Scrubs Twist at the End?

Zach34n posted on May 13, 2007 at 04:20PM
Zach Braff Has discussed it.What do you think it will be?

Scrubs 14 replies

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over a year ago smackdabish said…
end of season 6 or end of the series?
over a year ago cadruvid said…
Nah, probably not, it seems he is talking about a twist in the plot, and you can't just have a major twist and finish the show completely, the networkers will have backlash from the fans and anyone associated with the show. The last ep of the series will probably be Elliot's wedding as it's in less than 2 months, so I think the big suprise will be something to do with that. Maybe it's cancelled or another character gets cancer or something.
And here's an idea for a monet during the wedding:
The Priest says "if anyone knows a reason why these two should not be married, etc." and JD prepares to proclaim his love for Elliot, when the Janitor stands up and does exactly the same, so JD figures he can't or he'd look like a loser.
What d'ya think?
over a year ago smackdabish said…
LOL that's like in the Friends finale when Ross is trying to tell Rachel but that other guy does right before him.
over a year ago benji said…
Gunther is a legend, how could you call him "that other guy" :(
over a year ago Zach34n said…
What i heard is that at the end of the season *SPOILER* theres going to be a twist. If you go on and go to scrubs then go to Cast on "My Cold Shower" and zach braff says that theres a twist. and what i heard was that the season would end with J.d and Elliot in bed togehter.
over a year ago Zach34n said…
what do u think of this
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
O gosh not AGAIN!
But it figures... what are they supposed to do about Kim then?
But it will interesting!
over a year ago fachero said…
Zach braff has talke about doing one more season. It's still awaiting approval from the network, but I don't think it will end just yet.
over a year ago benji said…
No, it's been confirmed this week, season seven will go ahead and it will be the last season.
over a year ago Zach34n said…
reallyi wish they went up to like season ten lol
over a year ago Byron said…
I'd watch it in season 114
over a year ago benji said…
To be honest, I wouldn't, they're starting to show signs that they're running out of ideas, heck, they did two of the 'someone else can narrate' thing in one season this time, and that in itself is an old concept to Scrubs. They're looking at the bottom of the bottle to refresh old concepts, and while they're still funny, they won't be able to keep refilling it for too long. This being the last season is a good thing, go out on somewhat of a high.
over a year ago keezie07 said…
I'd still watch it. For a few more seasons.

As for the plot twist, I think it is just that Elliot is going to break off the engagement to Keith.
over a year ago Nav said…
I kinda agree with Benji, they are running out of ideas. This season has had good episodes but really there were less funny moments and ideas.

But on the other side, I don't really know what would I do without my dosage of Scrubs. I've already watched almost every episode at least twice :)