Sonic Fan Characters If you would ^^

NickleBackFan posted on Oct 08, 2010 at 11:46PM
I have four contests for you
1. make a RyuuXHoruis picture
2. Make a Mason and Royal picture ( as best friends or otherwise )
3. make a Rila and Tyler picture ( it can be alone pictures too snice I need pictures for them for a video )
4. Make a picture of Weakness ( he's an infant so no tall pictures of him unless it is a picture of him in the future, also he is a fox that eats other animals (such as bunnies, cats, gerbals, etc.) so you can do something like that ^^)

1. No stealing
2. you can use a base
3. you can give them human forms (except for Mason and Royal snice they are humans) if you wanna
4. send me your entry
5. you can enter as many times as you wanna
6. Have fun!
(if you don't know what someone looks like, tell me and I'll give you a link)

*to be annouced*

also, if you could, plaz send this to all your friends that you think would be intsted ^^, thank you, bye ;3 (please enter)

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