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Sonic the Hedgehog Question

Wouldn't be great if Sonamy and Sonally fans would unite?

I'm getting sick of this little "play fight" about which couple is better! Shut up and be friends! Everyone's different, okay? So who cares if you like Sonamy or Sonally? (I honestly like Sonally) Here's what you guys sound like: "Sonally sucks!" "No Sonamy sucks!" "Sally needs to die" "Amy needs to be tortured" OH
PUH-LEASE! Sonic fanbase is getting jacked up, now.
 BlueLavendar posted over a year ago
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Sonic the Hedgehog  best answer

Goldilottes said:
Ok guys this is a bit long xP :
I like Sonamy myself- Sonamy is awesome. but I do respect Sonsall. It's just their fans that aren't cool.
here's the reasons: Firstly because the sonsal club is full of Sonamy hate. That just shows how intimidated they are by Sonic and Amy.
There aren't any hate pictures on the Sonamy club.
Also, All through this club, on just about ANY picture that has just Sonic or Amy in it the Sonally fans are trolling on it going "THIS IS THE SONIC CLUB NOT THE SONAMY CLUB NO COUPLES!!!" yet on the sonally pictures in This club theyre like "YAY SONSAL ITS SONSALL SONAMY BOOO!!!" ..I'm not going to name any names.. but they know who they are. And they get so offended if anyone that points out, and start saying ohh stop hating on pooooor pooorrr Sally. It's pathetic. Sorry. It is.

Times I've heard Sonally fans saying Sonamy isn't real. or that Sonic hates Amy. It's just like their default answer for everything. And funniest thing is it's not even true lol.

So what I'm saying is that Sonsal fans seem to cause most of the problems. I can't even remember the amount of times I've tried to persuade them to keep the peace and not cause petty arguments and explain to them the overwhelming evidence that Sonamy is real- as everyone obviously knows.
I think some of them just try to blot it out.
No offence-and none of this is aimed at ALL Sonsal fans, but Most Sonsal fans don't seem to be able to be just Sonsal fans. They have to take it one pathetic childish step further and be Sonamy HATERS too. Most Sonamy fans respect Sonsal as we all remember when it was real. The thing most people don't respect is the Sonally fans themselves, because they don't seem to be able to respect anyone else.
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posted over a year ago 
and as many of you know, I'm always trying to keep the peace and I totally agree with you guys these hate argument are pointless.
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
Also, this is not directed at ALL Sonsal fans, only most, but it's MY opinion and I stand by it because it's true. So if there are any haters offended by this, then hate all you want and make yourself look pathetic. I really don't give a flying fack.
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
I AGREE! People are starting to make a huge fuss over nothin! Actually i think SONIC should decide NOT US! I mean it has "SON" in the name!
cakt07 posted over a year ago
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sweet_cream said:
I agree after all their fictional characters they don't exist
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posted over a year ago 
from now I won't support any couple iam just fine with all couples
sweet_cream posted over a year ago
ticklemeblue said:
Of course! This critisizing junk needs to stop. And for many who think Amy and Sally hate each other, your wrong. I agree with BlueLavender.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah Amy and Sally don't hate eachother. They're good friends!
shadowknuxgirl posted over a year ago
shadowknuxgirl said:
I would like it. But it probaly won't happen. Because we can't learn to respect others opinion. (I love Sonsal. Sonamy is......meh) but if we all could like support both couples there would be ALOT more peace.
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posted over a year ago 
I like Sonaze too. :3
shadowknuxgirl posted over a year ago
Sonic-fan15 said:
you go, i agree with you. i am a sonsal or sonsall what ever you want to call it but i am allso a sonamy fan too
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posted over a year ago 
amy_roxs said:
yah i guess cause i dont really care
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posted over a year ago 
Whirlwind586 said:
Exactly. End the madness! Start the Sparta!
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posted over a year ago 
kitmolly123 said:
Yes,I completely agree.I mean don't they understand that we have our own opinions.Plus,they're both canon shippings,so why can't we agree on that.I like both shippings though I don't know much about Sally. (I just needed to get all of that out)
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posted over a year ago 
sunsetfire34 said:
yes there all the same
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posted over a year ago 
well yeah except for the fact that one is long gone and over because a certain someone is dead, and the other is ever-popular and awesome, realistic and still reigning in the games and everthing else today in all its blue and pink glory ^^
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
soniconpudaisy said:
that will be perfect if sonamy and sonally will just get along im a person that respect everything but what i don't like is as most that like sally people treat amy like carp but im not trying to start a argument im just saying sonamy fans are more nicer then sonally fans but if we all couple can just drop this fight then everyone can be happy
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posted over a year ago 
Not ALL Sonamy fans.......(I won't use any names)
shadowknuxgirl posted over a year ago
He's right, Sonamy fans tend to be nicer than Sonsal fans. Even some of the nice Sonsa fans I'm friends with say that they're sick of the haters taking over the couple's name.
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
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