Snape's Family and Friends A Very Jalbus Birthday (sequel to "The Irony of Life")

dragonsmemory posted on Jun 16, 2012 at 06:28PM
Here it is! The much-anticipated second installment of the Jalbus series. This time, it's summer. Jo's finally going over to the Potter house for their birthday celebration for Harry. Like Al said, the whole family's there.
But, of course, it wouldn't be a very Jalbus day if there wasn't any snogging, and ut certainly wouldn't be Jo's best birthday yet without an exploding cake, Weasley fireworks, a birthday snog with Al, teasing from James, a new broom, and a game of Quidditch, now would it?

Snape's Family and Friends 127 replies

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over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
A few hours later, everyone was in the sitting room, looking subdued. Harry paced, his hands running through his hair and occasionally touching the scar. Hermione, Rose, and Hugo flipped through books. James had Ruby in a comforting embrace. Romildaperched on the mantel, watching the scene. Some of the older adults leaned against the walls, deep in thought. Professor Longbottom looked the most worried. I got up from my seat on the arm of a chair and approached him.
"What could it be, Professor?" I asked, following his gaze to the pacing Potter.
"Over the course of the war, we lost a lot of good people," he said in a hollow sort of voice. He didn't elaborate, but he didn't need to. I knew exactly who died. Teddy's parents, Fed, Hedwig, Dumbledore, Mad-eye Moody, Harry's parents, Sirius Black. The list went on and on. I felt a sort of plan coming to me. I grabbed Al and pulled him into the hallway.
"What's this about?" he asked, glaring at me.
"Ij'm not an idiot. All the signs are there. There's another Dark Lord rising, I'm sure of it. It might even be the same one as before."
"That's not possible. Dad killed Voldemort."
"Well, this new Dark Lord seems to have a very similar agenda and set of beliefs. I need to do some serious research, into what I know. If I can draw enough parallels between the war and what's happening now, we might find ourselves a target."
"But Dad retired from the hero business after the war."
"We're the next generation, Al. It's our turn to carry on their legacy." I felt very Gryffindorish--brave, determined, and a little crazy. After all, just because the books ended doesn't mean the adventures have to.
over a year ago Bluekait said…
"It has to be a Death Eater or something. All the Death Eaters wasn't caught by the Ministry, only at the very least half of them went to Azkaban. Or maybe someone we know wants revenge like a jealous ex or a bully from school," Ruby exclaims. Harry paces back and forth, "Ruby, you might as well be right. Only something or someone was sent to your house, killing your parents and wrote that note. Then somehow knew where you were."
"Let's go back." Ruby says
"To where?"
"My house, of course. They probably left clues, like fingerprints and DNA."
Harry stops pacing, "Good idea, detective work will help figure out the death of your parents. I lost mine and I am not letting anyone loose theirs." Ruby nobs. James says, "How about half of us go and the other half stays here?"
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I came back with Al. "I'm going. I can pick up on things no one else can." Harry gave me a weird look. "It's the way I am. My screws are a little more loose." I pulled out my wand and said in a low voice, "That noseless bastard took everything from you. And I'm not about to sit back as history repeats itself." I felt determined. I was ready, and no one, not even those assh*le Death Eaters would stand in my way.
I tucked my wand back in my pocket and started my own planning, even as the characters made their own plans. A new Dim Lord would mean more trouble for the characters. I glanced down at the book in my lap, running my hand over the artwork on the cover. How could this person know where Ruby's parents were and that she was staying here? Only the Ministry had that kind of--
"THE MINISTRY!" I yelled. "They have all sorts of information on Muggle-borns. Someone in the Ministry must have gotten ahold of it and now he or she knows where Ruby's parents live and that she's friends with the Potters."
"So that means…" Hermione said.
"We're going to have to get into those records."
over a year ago Bluekait said…

Hours of searching through records and getting papercuts, they have found nothing. 'Ugh, my fingers are bleeding and I am sooo tired!" James complained. 'Ah, shut up! We're going home in a few," Jo said. Ruby rans to them, "Guys, I found something interesting." There was a body of a Death Eater, mask and all.

