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Do u like where u live?

If u don't, then tell me where u want to live. This is my home (See picure) (NYC)
Do u like where u live?
 Lady10358 posted over a year ago
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Sasume said:
I love living here XD
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I love living here XD
posted over a year ago 
*votes best answer*
Seastar4374 posted over a year ago
justleeelee said:
I guess so, but I'd much rather live in NYC...
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posted over a year ago 
BlindBandit92 said:
No. I would rather be in these cities.

1.Hong Kong
4.Las Vegas
5.Los Angeles
6.New york
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posted over a year ago 
I went to Tokyo when I was 14
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
I went to Tokyo once. It was pretty awesome. The worst part was when I had to leave TT3TT
Heartisalone posted over a year ago
^ Srry xD I just loved it (except the one part) ♥_♥
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
16falloutboy said:
Yes I am happy, the magic ponies are all so good to me
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posted over a year ago 
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
Heartisalone said:
I live in NYC.
I love it here. X3
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posted over a year ago 
oh me too ♥
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
Me_Iz_Here said:
Yes. But if Rosewood, Pennsylvania existed, I would much rather live there.
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posted over a year ago 
LeatherRain said:
Eeyup. Cold and rainy, my type of thing :D
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posted over a year ago 
demonthief said:
I don't like North Carolina. I want 2 live in LA or Japan
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posted over a year ago 
I went to L.A. When I was 10 I saw Britney Spears & I was like :00000
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
XD im hoping 2 c hollwood undead
demonthief posted over a year ago
I live in LA,ran into britney spears tonnes of times
Thrillie-jean posted over a year ago
NoahFanNumber1 said:
no. never...*sigh*
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posted over a year ago 
someone_save_me said:
I LOVE it :D I just hate when people bring up ...a certain really popular book series which I'm not gonna name because everyone's gonna be like "OMG REALLY?!?!" ... when I tell them about it...
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posted over a year ago 
55xxx55 said:
NO GODDAMN I HATE IT SO FUCKING MUCH. North Carolina sucks and I HATE IT WITH A PASSION. I wanna live where you do, UGH.
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posted over a year ago 
It's expensive my mom payed 5 million
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
I kinda get why
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
you wanna live in a farming town in tennessee the almost nobody's ever heard of?
Gumball17 posted over a year ago
TotalDramaChick said:
I live in Sacramento, California.
I also love it here, I wouln't wanna move anywhere else. ♥
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posted over a year ago 
My aunt & uncle Mike & Heather live there they love it like heaven
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
Really? What are the things you like best about your city?
BlindBandit92 posted over a year ago
Well I really like the weather and how close places are to me, I also love the enviornment. And other things too.
TotalDramaChick posted over a year ago
Perry123 said:
I live in NYC too ♥ But in Brooklyn I'm only like 5 minutes away from Manhattan u r soo lucky xD
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posted over a year ago 
YES! In my opinion, Texas is the best state. But I'm also a Texan and often times that is our way of thinking haha... but there must be some reason why we think like that...!!! TEXAS <3 <3 <3
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YES! In my opinion, Texas is the best state. But I'm also a Texan and often times that is our way of thinking haha... but there must be some reason why we think like that...!!! TEXAS <3 <3 <3
posted over a year ago 
I like Dallas & Houston & the thing when they are like "Dawn't Meyss Weeth Teyxuhs!" (I did wrong spelling because I do not have a Texas accent I have a NY one)
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
i have a southern accent and i can't even spell it!
demonthief posted over a year ago
excuse me, HAD
demonthief posted over a year ago
xXxJDloverxXx said:
Not at all (Essex, London) it's a pretty rough area unfortunately :( I'd like to like somewhere peaceful in the countryside. :)

Somewhere like this:
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Not at all (Essex, London) it's a pretty rough area unfortunately :( I'd like to like somewhere peaceful in the countryside. :)

Somewhere like this:
posted over a year ago 
so pretty!
NCISGIBBS posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 said:
I live in Adelaide, Australia (Picture below)

But i would love to live in London or LA :3
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I live in Adelaide, Australia (Picture below)

But i would love to live in London or LA :3
posted over a year ago 
My Mom was born there
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
Cool :3
totaldramafan96 posted over a year ago
Kiras_Follower said:
I hate santiago. i just do.
I'd rather live in:
-Hong Kong
-San Fransisco
-Raleigh (I'M MOVIN' THERE!! YAY!!)

