Random Biggerstaff Family Reunion

mooimafish17 posted on Dec 20, 2010 at 08:42AM
last edited on Dec 26, 2010 at 06:52PM

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over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
So this is the new 1OOO reasons?
(if you can still edit it, how about changing it to 'Biggerstaff Family Reunion' or something similar so if the KOF comes back we can tell him he can't get in cos he's not a Biggerstaff) :D
over a year ago mooimafish17 said…
Will do :)
over a year ago PotterForever said…
Hiya guys. This was a good idea, I was getting sick of the KOF trolling on the 1000 reasons forum.
over a year ago mooimafish17 said…

I forgot a few people - can someone message andie plz :)
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
cba, on my phone .D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
(btw moo can we lose the apostrophes?)
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
'Sup y'all xx
over a year ago emilyroxx said…
AWESOME! Although Moo, you do know that now every time someone posts something on here you'll get an e-mail, right? Well, at least Lauracullen66 will be relieved.
over a year ago boolander25 said…
^LOL just last night I was thinking about how many emails she must've gotten. (Oh wait, she can stop those messages. NVM)

Anyways, howdy do peoples?
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
not so hot :D I'm gonna die under this workload of mine
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Dude, I'm right there with you. Not right now, but I will be once school starts up again. Damn you early college.
over a year ago mooimafish17 said…
yeah i turned off the email thing.

Ive had some messages from peopel saying they might stay on reasons so i personally will be spliting my time and staying on both forums. :)
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
I have to get it done today... and some more tomorrow...
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Yeah, I'm doing the same. lol moo, you got a response from best didn't you?

malloy, what do you have to do?
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
Well I've just found out that my English teacher has lost my coursework. I hand-wrote it, and if I don't get it in by the 4th of January (MY BIRTHDAY :D) I'll get a D D:
I hate English Lit. sooooo bad. After this, we have to read to kill a mocking bird. Blaaaaaag ¬_¬ x
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Ooh, harsh. But TKaM wasn't so bad; I read it in like 6th grade (or was it 7th?). It wasn't too awful.
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
boo -- write two articles, lest I get fired, go through my closet to make sure I have everything I need for Brazil + do some of the make-up work.
So not all school-related, but a lot all the same.
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Oh. Well that sounds awful. Are you, like, a journalist?
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
well... not exactly... check out link :D
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Already by the link I can tell your job is cool.

Oh my wizard God, it is cool.
over a year ago boolander25 said…
Oh my gosh, and thanks to your amazing website, I have discovered the cast list of Starship. *happy face* Yay for Joey Richter!
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
TKaMB isn't that bad. I read it this year and it was actually pretty good :)
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
I've read it twice before. I liked it when I read it at home, but it's a drag at school (I read it in year nine). And now I have to read it again :/ x
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
except when it's deadline day and I have nothing done.
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
lol Malloy
over a year ago boolander25 said…
nice malloy. xDD
over a year ago boolander25 said…
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
morning mea... AND IT'S NOT FUNNY.
quick -- think of a party survival tip other than talk to people, read, people-watch and eat?
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
dance? :P I don't know, Malloy. I don't go to that many parties
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
kaaaay nevermind :D
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
and I don't either, I try to avoid them, but I'm doing an article on how to survive if you get dragged to one :D
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
lol Malloy.
I'd read that article btw lol
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
The Christmas season is well under way, which of course means present-shopping, lots of mulled wine and those dreaded, beloved parties. Some of you certainly embrace these events, seeing them as chances to socialize and maybe show off that new dress (or girlfriend) of yours; but some, like myself, feel their stomachs drop and their Christmas spirits disappear when your parents, significant other or other similar person announce your departure to yet another of these shindigs. If that is the case, this is for you: Top Tricks for the Reluctant Party-Goer, 2010 edition (also known as A Sane Person's Survival Guide).