(thats all I got)
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I knelt beside the body. "Seems history really is repeating itself. Let's see who this is," I said, reaching down to remove the mask. Al grabbed my wrist and shook his head. He drew his wand and waved it over the mask.
I didn't quite recognize the face behind it, but I knew that white-blond hair. "Lucius Malfoy? Doesn't he belong in Azkaban?" I asked.
Harry knelt beside us. "Lucius here is one of the richer Death Eaters. He's been 'donating' to the Ministry for years. He had Fudge, the Minister back when I was still in school, in his pocket. It's no wonder he never believed the truth."
"But wasn't he put in Azkaban?"
"Yes, he was. It was also the same timed that Draco took the Dark Mark. Of course, once the dementors joined Voldemort--" everyone but me flinched "--it was easy tobreakopen the prison and spring them."
I started pacing. "But after the war, all the Death Eaters were thrown…right…back…" The realization hit me and James at the same time.
"They could've persuaded the dementors to let them out. After all, they're still on the same side," he saaid.
Hermione spoke up next. "But this means--"
"I'm afraid so," Harry answered. "It looks like I'm back in the hero business." I ignored the rest of thed conversaation, focusing instead on the scene. Malfoy's face was calm, unlike someone who hadd been hit with the Killing Curse.
over a year ago Bluekait said…
"We should give him a proper burial. We gotta let Draco and his family know that Lucius passed," Hermione said. Harry and Ron nodded. Ron spoke up, "To say their goodbyes? That's a clever idea Hermione!"
Jo saw a disgusted face James made. She knows James and Scorpius are enemies and been fighting over who gets to be Ruby's boyfriend. 'But at this difficult time for her?' Jo wondered as she watched tars ran down Ruby's cheeks and went over t comfort her.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I glanced over at Al, who was in the process of punching James while Harry's attention was elsewhere. "Everything's going to be ok," I said, hugging the Hufflepuff. "Things always even out in the end. Tell you what. I'll owl Scorpius myself and tell him." Ruby didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. Things in the Wizarding world were far worse than it seemed. Everything thatf had been repaairedd in the years since the war was falling apart.

It was a very subdued group that returned to PotterManor that night. I slipped up to 'my' bedroom. I had letters to write.
I sat at the desk and set to work on a letter for my parents.
*Dear Mom and Dad,
The summer started out really well, but things have changed. It looks like another Voldemort is on the rise. Ruby's parents were killed. They were Muggles, too. We all went to the Ministry to figure out how this new Voldemort could've found them. Just as we were leaving, we came across the bokdy of Lucius Malfoy.
I'm no expert, but he wasn't killed with magic. From the looks of it, this person is tracking down every person with a connection to Mr. Potter.
This is certainly worrying. Maaybe I can try to get magical protection for the house. Ik'll have to plan something out.
Is it ok if the Potters see me on the train to Hogwarts? I have a pplan that would (hopefully) work.
I sent Mercury off with the letter. Instead of writing to Scorpius, I pulled out the books and listed the charcteristics of the Wizarding Wars. I then listed the odd things happening this summer. There were odd parallels.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…

"Jo, come on down!" Ginny called up the stairs, just as if I was one of the clan. I carefully folded the parchment and placed it in my DADA book, which I put on the end of the bed as I walked out of the room.
When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw almost the entire clan, plus a few other characters I knew. They wereall holding wrapped packages. I eased open the doorto the cipboard under the stairs and pulled out a rather large package covered in layersof tape andwrapping paper. The box was heavy. I luggged it into the living room, followed by everyone else.
Harry decided to go first. He held out along box. "Happy birthday, Johanna," he said. I took the gift and tore off the wrapping paper. Inside wasa brand-new Firebolt. The handle was sleek and smooth, polished to a high gloss. Every twig in the tail was perfectly straight. The brass footrest gleamed in the light. And, at the top of the handle, just under the word 'Firebolt,' was Harry's messy signature. "I figured you'd need a new broom. The Nimbuses just haven't been up to the standards set by the2000 and2001 mmodels. Especially the 2012. No wonder you were able to get it used." I stammered my thanks and started the broom on a circuit around the room.
"I guess it's my turn, then," I said. I picked up the box. I wrapped this one special just for you, Mr. Potter. I knowhow you never really got to make a mess with wrapping papeer as a kid, so go crazy," I finished, handing off the gift. Hharry did indeed go crazy. He tore into the paper like a thingposessed. I had used an entire roll if paper on the gift, covering it in a layer if tape. Under all that was a box.
"It's what you always wanted," I joked. "A box." Harry didn't hear me. He was havin too much fun demolishing the box.
By the time he got to the last box, the living room looked like a paper vilcano had exploded. Inside the last box was a roll of heavy-duty duct tape. "Duct tape?" he asked.
"Yeah, for fixing ducks," Ron said loudly before Hermione whacked him.
"For your glasses."
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((Okey,Don't be surprised! I'm now writing Jalbus with Jo and I have made my own OC (she is not named or described after me as you all did I made her way different than I am) here so I'm popping her in right now!))

