Scrubs The End

tvman posted on Apr 18, 2007 at 05:43AM
How do you think Scrubs should end. My ending would involve a storyline that goes like this.

The hospital is closing down due to it's abnomally large amout of esbestice that is hurting the patiants.

In a test to see the intelligance, and the capabilities of the doctors, problems come up that force a lot of doctors to quit. In these tests it shows...

Elliot: She is apperently too insane to keep working as a doctor and must find another career.

JD: Can remember the simplest things, but when it comes to hard deseases JD is not up to par with regular doctor and he now must try and find a new career.
The good part of this is that with both Elliot fired too there love is now able to blossom, as they realize that they are meant to be together.

Dr. Cox: he is going insane (as shown by his shaved head), but finds out that when he leaves he will get a big severence package. Big enough for him to retire on.

Turk: His mortality rate has gotten way too high and he must quit now and find a new job.

Carla: Is actually smarter than most of the doctors in the hospital, and gets transported to a top 5 hospital in Chicago.
Turk goes with her to start off his new career as a dance instructor for inner city youths, as he realizes that dancing is his calling.

As for other members of the hospital.

Dr. Kelso: Decides to retire and travil cross-country.

The Todd: the Todd goes to get help for his sextual comments to women (and men) after he gets sued twice, and comes on the verge of bankrupcy. He changes his ways and becomes a minester at a local church

Ted: Desides to become his own man and stands up to Dr. Kelso before he leaves. Unfortunantly this get him fired just before Dr. Kelso leaves. When leaving he decides to take his band The Worthless Peons with him and they go on to be successful, but only in Asia.

The Janitor: Janitor gets fired for not doing anything involving cleaning at the hospital, but falls back on his acting career, and wins 9 Academy Awards in the Steven Spielberg Thriller/Comedy "A Janitors Life".

I think this ending is good because it involves a lot of happy senarios, and a lot of sad senarios.
I do not think however that it is the best ending out there, so I would like to see some other ending ideas from other if anyone has any?

Scrubs 10 replies

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over a year ago Garnerish said…
It's crap.

Really. Really. Crap.

Elliot: She's recently become less insane, and more confident. And no-one would get hired for private practice if they couldn't doctor correctly.

JD: In the first couple of series he was heralded for some of his diagnostician skills.

Dr. Cox: He shaved his head to deal with stress. And why would he get severence pay but none else did?

Turk: I'd have to be in the case of 1 in 2.

Dr. Kelso: He's already admitted he wants to do that.
over a year ago benji said…
Wow, nice way to be too harsh. No need to crap all ove it. I like all the secondary characters endings (especially Ted, I'd love to see him surrounded by asian women on a videophone to Kelso), but the main characters were MEANT to be doctors, it's what they are and there's no way you should tarnish that.
over a year ago tvman said…
I'm sorry guys. I know my idea sucked but I had been thinking about it for a long time and that was the best I could come with. I put it on so that other people could give me better ideas. Anyway I am sorry if anyone hates it but I just wanted to get some ideas.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago benji said…
Don't apologise for making conversation, it's a nice concept for discussion :)
over a year ago krQll said…
well it didn't suck but why such a sad ending, and why the frick are we talking about endings? its real isn't it, well in my head is it. so my ideal endning is no ending! even though the idea of ted being a hit in asia makes me happy :)
over a year ago ViKKeRR said…
i believe that JD will become a new doc.cox, remember how cox. said he was a nice person when he was younger?

over a year ago Nav said…
Frankly, I agree with krQll. While we know the end is coming, why talk about it? It's sad! :(

Vikker - JD also said he wanted to be like Dr. Cox, only more succesful... But I don't believe the last season will involve a time leap, and I can't see this change in behavior happening so quick...
over a year ago krQll said…
the way this show should end is by JD getting his hug! only way
over a year ago tinydancer said…
Good topic! I agree with krQll, that would be just right!
over a year ago MAPARRENO0601 said…
i think the way it will end is they will play the scrubs theme song, "I'm no superman" and the words will fit with what is currently happening. Ex. J.D is leaving for a new job and meeting a new boss and he's in the car and his cell rings and Elliot is his wife, and she's gonna be late etc. it will go with what the song says and i think it would be the perfect way to end the show