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What kind of things do 11-12 year old boys like?

I'm doing a project on trends in different ages. I know what 12 year old girls like, but how about boys?
What kind of things do 11-12 year old boys like?
salvatore3 posted over a year ago
love ur pic XD
mcrkilljoygirl posted over a year ago
numnumyellow67 posted over a year ago
love ❤ it
faithmaclin posted over a year ago
 xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
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Twilight_Dream said:
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posted over a year ago 
I think that's more 2nd grade...
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
lol you'd be surprised.
Twilight_Dream posted over a year ago
Umm 3 years ago yes
josesantiago posted over a year ago
orangeturnip said:
naked girls(maybe)
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posted over a year ago 
I think more 'boobs' than naked girls
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
No I didn't mean a little masturbating I meant orange turnip is a little gay ewwww I don't masturbate dats disgusting you sick perv
josesantiago posted over a year ago
11-12 year olds not 20 year old perverts!
spiritwolf234 posted over a year ago
energizerbunny said:
Burning ants, irritating girls, cartoon network, video games, playing with fire, bike riding
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posted over a year ago 
I like playing with fire :O....
PreBanned posted over a year ago
amazingXmooses said:
pretending that they "fucked some girl last night".
saying "bad words" to feel cool.
making "that's what she said jokes" that make no sense but they're the only ones who don't realize it doesn't make any sense.
playing Star Wars with their penises.
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posted over a year ago 
PreBanned posted over a year ago
I am 12 and all we do is look at girls and play video games
Gioboss posted over a year ago
Lol! Okay so I'm a girl but I say "That's what she said" jokes in class too but my male friends do shi* like that lol.
Anxiety_Cheeto posted over a year ago
ThatDamnLlama said:
My brother is 11 going on 12. He likes sci-fi movies, war stuff, skateboarding, Harry Potter books, computer games.
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posted over a year ago 
sounds good
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
jopageri13 posted over a year ago
is he a nerd or just wierd
spiritwolf234 posted over a year ago
XDRoseLuvsHP said:
Well, I have a 12 year old brother. He's into theater, but he isn't gay (he's more like a Billy than a Michael, from Billy Elliot). He does like normal guy stuff, and I'll list some things.

-Nintendo DS games (specifically Mario games)
-Triking (like Biking but different)
-Sledding (snow sledding, that is)
-Playing with dogs
-Watching TV
-Percy Jackson and the Olympians books
-Lifting weights (only kid in the Middle School with a little six pack, lol, and he's so short!)

Then of course he loves singing and dancing and acting, but that's because he's a theater geek like me (only, unlike me, he's professional, even though he's younger than me. Ah well, that's life). But I know he's not gay because all the professionals he works with tell him he's not gay; they've worked with many boys his age, trust them, he's not gay (though it wouldn't matter to me if he was or wasn't. I love him anyway <3). So yeah, he likes normal guy stuff too :D
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posted over a year ago 
wierd, because I like half of thoes stuff
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
lol like how you cleared up that hes not gay
Jacoblackswife posted over a year ago
^lol I was thinking the same.
LinaHarrow posted over a year ago
K5-HOWL said:
They love getting on girls nerves!
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posted over a year ago 
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
I thought you were a girl >_> OMG profile check time xD
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
K u are a girl
K5-HOWL posted over a year ago
well yeah that is so true
spiritwolf234 posted over a year ago
Jacoblackswife said:
My brother is only 10,but he likes to play video games all day and then cry when he loses
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posted over a year ago 
That's me! :D
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
(im not your bro, but I play video games all day)
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
i just get mad pissed off if its a game im really good at and im a girl!
spiritwolf234 posted over a year ago
dearjohnlOv3r23 said:
girls? haha.. r yew 11?
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posted over a year ago 
yeah. im 11 going on 12. im an anime geek, but I have many friends, and that's how I know
xxXsk8trXxx posted over a year ago
awe. haha. dont saay ur a geek. ur probably not.
dearjohnlOv3r23 posted over a year ago
You are pritty
Gioboss posted over a year ago
Monrose said:
I would say 11 year old girls...
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posted over a year ago 
yes hormones make boys perverts
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
Oh, yeah... All the memories... *sights*
Monrose posted over a year ago
adultswimperson said:
Maybe action figures, probly anything with batman, spiderman and others.
and they also like pokemon.