Chapter 7Continued:
Everyone was now outside celebrating Harry and Jo's joined birthday, just when the were about to cut the cake, "Ted!" they heard a cry come from behind,the guests all turned and saw a young woman jogging toward them, "Amber!" Teddy Lupin cried back with a smile holding out his arms as if to hug the girl -Amber- and indeed he did just as she reached them she flew right into Teddy's arms hugging him tight,Jo simply stared as confused as ever as everyone hugged and greeted this girl whom she had never seen before in her life, "it's good to see you guys again!" Amber said now pulling back from Lily, she caught Jo's eye and grinned, "You Must be Johanna Glass" she said approaching Jo, "Yes.." Replied Jo, Jo was now surprised of Amber's appearance, Amber had pale skin, shoulder length Hot Pink hair that jiggled whenever she moved, her eyes her vibrant blue and her lips were medium-full, she wore a Weird Sisters T-shirt with a dark denim Mini skirt Fish net stockings and a pair of boots, "Yes...And you are?" Jo replied, "Amber Sparrow...Ted's girlfriend" said Amber holding out her hand with a smile, Jo shook it and tried to smile back at the girl, but simply couldn't, Amber didn't seem to notice that and simply went to join Teddy and the others, as if reading her mind Al,James, Lily and Ruby all walked over to her, "Need an explanation?" Al asked, "Yes!" Jo and Ruby snapped at him, "All right...Teddy and Victore broke up just before summer holiday, and another month later he and Amber got together" said James, "We only found out when we came home" Al said, "And Amber's also a Metamorphagus" added Lily, "Really?" Ruby asked, "Yep...just wait and see" said James he turned away and called '"Oi Amber!", Amber who was snogging Teddy pulled away and came toward them, "Jo and Ruby here want to know if you're really a Metamorphagus" said James, "All right" said Amber smirking, Jo and Ruby slightly gaped in shock, just a few seconds ago Amber's hair was straight, shoulder length and Hot pink, her eyes were vibrant blue but now her hair was breast length,curly and orange, and her eyes changed to a bright green instead. "There's you're proof" said James as Amber regained her previous Pink haired look, she smiled and walked away towards Teddy again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"That's cool," I said rather absently. I couldn't help but think my birthday wish had come true after all. Years ago, I'd wished I could live the books.
"Hey Jo!" Al's voice brought me out of my deep thoughts. "Want to try out the new broom?"
"Sure." I jumped up and grabbed my new Firebolt and headed outside. "I can't believe he spent thhis much on me. My Nimbus works fine."
"Remember when the Slytherin team got those new brooms?"
"It gave Malfoy more of an edge against your dad. Then, when he got the Firebolt, he had one-upped the Slytherins. He must've been thinking about that."
"Either way, it's a wicked broom."
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
Okay where do I pop in?
over a year ago Bluekait said…
Pop in here. You're good.
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
Amber noticed that there was another girl she hadn't introduced herself properly to, so she approached her smiling, "You're Ruby?..Right?" She asked, "Yes I'm Ruby and you're Amber Teddy Lupin's Metamorphagus girlfriend" replied Ruby, "It's Not like he isn't a Metamorhagus" said Amber pointing at her blue haired boyfriend from the crowd of guests, "I'm going outside do you want to join me?" Amber asked Ruby, "Sure" she replied with a smile.
(That's all I've got)
over a year ago Bluekait said…
Looks like I got a new friend.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Yep. You do))

