Quotes Favorite quote/icon out of these?

Pick one:
a true man doesn't die even if he is killed.
they shut the lid of the pandora's box they themselves had opened.
no matter how far you go the same path lies in front of you.
to know what is right and to choose to ignore it is the act of a coward.
we just didn't have the power.
you're going to rattle the stars.
i'd rather suffer in fantasy than live in reality.
let's run away somewhere.
those who take too long to enjoy something will lose it.
i don't know what i can do for you but i'll always be by your side.
why do you have wings if you cannot fly?
i'm watching a dream i'll never wake up from.
when you love someone all your saved up wishes start coming out.
without courage, how can we call ourselves men?
I must be dreaming. I feel like I can take on the world.
 princesslullaby posted over a year ago
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