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posted over a year ago 
bailjumper said:
my son who is almost 14,like to play video games,ribe his bike,wrestle around with little sister
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posted over a year ago 
X-Squirt-X said:
I've seen many 11-12 boys carrying around Ben 10 stuff. Seriously. Loads.
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posted over a year ago 
I don't care how old I am, or that it's for littler kids, Ben 10 tules!
MidnaTikal8223 posted over a year ago
Bluestar208 said:
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posted over a year ago 
darkkhorn19 said:
...BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!! XD (im a total pervert)
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posted over a year ago 
yes, you are a perv.
MidnaTikal8223 posted over a year ago
I'm 11 and a girl and if I had a boyfriend who played with pokemon crap, I'd dump him!
emmazzz posted over a year ago
ma24 posted over a year ago
lano500 said:
Video-games and Pokemon
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posted over a year ago 
OMG, no idiot that is 11 or 12 like pokemon anymore.
SubZeroExtrabte posted over a year ago
BabyBlud said:
I have three little brothers, aged 9, 11, and 13.
They're into football, american wrestling, basketball, computer games, playstation games, collecting hot wheels cars etc
The 13 year old collects the cars and plane models. He's interrested in Doctor Who and sci-fi things.
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posted over a year ago 
rainie123456789 said:
sc8bord and eat,sleep,pop and pee watch TV yell at there sister of corse i know becase i have 4 brothers and love to spite on there sis hahhhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
theorange521 said:
I'm 11 and a boy even tho its an old question, boys like different things at these ages, music, war, the army, guns, things like that. But it could be anything
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posted over a year ago 
emmazzz said:
I'm 11 (on my profile it says i was born in 1997 cause u gotta say that to register..) but if I were a boy I would hang out with my "boys" and talk about girls and play HOCKEY! I would play if I were a boy! I love the sport! Oh and the boys my age LOVE to stalk us! It's kinda annoying after awhile...
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posted over a year ago 
justliveitlive said:
Pretending to be older so that they can go on sites that are supposed to be for 13 year olds and older. But then again, I may be guessing. But I know, that when I was 11 (but a girl, not a boy) I loved pretending to be older.
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posted over a year ago 
tellymaster said:
I have a 11 year old brother. He loved the Wii, Mario, Nintendo D.S., P.S.P...all that stuff. He likes the Percy Jackson books, playing soccer, and annoying his older sister.
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posted over a year ago 
munrolover said:
uh mud monster truck s idk im not a 11 -12 year old boy

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posted over a year ago 
LinaHarrow said:

Nico <3
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posted over a year ago 
bakuargirl729 said:
- porn
- curse words
- video game ( any video game with nakere girls and cars)
- dicks
- matrebating
- makeing fun of girls
( well the boys at my school)
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posted over a year ago 
iluvllllll said:
I have a 12 year old brother. So far he likes....

-Computer Games
-Badminton etc etc he plays all kinda of sports and I mean ALL.

He doesn't talk about girls tho, find it weird.
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posted over a year ago 
smokeyice said:
i like
computer games
black ops
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posted over a year ago 
Lucireo said:
Im 11. 12 in september and i like

Go Karting
Tottenham Hotspur
The Internet
Perving 14yr olds
and My Girlfriend

(im 11 i lied to a computer so what!)
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posted over a year ago 
gormetisland said:
Most of all of the people whohave answered the question are obviously single minded and shallow because quite frankly a few of you have a few things right but actually I think you will find that most people of 12-11 years old are really into other things not war that is simply the image portrayed by the boys you have met so quite frankly GET A LIFE go and do something don't sit around enjoy life's little things and for the people who posted on this thread stop being so shallow and for the person who made the thread observe the boys at you school and don't rely on other people i.e. the self center people who posted
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posted over a year ago 
Take this from an actual 11 year old.

1. I like to play outside with my friends. (Football,Baseball,Basketball,Especially WRESTLING!)
2. Fart
3. Annoy your sisters/brothers... mostly sisters.
4.Jump on trampolines/ flips.
5. Watch scary movies.
6. Eat
7. Sleep in!
8. Spit
9. Swim
10. Hurt Fealings
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posted over a year ago 
xxXShitpotXxx said:
Well, when i was 11-12 I liked to look up pictures of naked women and watch porn . . . I was a perv.

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posted over a year ago 
wantadog said: about what do ALL boys of any age like...

Answer: DBZ
select as best answer about what do ALL boys of any age like...

