones. "J- Jin... Take a deep breath..." Her hands slightly tense up. "This project... You said they needed to gather traitors, right..? This is just a guess, so I could be completely off... But, maybe they could be making these clones to help with that and make them...?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: ......
Jin: Use the clones of me.... To make traitors.... No, they would've moved faster with the plan... These.... Abominations....
Vanessa: Wait a second.... *She looked closer at a pod, each one had a clone marked with a Roman numeral 1 to 9* Jin.... On your chest.....
Jin: Wait..... If they're all marked with it...... No... No no no.... You're kidding me right?! *He started to laugh hysterically* You're telling me I'M A CLONE TOO?!! NO WAY IN HELL, WOULD I EVER!
Vanessa: *She then walked deeper, and saw a Jin without a marking on his chest* Oh god.... *There was a label on the pod. Konda Cobros.* Konda..... What the.....
Jin: ..... If he doesn't have the marking then.... Is that?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Akiko turns back into her human form, standing behind Kay in shock, having no words to say.
"Could that be... the original then...? But if that's the case... then why is he in one of the tubes..? What's the purpose of the clones to begin with..?" Kay puts her hand on her head, looking down. "No... there's just too many questions..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: .... Wait a second.... The clones... Konda Cobros.... DAMN IT!!
Vanessa: Jin?!
Jin: He WANTED to lead us here... He knew I'd call his bluff! The traitors were never a factor, because he never gave a damn about Shaula or the traitors...
Vanessa: Hang on a second, so what's the point of the grimoire?
Jin: *He could feel the magic energy coming from the grimoire* It's a trigger..
Vanessa: A trigger? Like a switch?
Jin: The moment that grimoire is removed, all of the clones' power will be siphoned into the original host...
Vanessa: So if we would've taken the grimoire... *She looked at him with wide eyes* You would've....
Jin: DAMN IT!!!