I zipped around the house on my broom. It was wcked fast and responded to the barest of touches. Al and I raced. I left him in the dust. Riding it was incredible.
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
Ruby and Amber walked out into the garden, just then they noticed someone zooming around the house on a brand new firebolt, "Who's that?" Amber asked, "It's Jo! She's trying out the new firebolt Mr Potter got her for her birthday" replied Ruby watching Jo carefully zoom around the house in circles a couple of times, "Hey James!" Amber called, James Sirius Potter came running outside a piece of cake in one hand and a fork in the other "What is it?" He asked annoyed, "Mind if I borrow you're broom?" said Amber, "Sure...go ahead" said James "Now let me finish my cake in peace!" he snapped on his way inside,Amber grinned and pulled out her wand, "Accio James' broom!" She said, not long then a broomstick came shooting out of James's open window and into Amber's grip, "What are you going to do?" Ruby asked confused, "You'll see" smirked Amber she slid her wand back into her pocket, tied her hot pink hair into a small ponytail, mounted the broom and kicked of racing to reach Jo, "Hey Jo!" she called out, Jo looked over her shoulder and saw Amber zooming by, "Want to race?" she asked smirking, Jo nodded, then the two girls stopped hovering in midair, "Three laps around the roof of Potter Manor first one that reaches Ruby...Wins" said Jo, Amber nodded.
"On you're mark...get set...go!" Ruby called from the ground and the two were of.

((Just to be clear what kind of broomstick does James Sirius own? And two Jo will win the race a A brand new firebolt is probably no match for a any broomstick I think I forgot about Al!))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((James, I'm guessing has a Cleansweep Twelve. Yes, Jo will win the race))
I clenched the smooth handle of my broom tightly, urging it to top speed. It shot forward like a javelin. With practiced movements, I eased into the turn, curving gracefully around the house. On my thid lap around, I blasted past Ruby, giving her a high-five as I did.
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
Amber landed just a few moments after Jo did, "I knew you'd win" she said with a smile, "And Al..give James his worthless broomstick back" she added sarcastically tossing the broom to Al, who caught it and went inside, "So you girls wanna walk around a little or just head inside?" Amber ask untying her hair, "Let's walk" said Ruby, "All right....Jo?" Said Amber, "Sure, I guess" replied Jo.
(Again...all I've got could you continue..Jo and Ruby could get to know Amber better and she could get to know them better too!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"So, I guess I should start?" I asked as we started walking. "Let's see...I'm Muggle-born, my parents moved here from America when my letter came. I'm a Gryffindor and going out with Al, the best of the Potter boys. I'm the Seeker, obviously. And I think that's about it. Any questions?"
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
"And you have the same Birthday as Mr Potter" added Amber with a smirk, "And now me...I was a Ravenclaw back at Hogwarts, I'm a non prejudice Pure-blood, I have two brothers one older named Jayden he was a Ravenclaw and one younger named Heath also a Ravenclaw I'm sure you've seen him around he attends Hogwarts and is in you're year, I'm Metamorphagus from my mother's side and finally my dad died when I was only two..any questions?".

(Who's doing Ruby? And how old is Teddy Lupin here in this fic?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((We haven't decided on ages. Al is obviously old enough to date. Go off of that))
"How'd your dad die?" I asked.
((Anyone can do any character))
over a year ago Bluekait said…
((Want me do me?))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Go for it))
over a year ago Bluekait said…
(('bout time but I am going to let Emzy explain her father's death first))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Sounds good. Woo! Next post is 4 pages!))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
Did I say Amber's dad died and when she was two I meant three and Heath Sparrow (Amber's younger brother) is a 7th year at Hogwarts I'm not sure if you're if your characters are in his year or not,What if Teddy is in his twenties in this fic?,cuz Amber is 20 so Teddy can be like 21-24
Amber hesitated for a moment but then decided to tell both Jo and Ruby, after all any friends of the Potters and Weasleys and of course Lupins are friends of her, "He isn't exactly dead.." she said at this Jo and Ruby were confused, "What do you mean he isn't exactly dead?" Ruby asked, Amber stayed silent hoping they would understand, "He's missing isn't he?" Jo asked, Amber nodded "You could say that.." She said "Or at least that's what my mother told me...Whenever I ask her about it now she avoids the subject, but Jayden my older brother told me that dad took of right on the morning of my 3rd birthday and he never came one ever told me the reason of why he left in the first place though" though" she added fighting back tears, "But Heath if he's the youngest how was he born if you're dad took of when you were only three?" Ruby asked, "Heath is 17 now,Mum was nine months pregnant with Heath already when he Heath never knew dad" she answered a few tears now running down her face, "Have you heard of him?" Ruby asked, "Yeah have you?" Added Jo, "Not even once..." replied Amber, "Me and my brothers both presume he's dead I don't know what my mum thinks though" she added wiping her tears on the back of her hand , "Were so sorry.." said Jo, "'s okay" Amber managed a smile, "Well Ruby..I guess it's just you left!" she said.

