Scrubs Should Jordan have died?

tvman posted on Apr 21, 2007 at 12:01AM
A month before the episode in which Laverne was going to die I thought "what if Jordan died instead"? I mean think about it, she has little to no actual role in the hospital, people are starting not to like her, and imagin the storyline for Dr. Cox, who now has to deal with Jordan dying, his patiants, and taking care of Jack and Jennifer Dillon (JD) all by himself. I think that that would have been a lot better story than Laverne dying. The reason why I think the show didn't kill her was because creator Bill Lawrence is married to her and it would have been a tough sell to her. If they had gotten devorced or were never married Jordan would have been the one to die.

Scrubs 8 replies

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over a year ago hunnylicious said…
jordan is on the hospital board so she has so to speak a major role!!I love jordan .. and everyone expects the mean in her plus she's mellowed out and become nicer !!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smackdabish said…
I love Jordan, but I think the plot would get a serious twist if she had died. It would've been good for the show... but sad.
over a year ago krQll said…
dr. cox has had to much on him, he has went through a lot. the jill insident was enough for him IMO, and he had to deal whit bens dead to, so we have had our look into how he is dealing whit that stuff. it would also make the show a little to dark if we had to go through a "low moment" with coxy again, not that it was bad in season 5, but it is not good for the show to let him go down... time after time after time after time :) and letting a character that everyone like die gives all the characters a chance to develop instead of just cox and JD who will try to safe him!
thats my 5 cents
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago benji said…
I love Jordan, I'd hate if she died, Laverne served no purpose other than sideshow jokes, so while I'm sad she's gone, it doesn't bother me that much.
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
I think people just want Jordan to die because John C McGinley was so amazing in season 5 and they'd just loved his performance. It's just repeating itself if Jordan dies and the same things would happen - Cox would just get drunk and wouldn't be able to look after the kids and JD would pull him through again.
It's a good idea but I don't think it would work... plus I love Jordan soooooooooo much!
over a year ago krQll said…
basicly what i said, but it aint fun to beat coxy down over and over again, by letting laverne die it made room for other people to evolve and letting us to know them better. and we also saw that coxy havent gotten over the incident with jill yet, so letting jordan die... no real reason for it IMO
over a year ago cecilymsmith said…
I was actually thinking of what a great idea that would be until snoznoodle made their point.

It would be too similar. Nice one!
over a year ago AmyFitz said…
hmm... she can be annoying but I do like her. Yeah, she's OTT but all the characters are exaggerated these days. I think it wouldn't be fair to Dr Cox if she died. But I also hated Laverne dying :(
