Scrubs No! Seriously?!

Nav posted on May 18, 2007 at 10:52PM
Really?? Why would they do that?? I just sat there hoping against hope nothing happens!

Plus, how could the writer leave it like this for months? I think I'm really going to kill them this time...

Is this just my reaction? (Should I be hospitalized...?)
last edited on May 18, 2007 at 11:02PM

Scrubs 9 replies

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over a year ago 2shy said…
If you're talking about the season finale, in a way I agree with you. If they kiss, then it was worth the wait even if nothing comes of it immediately, but if they don't then it's just really getting tired. I think next season should just be the official getting together or end of JD/Elliot. I like them together, but it's always on and off and mixed feeling.

I so badly wanted JD to be the godfather and I really liked Jennifer Dylan's nickname...JD.
over a year ago Nav said…
"And she shall be JD forever!" lol...

I'm not sure I want them together. Keith and Kim can't just disappear (as much as some people want them to...), and it just wouldn't be right.

over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I think they made it clear that JD and Elliot aren't right for each other and they're both just freaking out because they're at 'the point of no return'.
I'm also a tad confused - was episode 22 the finale or not?? They should end it with Elliot getting married shouldn't they? If she is getting married... lol.
over a year ago Nav said…
As far as I know, this is the last episode of the season, which means a few more months of wondering.

I do hope that "the point of no return" is where they both will turn back and not go over. That's a bit too much, even for JD and Elliot, crazy and aaargh!-commitment people that they are...
over a year ago smackdabish said…
As much as I hate Kim, there's no way JD/Elliot could happen. It would be cheesy and over-the-top, and hopefully the writers get that there would be no way out of Elliot's wedding and Kim's baby.
over a year ago cecilymsmith said…
How can you not see it? ALL sitcoms have their JD/Elliot and ALL of them end up together, usually in the last episode! (There have only been two, but the Ross/Rachel reference has been there. And before you all comment, yes, they have been in the negative but the reference is still there!) Don't get me wrong, I don't like the couple, and I couldn't give a fig whether they got together or not (Sorry writers, not this time!)

Wow, that wasn't intended as a rant, it just sort of came out that way...
over a year ago Nav said…
Cecily (I'm assuming that's your name, sorry if it isn't) - I agree with you. The references have totally been there, but on those shows there were manipulations (for lack of a better word) to make you really wait and want the couple to get together. Here, as seen in the comments and forums etc, not everyone actually wants JD & Elliot together...
So while it's highly probable that they will get together, I'm definitely not rooting for it! :)
over a year ago cecilymsmith said…
Fair comment, Nav. I don't know how much fan-feedback influences the writers and if it does there would be a chance that they wouldn't get together.

But as much as I don't really want it to happen, I still stand firm that it will.
over a year ago rabidsquirell26 said…
to me its a little repetitive (spl?) on off on off, its annoying i agree with cecily and nav this cant work!