((Well I'm leaving either of you two continue what happened,Yay 4 pages!!!))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Bluekait is doing Ruby's story))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((Oh Alrightie then!))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((Should we just keep waiting till Ruby comes on?))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Yes. We wait))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((I see...have you any idea when she will come on?))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Nope. Ok, we really should quit talking here so much and leave it for the story))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((All right))
over a year ago Bluekait said…
((sorry, I had school))

"Okay. I am in the same year as Jo. I am a I missing anything?" Ruby explained. Jo nodded. "Oh, yeah! My parents are ....." she stopped, looking at the ground. Jo finished, "Dead. She found out this morning."
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Well, you play Chaser or the Hufflepuff team," I added, hoping to lighten the mood.
"HEY, JO! DINNER'S READY!" James shouted across the grass.
"Well, I think this means I'm officially a Potter."
((On a side note, it's SNOWING here))
over a year ago MoonshoesPerry said…
I'm not really a part of this forum, but we have a good inch of snow already where I am. It's so pretty! I love snow.
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((Lucky you Jo, I wish it would it would snow where I live I'm miss it so much!))

"I'm so sorry Ruby..." Said Amber, Ruby nodded her eyes still on the ground as they walked inside, Teddy was there to meet them his blue hair was messy like the Potters' hair, "I see you've made some new friends.." he said taking Amber's hand in his own, "Yeah, I sure have" she said smiling at both Jo and Ruby, they both smiled back Ruby's smile was weak, "What are you doing here chatting around?" Ron's voice came from behind them, "Hello Mr Weasley" the all chorused, "Come on I'm starving!" he said in an annoyed tone, Jo felt a smile tug on the corners of her lips, "All right All right were coming" said Teddy, he and Amber walked away Jo and Ruby following close by, "Finally!" beamed Hugo as they all showed up in the dining room, everyone was already seated and the food smelled delicious, Ron,Jo,Ruby,Amber and Teddy took their seats and everyone began to eat, half way through the meal the dining room door burst open making everyone jump, and a boy stood there his skin was pale, like the Malfoys he had pale blond hair but it was streaked with jet black and it was spiked up, his eyes were the very same shade of blue as Amber's were and he wore a black hoodie with jeans and sneakers, in short he wore muggle cloths, the boys expression was full of confusion,anger but what consumed him most were sadness and grief, "Heath.." Amber said confused she got to her feet and approached him, "What's wrong Heath?" Harry asked, "It's my Mum..." he half whispered fighting the urge to cry, Amber's expression changed her blue eyes lost their shine, "Heath what's wrong with Mum?" She asked, Heath stayed silent his eyes glued to his sneakers, "Heath tell me!" Amber snapped her hands gripping his shoulder, "Everybody stopped eating and glued their eyes at the scene, "Tell me!!" she shrieked shaking him, instead of remaining silent Heath fell into his sister's arms holding on to her tight he began to sob, "Amber I think Heath is trying to tell you.." James began but Ginny glared at him making him shut his mouth and simply stare into his plate of course Jo,Ruby, Al,James and the others knew clearly what had happened to Mrs Sparrow, "Amber, darling why don't you and you're brother go to the living room,and Teddy could come with you" Ginny said, Teddy stood up, walked over to Amber and layed his hand on her shoulder, "Is Jayden here too?" Harry asked, Heath murmured a muffled 'Yes', "Yeah he's here" said Teddy, "All right you go we'll be there in a few" said Hermione,soon,Amber,Heath and Teddy were all in the living room.
"She's dead isn't she..Mrs Sparrow" Jo asked, "Yes Jo...she is" said Harry blankly.

