Soul Eater (Remade)

kourage18 posted on Dec 05, 2013 at 10:28PM
(if you were already on here before just repost you info if not post one)

last edited on Dec 05, 2013 at 10:29PM

Soul Eater 726 replies

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Showing Replies 651-700 of 726

over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~sighs~fine....~she stands up slowly and walk to the bedroom~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: .... Zangetsu.... It's him isn't it.
Medusa: How did you even...
Kai: I found out things, back when I was in a temple....
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she falls asleep and enter her dream that seemed so real she sees two children they were crying and screaming mother help us please, she couldnt help but run to them but something stoped her was holding her in place she tried to scream to them that she was comeing but nothing came out, she was stuck.....~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: If I get this blade.... Hehehehe.... I'll become the strongest being in existence... That means that I'll always be able to protect them.
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she struggles then hears a dark laughter in the distance~

voice:stitch, my child you killed me now i will take you precoius children from you, that will teach you

stitches;~jumps up panting~no....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he'd close his eyes, he'd see himself in the dream* What the hell? Stitches!!!
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she turns her head to see kia!oh run!!

voice:you two cant save them!!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: I wouldn't be so sure about that statement. *he drew a blade, this one being different from before* Zangetsu... Now Tensa! *the giant blade became a black Katana* I won't allow you to harm them! Get the hell away from them!!!
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
voice: dear daughter, tell you mutt to back off befor i kill him

stich:dad?....wait...thats impossible! we killed you!!

voice:i can never truely die!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Heh, then we're at an impasse, because you can't kill me either.
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~awakens from her dream jumping up panting makeing it vanish for you to~fuck...~she jumps outa bed~
XxmousexX commented…
hey if i dont answer its because my computer crashed, so if it does ill try later o get on k? over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he opened his eye* Was that a vision? What the hell...
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she was sitting up shakeing like hell and her hands went striaght to her stomach~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Stitches, *he ran to the room*
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she felt sick in the stomach~t-there gone....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: What the hell are you talking about?!
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches: he makeing me miscarriage.....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Miscarriage..... Damn it!!!!!!
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she stands up then falls over dizzy~fuck....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: So what now? I kill the basted that did this to us?
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches: it my dad.....we killed him once...he will just come back agian
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: No.... Not unless I..... If I get Zangetsu...... I need to use Mugetsu...... It can permanently seal any demon away, but,at the risk of losing my powers.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she begins to crie clinging her stomach feeling a hard sharp pain~....~she screams~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: .....
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~blood started rushing out from between her legs~basturd.....ill find you~she passes out~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: *he'd use his healing ability to help restore the blood flow in Stitches' body*
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~the dream came back but is was diffrent~

dad:stitch...ill restore your children but there is a price....

stitches:what is it

dad:kill kai.....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: .....
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:*in real world her fist clench*

stitches:i will not!!

dad: then your children die
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Stitches....
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~jumps up swinging her fist then opens her eyes~huh....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Whoa calm down now...
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she jumps and wraps her arms around him and cries~im sorry im so sorry
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Sorry for what? Can you slow down for a second?
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she stops and takes a deep breath~.......he came back intop my dream...he said he would restore are children for one price....
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Then get it done. Why should I get in the way of our children's lives?!
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:no...the price...was your ..death
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: That's why I asked you. If I'm what's getting in the way, then get rid of me.
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches: i said no....i will not....~she showed anger and pain in her face~i will not lose you
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: ....
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:~she just stared at him~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Alright fine, if you want to do this, then we'll do it.
over a year ago XxmousexX said…
stitches:do what?....we cant do anything about it kai...i lost my not killing you to get them do i know its not a trap?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: That's why we're not killing me off. I've been in this situation a lot of times...
over a year ago XxmousexX said… many girls you gotz preo?~she looked cirouses~
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Not that situation. I mean a situation, where the enemy tries to bargain with another's life...
over a year ago wildwolfheart18 said…
stitches sighed: we will do what we have to do *her hands moved to her stomach holding it close*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: Where is your father? I'll confront him myself...
over a year ago wildwolfheart18 said…
stitches: *shaeks her head* i don't know he could be anywhere
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Kai: .... Damn....