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Sandra Bullock Question

Good afternoon ms. Bullock, I am an admirer of yours not just for the roles you are in but the way you handle life's adversities with dignity and pride. I have tried to locate Katherine Helmond for the project I know in my soul I was spared and blesse

Good afternoon Mrs Helmond and happy Tuesday!
I have enjoyed your acting career and characters you play very much!
I'm 53, so I remember "soap" fondly!! And only you could be "Mona"...
I'm from Houston, my grandpa Joe T Emmitte was from Galveston. Of course you being from Galveston was fun for my family to relate to!
I'm sending you this message in the hope you receive it and perhaps help me with a project I know I was born to do.
I am a 2 time survivor of Guillan Barre Syndrome. I was 29 the first time and 46 for the second. I drove myself to Methodist ER on 1-7-2010. I'd had a bad cold and cough for a while and felt faintish... So thought should have myself checked out before I went to work. The dr informed me I was not going to wk bc I was going to die that day they just didn't know what time I'd have respiratory arrest. What I didn't know when I drove my hummer down 59 my blood pressure was 68/27 and I had no potassium I'm me. I did die that eve around 630 pm due to multi major organ failure secondary to GBS. However God blessed me that day and defied all odds and lived. After a 3 month coma and 2 other crashes I woke up. The Drs still call me their miracle. Nothing in me worked and yet I pulled through with God, my family and friends. I spent the rest of the year in hospitals trying to relearn to move and walk again. Upon waking up I was a speechless quadriplegic, trached, ventilator dependent hooked up to more tubes than could fit on the sides of my bed. They had to hang tubes from the ceiling! I'm only 5'. I went into hospital weighing bout 115. I woke up and was dang near 400 lbs.
I'm now 123lbs. It's been an adventure for sure!!!
I'm told to write a book. However it would have to be a trilogy. Being an Italian Catholic on one side and a German Irish Catholic on the other side is part of my story, married my hi school sweetheart at 22 turned out to be Satan divorcing him after 28 years is the second part and now surviving and recovering the last 6 y
 kathyrene posted over a year ago
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Sandra Bullock Answers

Makeupdiva said:
Sorry to burst your bubble but celebrities don't come here. They have busy lives, but if you really need to speak to her, she'd probably either be on Twitter or Instigram. But it's kind of unlikely that you'd be able to get a hold of her.
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posted over a year ago 
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