Random Like it or not?

Half_A_Pint posted on Dec 10, 2011 at 01:32AM
write/make/do/upload or do anything on here and the person below has to decide if they like it or not then and if so why and if not why then do something themselfs and so on.
Like a story, song, picture, a clip (link) of a vid on utube. u know. or something so random it counts!
Oh if u post more then once, and the person below u liked, u get a point! count up ur points in ur comment, person with the highest points gets something...

Ill start because I AM AWESOME!

Mine is a story start:


“Zigoen Unio WIELD” I was eighty meters from the mighty sea, seventy five... sixty... sixty five.
“open!” I muttered urgently through clenched teeth, not able to see through my long, silk black hair covering my already stinging, dry eyes eyes.

Forty five.... thirty.
I was sick with fear, or maybe that was the affect of G-force?
Twenty five.... twenty.

                          *    *    *

You know in the movies, when the main character jumped out of a burning building, just before it exploded and limped away, still able to walk? They got it all wrong. Trust me, it hurts like hell.
So, there I was, harmlessly minding my own business, hanging out in the local mall. When I noticed something rather odd. A big man, (whom I suspect was on steroids), with a blue hoodie pulled low over his head, was sitting at the open air café opposite me. He kept glancing at me, eyeing me. His eyes shadowed by his hood. And the scariest thing was; I’ve seen him before, always sitting on the park bench next to me, always behind me in the fish & chip shop line. Once I event caught him on my drive! Eying my room like a hawk, preparing to strike. I called the police, but they said they had more important 'things' to take care of.
I wanted to know who was.
I swam through the tsunami of buzzing shoppers, over to the café, and sat on the table behind the hooded dude. He seemed to notice because as soon as I sat down, he took off. I did the only thing that came to mind, well, the second thing anyway (The first idea was getting chips and forgetting this ever happened) I followed him.

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