Random Member of the Month!

BlackPearlx33 posted on May 12, 2012 at 03:28AM
Who always gives those best answers? Who has some of the best images around? Who deserves the title of 'Member of the Month!'? Here is where you will nominate the user you find to be the randomest/coolest person in the Random club. Once we have 10 nominees I will post them in a pick where you guys will vote.

~*No duplicate nominations.
~*Once you win 'MOTM' you can't re-enter the contest until next year. (This is to be fair to those other awesome users!)
~*Don't go around telling people to vote for you... That ain't cool yo! ._.
~*If you win and want something like some props just message me. NO MORE THAN 30!

This is just for fun guys! :^)

May: -----

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over a year ago BlackPearlx33 said…
I nominate 8theGreat!