5. Enlist as kitchen help
Honestly not as dull as it sounds, enlisting yourself as kitchen help is actually a rather marvellous way to pass time. The bigger the party, the more effective, as they will most likely have hired a niece or two who could easily use the extra wand and who'll be more than happy to indulge in a little bitching with you.

4. Mingle
As much as mingling screams 'socialite', it's really the only thing you can do when you've not been allowed to grab any emergency provisions. As long as the party you're attending contains people of your own age, you should be fine – just sit down with them and start discussing something interesting (i.e., not the weather. Unless you've just had a freak snowstorm. Then even the weather is fine). If necessary, Confound them in the event they insist on blathering on about things you have no interest in whatsoever.

3. People-watch
Not recommended for people with poor imaginations, people-watching is the perfect way to pass the time if you're being forced to sit still for extended periods of time. Simply find the person who seems the most intriguing, watch their actions to find something fishy (trust me, anything works) and invent a back-story to go with it. Is the Great-Aunt who won't stop cutting across people secretly an adulteress afraid of people revealing her secret? Does the polished way your cousin sings carols an indicator of his moonlight career as an opera singer? Remember – the more ridikkulus the better!

2. Become a wallflower
Seemingly simple, the art of being a proper wallflower is actually rather complicated...
Oh, who am I kidding? All you need for this trick is a good book and a quiet corner (which, you know, means the Monster Book Of Monsters is sadly off-limits). Curl up in your corner, grab your book and get lost in the adventures of whoever has caught your fancy this time around. You may gain the reputation of bookworm, but if you went for this option it's rather fair to assume that you are one, so it's all good.

1. Eat
I mean, hello? It's a Christmas party, so it's sure to be bursting with everything from Cauldron Cakes to treacle tart and everything in between, with some Chocolate Frogs thrown in, and maybe some mulled wine. So as long as the parties you're dragged to aren't too numerous, I suggest you forget all thoughts of diets and whatnot and indulge in some serious eating – and, you know, drinking. Trust me, the mulled wine helps things. Lots.
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
all tricks tried and tested by yours truly :D
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
lol Loved the article Malloy :)
Haha and yeah, every one of those things has been done by me too
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
haha thanks :D yeah, I tend to go with number two...
over a year ago harrypotterbest said…
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
I tend to go with 2&3, and rarely 5
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
Not much...who'd yah stalk this time youknowit?
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
I hate to say I told you all but...
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
I'm subscribed to this spot. it was easy to find. this is a random forum in the random spot where random people can post random things.

you should try making a members only forum somewhere else if you don't want other people in it
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
all month -- ALL MONTH -- I've been freezing my butt off and stuff, with no consequences whatsoever. and now, five days before I'm supposed to leave (I've been waiting A YEAR for this) I might be coming down with A FUCKING EAR INFECTION?
you gotta be kidding me.
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
^^Why do you even care about what we post? o_0
And if you don't care, then what're doing here? Do you have nothing else better to do?

Aww, that sucks Malloy :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
youknowit, get lost.
a) you know just as well as we do that you're doing this for the sole reason of pissing us off and
b) there is NO FUCKING WAY you're a Biggerstaff, and this is clearly a Biggerstaff forum.
over a year ago Italktosnakes said…
Poor Malloy :(

Mister YouKnowit01, you really are tiring my bloody patience, old chap!
If you do not mind, I think it would be beneficial for both parties if you bloody well buggered off, and left this forum in peace.
Could you please inform us why you have such an issue with us? Cause I ain't got the foggiest. We're just cotching here, so why do you have to stop it? What a Batty....pfft!

over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
^Nice English mate :P
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
cockney doesnt impress me.
why do you care what i post? why are you guys so concerned with what i do when im not even on my computer? why do my actions cause people to write articles, make picks, and brand new forums? why does what i do stress you guys so much? why cant I just post in a forum in peace?
over a year ago lucius_malloy said…
It's not the fact you post, it's what you post.
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…