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Sonic Fan Characters Question

If you have Xbox live and want to join a Sonic clan.

Im making a Xbox Live clan soon. If you have a Fc you can be called by your Fc's name if you want. To join just send me a friend request on xbox live my gamer tag is ShadowWolf337 and answer this question and give me your Xbox Live gamer tag so i don't decline your friend request.
and just for the record this clan is just for fun, its not a MLG clan (i hate MLG clans...)

anybody want to join?
ShadowWolf337 posted over a year ago
can i ?! don't have much friends on live and sadly im not gold but if that's OK then my gamer tag is pairedbuffalo62
wiiknight678 posted over a year ago
 ShadowWolf337 posted over a year ago
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