((I'm leaving it eitehr to Jo or Ruby to continue what happened next in the living room of course both Heath and Jayden are Metamorphagi and heres Jayden's description .
Spiky Dark Red hair
Vibrant blue eyes
Pale skin.
And thank you))

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Everything I write is from jo's perspective))
I could barely eat. Someone was targeting the same kinds of people that were targeted during the war. First, Ruby's Muggle parents die, then Amber's mum, a Metamorphmagus, turns up dead. I was sure it'd only be a matter of time before this mysterious killer came after me. I needed a way to defend myself. And I had the perfect idea. "Hey, Al. What do you think of restarting Dumbledore's Army?" I asked.
"There's a lot of students at school who could be targeted. Either them or their families. I just feel like I need to DO something. I can't just sit around and wait for this guy to find me," I said.
"My thoughts exactly," I heard Harry mutter to his plate.
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((I know, but what I meant is that everyone should go to the Sparrow house to investigate, like they did with Ruby's I posted Jayden's description for that in case you or Ruby would want to write it oh yeah have Jo and the others hear the fight from the other room))

"How did she die?!"Amber asked, she was slumped lazily on the couch her head resting on Teddy's tear stained shirt, "We came home from Diagon Alley and we found her laying there in a pool of her own blood.." said Jayden elbows on his knees, "Someone slit her throat open" Heath muttered, Amber let out some sort of crossover between a gasp and a moan, "Heath!" snapped Jayden, "What we had to tell her!!!" Heath snapped back, "No we didn't now you just upset her more!" bellowed Jayden rising from the couch, "Aren't we all upset!?!" spat Heath, "SHUT UP!!" Amber bellowed suddenly rising to her feet Teddy did the same, "You're just making things worse!" she yelled "Stay out-" began Jayden but she cut him of, "I'm not staying out of the subject of my mother's murder!!" she bellowed, "I'm you're sister and you always shut me out of everything....That's why I prefer Heath over you Jayden because you shut us out of everything thinking that were too young!", "I do it cause I care about you!" Jayden shouted, "Ph really?!?!?" said Amber sarcastically, "You never told Heath the truth about what had happened to dad because you care about him?!" she added just as more sarcastically, "Why what really happened to dad?" Heath asked, "Dad's dead Heath and he's been dead since before you were born" said Jayden in an annoyed tone, "No he's not Heath! Don't listen to him I know the truth..Mum knew the truth, Jayden even knows it but he's just to stubborn to tell!" Amber said, "So dad's alive?" Heath asked his tone hopeful, "We don't know...He took off and left us just two weeks before you were born, we never saw him or even heard from him ever since" Amber replied, at this Heath turned to Jayden, "So my father our father might be alive somewhere and you told me,made me believe that he's been dead ever since I was four!!!" he bellowed stomping over to his older brother, "I'm...I'm sorry I just-" stammered Jayden but Heath waved him down angrily his vibrant blue eyes now as Red as Voldemort's were, "Save it!" He sneered clenching his hands into a fist so that his knuckles stood out white as snow, He raised one of his fists up and made an attempt to punch Jayden but Teddy stopped him clutching Heath's fist in his hand fingernails digging into the skin, "Heath Sit down" he said loudly through gritted teeth, Heath's eyes were now blue again, he pulled his fist out of Teddy's grip and slumped himself onto one of the armchairs, "Same goes for you two" he said indicating Amber and Jayden, who sat silently back down on their chairs, "I'm going to talk to Mr Potter and the others they'll know what to do".

((And include Teddy coming into the dining room pleas))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I could hear the argument from my place at the table. I ignored what they were saying, focusing instead on reviving Dumbledore's Army. My only hope was that it wouldn't be like it was when the organization was first formed. I had history on my side. But would it be enough?
Teddy, who had walked out, his hair standing on end, came back in, looking like his normal self. He sat back down and turned to Harry. The two shared a muttered conversation. I caught James's eye and winked. We'd try to eavesdrop later. Harry would understand. After all, it was 'for the greater good,' just like his death had been.
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((And now what? I'm suddenly stumped))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((We wait for Ruby))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
((Okey then let's wait..while we are would you like to have a Jalbus discussion in messages?))
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Might as well. We should let Ruby in on it too))
over a year ago LadyEmzy16 said…
big smile
((OFC we'll both message her after we're done like you told me last time let's stop talking here to leave room for the story))
over a year ago Bluekait said…
Wait, I'm still doing this fanfic? Three fanfics? Boy do I need a break. Fine I'll do my bit.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Unless you don't want to))
over a year ago Bluekait said…
It's not that I don't want too. I am just running out of ideas for fanfics like this.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((We're leaving it up to you whic stories (if any) you want to work on))
Dinner was a silnt affair, as the characters were lost in their own thoughts. Amber and her siblings were still in the other room, while Ruby and I wondered what kind of sick bastrd would do such a thing.
over a year ago Bluekait said…