Scrubs - Stageplay

cecilymsmith posted on Jun 01, 2007 at 11:30PM
Loads of dodgy English sitcoms have had stage adaptations written, such as "Faulty Towers", "Are You Being Served?" and "'ALlo 'Allo".

I was thinking of having a go at a Scrubs one, just for fun! (I know it won't work, with the fast editing and flashbacks, but it's not going to stop me from trying!)

What typical things should happen? Or which episdoes do you think would translate well to the stage? What are the classic moments?

I just want some ideas to put into the melting pot so I have a project to occupy myself with for the next month!

Scrubs 8 replies

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over a year ago Rindidumplin said…
I would be more than happy to help you do that! I love scrubs so much, far to into it. you might be able to stage adapt the JD daydreams...maybe i think ben's death episode would be a good one, you know, where ben is following coz about but he's not really there? is it my screwup? i dunno anyway, yer gd idea like it.
over a year ago cecilymsmith said…
Yeah, that's My Screwup. I'll take a look at it. The actual thing would be a two acter with each act lasting around 40 minutes, so the full story of Ben might be a good idea. I'd not thought of that!

Nice suggestion, rindidumplin!
over a year ago Rindidumplin said…
thanks, it would be easy to get ben of stage when cox realises he isn't really there. Also, the test results thing with JD wishing they had made a mistake thing would be good aswell, there is a particular bit were JD reads back all the parts were people have told him that there is no mistake, they don't actually have to be shown via stage they can be used as soundbites through speakers! Far to into this......
over a year ago cecilymsmith said…
Yeah, I'm working on it as we speak!
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Actually I saw a play tonight which reminded me of Scrubs. It had 14 actors and they were on the stage the whole time and they just played like 4 different characters each. I think it would be really really good!
over a year ago Rindidumplin said…
Yay! that wud be good to see, or read or whatever you do. WHo shall we cast? There's the kicker...
over a year ago cecilymsmith said…
Nah, I don't have to worry about the cast. I definitely can't imagine casting it at my drama society! (I keep joking to my boyfriend telling him he'd make a good doug, even though he doesn't know who that is!)
over a year ago Rindidumplin said…
Haha, that would be offensive. Does he always forget a gurney?!?