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posted over a year ago 
I've been to Raleigh, San Fransisco, Tokyo, Seoul & London
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
u want 2 come 2 NC? seriously?
demonthief posted over a year ago
CrazyFiredragon said:
Yes and no. I feel fine with the place itself, but I'm annoyed by how it rains so damn much here. I would say that it's okay all in all, but I'd much rather live in Louisiana or Ireland.
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posted over a year ago 
Seattle? It rains a lot there I've been there
Lady10358 posted over a year ago
Not Seattle, it's another city (which I'm NOT going to say), but yeah, it's rainy as fuck.
CrazyFiredragon posted over a year ago
^Me too.
Lauren_Mallory posted over a year ago
thrillergirl18 said:
Liverpool,England home of The Beatles!
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posted over a year ago 
Seastar4374 said:
No I wanna live in Owatonna Minnesota
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posted over a year ago 
I was born there
Loveme12 posted over a year ago
My inspiration Adam Young lives there
Seastar4374 posted over a year ago
Loveme12 said:
Yes! Las Vegas ROCKS! It's so dam'n fucking pretty! The only other place I wanna live in more is Los Angeles (Since I have acted a bit)
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posted over a year ago 
Lauren_Mallory said:
I live in Port Angeles. It's pretty awesome here. But I wouldn't mind living in Italy or New York.
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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:
I love where my house is located, in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere. But that's about the only thing I like about it.
The "town" I live in sucks.
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posted over a year ago 
darkwave said:
Sometimes,but i wich live in Ireland,my dream country! :D
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posted over a year ago 
r-pattz said:
Pennsylvania suburbs? No, it sucks ass here. There's nothing to do and nothing ever happens. There's just a bunch of kids who think they're ghetto and preps who think Taylor Swift and LMFAO are actually good musicians.

I want to live in either San Francisco or Olympia when I grow up. Probably San Francisco of those two. It's such a beautiful and interesting city, generally liberal considering its history, and it's also not too big.

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posted over a year ago 
Pretty cool answer. I especially agree with you about the kids. I detest ghetto, gangsta wannabes. They think they're tight and all that, but most of them are just delinquent posers.
MyronPwnsBella posted over a year ago
taylor swift? EW!
demonthief posted over a year ago
HEY! i like taylor AND LMFAO!!!
Gumball17 posted over a year ago
^ Then you're probably the kind of person I wouldn't like. :]
r-pattz posted over a year ago
unknownquestion said:
I hate where I live. It's a place called Arcola with less than 2,000 people in it.

I'd like to live in Denver, Colorado
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posted over a year ago 
xXitachiXx said:
Whats so good about living in mississippi? nothing a place where people think there's nothing but county people here, and that we don't have store's cars and crap. Its really boring here and there isn't really anything to do. But in the next month or so we're moving to houston texas! Ms isn't all that bad but I'd rather move...xD
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posted over a year ago 
kenzichu said:
yes it's so beautiful i love it
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posted over a year ago 
MyronPwnsBella said:
I live in Anaheim, California. It's cool.
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posted over a year ago 
The town of DISNEYLAND! I've been there, it is cool. I don't think I'd get used to all the smog though.
misse1000 posted over a year ago
misse1000 said:
I'm from Baltimore. While I like the culture and atmosphere of Baltimore, I don't like living here. I hate winters here. I hate how strict all of the laws are (you know you can't ship bottles of wine into MD? Sheesh). I'd rather live in South Carolina. I like the more conservative pace, the laid back atmosphere, and the weather during the winter. I do not do well in snow. Two years ago we had a blizzard and I didn't leave my house for two weeks, because we had off of school, and I didn't want to go out in the cold.
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posted over a year ago 
bubblewrapblues said:
The town in itself is okay, yeah. But I don't particularly enjoy living in my parents basement. -_-
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posted over a year ago 
lucky, u have a basement!
demonthief posted over a year ago
taismo723 said:
I love Glendale~

*could do without the heat*

This is a picture of Phoenix, but Glendale is pretty much part of it.
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I love Glendale~

*could do without the heat*

This is a picture of Phoenix, but Glendale is pretty much part of it.
posted over a year ago 
Gred_and_Forge said:
It's alright. Not much to do here except go to the beach and shopping. Don't have any cool theme parks or anything like that :|

I'd rather live in England. It's been my dream for as long as I can remember. Preferably in Cornwall with a little bit of London mixed in. I don't want to live in a big city, or a countryside that has absolutely nothing to do. If I could somehow fuse together those two cities, I'd be happy.
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It's alright.  Not much to do here except go to the beach and shopping.  Don't have any cool theme parks or anything like that :|

I'd rather live in England.  It's been my dream for as long as I can remember.  Preferably in Cornwall with a little bit of London mixed in.  I don't want to live in a big city, or a countryside that has absolutely nothing to do.  If I could somehow fuse together those two cities, I'd be happy.
posted over a year ago 
Gumball17 said:
I live smack dab in the middle of farming country in tennessee (and my family doesn't even have a farm). The people are nice (mostly) and it's very peaceful but there's nothing to do. -_- I'd rather live in st. augustine florida.
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posted over a year ago 
Thrillie-jean said:
I live in Hollywood and i love it so much!!!
I'd love to live in Bucharest
las vegas
oh wait,i already do-in summer and weekends.
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posted over a year ago 
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