Psych The Devil is in the Details/Their Baaack

Councilman posted on Sep 04, 2009 at 08:22PM
I have to say this Episode was back up to the standard they set along time ago and strayed away from as was pointed out by Housewhore4 some time last season with a few exceptions.
This episode had less nonsensical foolishness and still had it's funny moments but Shawn was back to his old self using logic and his powers of observation to make Lassie once again come out last.
I think it was kind of fun how they lead us to believe for a minute that there was a real position under way.
I also think it's funny that Henry got hooked on playing video games. A number of older people think there silly and a waste of time but anyone in the military can tell you that some of today's games can prepare you for real life high tech implaments of destruction like the Predator, Tank & missile aiming devices and a whole lot more.
This was without a doubt the best episode this season hands down.
I have to say this Episode was back up to the standard they set along time ago and strayed away from

Psych 4 replies

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over a year ago Waitforit13 said…
Totally agree,it was this seasons best episode.
over a year ago HillaryC said…
They are back aren't they. I vote yes this is the best show of the season and as much as hate to agree twice in a row it was nice for most of the foolishness to be left behind.
As Waitforit13 pointed out elsewhere Shawn's insensitivity toward the worried mother was over the top stupid. I also think Gus was less of a grumpy Gus for a nice change. Shawn did have one pretty good joke with Henry talking about the monkey business and going bananas. Finally clever not stupid. Cool.
over a year ago BondJBond said…
Not only are they back I think Henry making the joke about Gus being a "her" was hilarious. I have thought about it and he got it exactly right, Gus acts like a nagging wife. No offense ladies there are a few of them out there, rare though they may be.
After the senseless, childish, simpleminded, brainless antics in Mr. Yang followed by the first few shows this season I was considering finding something else to watch, but this show was back up to the old standards for sure and I see everyone who posted agrees.
My great line award goes to Henry this episode.
Not only are they back I think Henry making the joke about Gus being a "her" was hilarious. I have th
over a year ago Councilman said…
Wow 007 I'm glad you said that about Miss Gus and not me, but I think what happened is the writers may have finally caught on that many of us see Gus's character as being far too negative and your description is not too far off. Except you might upset the ladies that are no nags.
You do have to wonder why someone who always dresses nice and is not ugly and can be well spoken and is either 30 or about to be never goes out with a woman. Even stupid ugly guys with bad hair and no education have girlfriends even wives. Makes you wonder. But then he was trying to make a move on the Mile Cyrus look alike in Tuesday the 17th. He was married to a Mira for a couple of days sort of, but he claimed he was drunk.
Wow 007 I'm glad you said that about Miss Gus and not me, but I think what happened is the writers ma