Soul Eater Anime Remake..

itamikakusa posted on Jan 08, 2012 at 05:21PM
Yay or Nay?
I was surfing the website Funimation one day and I bumped into this forum conversation that made me gain hope on the Soul Eater anime. Take a look:­ati­on-­sho­ws/­fan­-fa­vor­ite­s/s­oul­-ea­ter­/wh­at-­is-­thi­s-s­oul­-ea­ter­-re­pea­t-s­how­/80­962

What do you think?

Soul Eater 8 replies

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over a year ago itamikakusa said…
Yeah i know it doesnt prove much but i really fuken want for funimation to remake the anime and make it follow the manga's storyline.
over a year ago Samurai15 said…
big smile
Lol it's not up to FUNimation they just english dub it for us and then broadcast it throughout America, it's up to Studio BONES in Japan, but over all I really want another season of Soul Eater even if it's in Japanese I'm still going to watch it!
over a year ago riah090 said…
Nay like a horse.
I wan't them to make a 3rd season! But, I guess kinda yay. They are going to make the remake TONS more like the manga, and the manga has more romance. ^_^ Hahaha.
Plus, any Soul Eater is a good Soul Eater. WHY they want to remake absoulte perfection? Idk but at least we get more of it. :D
over a year ago itamikakusa said…
Because the anime was screwed up!! It really disappointed me, the last episodes. They were doing really good up to then >.<
over a year ago Samurai15 said…
Ya the last episode SUCKED!! I mean a punch killed Asura? Really? Wow... I'm glad they are making it closer to the manga rather than just leaving off from where they ended the original...
over a year ago riah090 said…
Yeah, I agree with the Asura part. Like he is a all might kishin that Lord Death is afarid of! And a 13 year old girl punches him in the face and he dies!?
over a year ago itamikakusa said…
LOL yep. THat one scene killed the whole anime. EPIC X( Punch from maka...why didnt she do that in the first place???? XD
over a year ago Samurai15 said…
Lmao because even SHE thought it was ridiculous that all she needed was to simply punch him in the face! If that's all it took she could of at least maka chopped him and then that would end the series and everyone would be speechless XD