Answer: DBZ
posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X said:
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posted over a year ago 
blackrose294 said: select as best answer
posted over a year ago 
awesomeblossom1 said:
I play soccer with some boys in that age group. Their interests are mostly soccer, baseball, shoes (I'm not kidding @ my school guys care more about shoes than girls do ), annoying the girls who play soccer, flicking rubber bands at us and judging our soccer skills (mostly telling me I'm not that good- which is an understatement IM ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE)
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posted over a year ago 
ConnerandTravis said:
Video Games, Minecraft, Sports, laughing, jokes, burping, spiting, cursing
Many things. It also depends on the boy. Some like technology stuff, reading(Doesn't mean they are not gay).
Impress girls.
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posted over a year ago 
gmcjha said:
Watching or talking about Football baseball basketball hockey boxing wrestling. Then video games action movie computer games tv swimming hunting fishing paintball game or bb gun game outside trnowing football or baseball shooting hoops fighting pr##
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posted over a year ago 
ScarGrovyle said:
Family Guy
Cuss words, to feel epic
and other adult things.... my bro was DEFENITLY LIKE THAT.
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posted over a year ago 
kainat1183 said:
i think may be video games, action figures and eating :)
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posted over a year ago 
willrox567 said:
Well all you pervs out there don't know a thing. I'm 12 and I LOVE music but not rap yeah a little weird. Also I love watching TV like full house, friends, family guy, american dad etc. I think saying some things I really don't want to here is wrong. And boys my age don't cuss or watch porn, yeah its a little disturbing that some might but it goes against my beliefs. Also I'm fabulous and like every guy I know stares at me wanting to be and every girl wants to date me which I'm too fabulous for them but... So my points are a little different since I'm so popular and smart. Hope that helped!
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posted over a year ago 
weareallinsane said:
Cuss words
Call of duty
More call of duty
Talking like pervs
And then calling someone a perv and making fun of them when they say something just a little bit too perverted
All sports in general
Calling people fags and that they're gay
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posted over a year ago 
springely said:
Using the microphone on FPS games. Holy fuck, on TF2, every server has like one annoying kid on it.
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posted over a year ago 
ripper124 said:
viedo game in being lazy
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posted over a year ago 
Whirlwind586 said:
Most of these answers are what 12-year-old douchbags like (porn, CoD, etc.). Not every kid of that age is like that, although most are. I could go on about this, but fuck it: my answer is Spider-Man.
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posted over a year ago 
ilovecuteboys24 said:
Im a 11 year old girl and who want to date me without meeting my parent and without telling them ever
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posted over a year ago 
sieluvzsoul said:
Girls, pornography, video games,, sagging, popping girls bra straps (my guy friends always pop my straps)boys in my classes luv cursing lik seriously I've noticed most of my classmates tht r 12 and guys put a cuss word in every sentence, they overdue it 2
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posted over a year ago 
Forgot_To_Laugh said:
dont know, dont care
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posted over a year ago 
josesantiago said:
I turn 12 in May 2014 and I like gta 5, football: go broncos, baseball: I'm a giants fan, soccer: I like Manchester city and barelona, basketball: my favorites in the NBA is clippers and warriors (i live in bakersfield, ca), hanging out with friends, my super hot girlfriend, and going to beaches in Orange County.

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posted over a year ago 
SubZeroExtrabte said:
We like funs, something alway make us hurt, awesome stuff.
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posted over a year ago 
sanjay said:
looking girls
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posted over a year ago 
what do you mean looking
spiritwolf234 posted over a year ago
Yosxof said:
Guys your all wrong... Here's what boys like;
Books (I love books!)
Phones(Not me but most I know)
Anaconda(Blame the internet!)
Annoying people, anyone, not just girls
Family guy
Staying up all night(My record is 3 days without sleep)
Boobies(Not me but I'm not gay)
That's all!
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posted over a year ago 
"Anaconda". Okay perv
Anxiety_Cheeto posted over a year ago
Edso3 said:
I am an eleven year old and here are some of the things I like:
-Playing games on my laptop
-Go swimming either in my pool or friend's
-Riding my bike
-Going on vacations
-Try to be the coolest or smartest
-Annoy my brother :P
I hope that answered your question. P.S. I also like hot girls, LOL.
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posted over a year ago 
spiritwolf234 said:
It depends on the guy but most guys like girls that are them selves and like a girls that are not "needy" bye that i mean dont go asking them so many questions and constantly asking him out when he already refused dont be scared to be rejected girls life happens.
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posted over a year ago 
100012547898052 said:
I love you
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posted over a year ago 
mmmmMMMMMm Bye Felicia
Anxiety_Cheeto posted over a year ago
Even as a 12 year old, I find the responses by other people about adolescent's usual interests to be very inappropriate and of no interest to me. However, I am very different from the apparent stereotype of people my age, which leads me to conclude that every 12 year old is different in some way, with some more than others. Most seem to be intrigued by the topics discussed in the comments above(or below perhaps), yet I do not fancy girls, or consider sexual topics often. I find school, my own ideas of worlds and possibilities for inventions, and of course only a few video games such as Minecraft as well as Fortnite (Creative mode) take precedence in my life. I believe that no specific race, age group, or style can be entirely generalized; however, I believe that those generalizations may be somewhat or largely accurate.
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posted over a year ago 
maximilianmus said:
evin pokai
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posted over a year ago 
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