Psych Deja Vu All Over Again or Parallax?

Councilman posted on Feb 28, 2009 at 05:40AM
I admit to being at first perplexed in the realization that I might have been caught in some kind deja vu or even worse a situation with out an explanation of any rational nature. However I persevered in my quest and it came to me that it could be the whole thing was the result of a parallax.

My quandary first arose when I saw "An Evening with Mr.Yang" on Friday noticing there was no "Little Shawn" or "Little Shawn & Gus" in the lead in to this episode from 1987, as the usual case. It was at this precise moment I flashed on "Chuck Vs The Best Friend" where there was indeed an intro featuring a "Little Chuck and Morgan". A coincidence? Wait there was also in this intro of "Chuck" a little girl who looked for all the world like Britney ,Carl the Con's daughter from the "Pysch" episode "Christmas Joy". I mean it was right down to her pigtails. The only descernible difference to me was her name Susy.

As I was trying with consolidated effort to convence myself these similarities were nothing more than my imagination working over time because these are two of the programs I revere most. Then another flash came upon me nearly pushing me over the edge this time. It was this: In both my favorite shows the leading Male Hero is in Love or has an incontrovertible attraction to the leading Lady, Shawn to Jules in Psych, & Chuck to Sarah in Chuck. This was almost more than I could take. Then it happened still another time. Only this time it was a strange word I heard for the first time when Shawn use it. And now I had heard it on Chuck as well. The word? Chillax. I was only able to trace the oriigins back to around 2002 but it may have come from farther back than that.

I decided at that point to relax and wait to see if other similarities arise in the future. So there now you have it the whole thing.

Psych 7 replies

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over a year ago Councilman said…
When two things appear to be the same or very close they can be described as coincidence but what do you call it when those similarities begin to multiply expediently I have delve deeper into them to discover who or what is the source phenomenon. And shortly after I posted the the first list of items I found that seem to run parallel in Psych & Chuck.

Here are some items that concern me and are beginning to effect my mental acuity in a negative manner.

Psych is made up of 5 letters and contains only 1 vowel.

Chuck is made up of 5 letters and contains only 1 vowel.

In "An Evening with Mr. Yang" an arrest was made but what is the name of the suspect and who is the real Mr. Yang if as many now believe the suspect is indeed a copycat?

In the latest episode of Chuck, "Chuck Vs the Best Friend" the bad guy Chuck flashes n is Jason Wang. But in real life his name Jack Yang.

I both cases Yang is at the center of bad things.

Once again I have shown something is afoot here. I'll continue to dig as best I can making connections I perceive now as possibly either paranormal or dare I say a conspiracy of some kind. Could it be in some way connected to mind control? We'll see.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Could the mysteries revolving around Psych go even deeper and be more wide spread than even I have thought up to now? As my investigation continues, I'm forced by the evidence to expand my search as it's connections draw me into a wider circle almost moment by moment.
In the last 14 hours I was compelled to reexamine the approach to the inquiries I was at first reluctant to conduct because some might mistakenly diagnose it as superfluous or even misguided. I vehemently disagree as the confirmation of my hypothesis grows at every turn.

My most recent concerns are as follows and go back all the way to the early 1900s and the beloved Icon that continues to surface 100 years after first being introduced. That Icon? Lassie, yes it's clear there is some kind of connection between the beloved Collie and Lt. Carlton Lassiter of Psych fame. I'll continue to pursue this angle and see where it leads.

My next conundrum tangentially relates Psych with the hit program NCIS and the character Abby which is short for Abigail. Do you see where this leads? Directly to Abigail Lightar. Now do see how wide spread this investigation have become? I hope to find the ultimate truth I know is out there, and I won't rest until I find it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
I am forced to publicly answer my critics who lack the intestinal fortitude to post their unfounded accusations and have sent me private communications and even threatened law suits if I were to divulge either the continents of their messages or their true names. So I am compelled to paraphrase a portion of the contents. How these people were able to access my personal e-mail and home address is incomprehensible and disturbing in it's self. But it tells me I must be closing in on a truth they don't want you or I to know
It is my contention any sane and rational person can see the connections clearly as I have laid them out for all to see.
Therefore the threats and name calling will have no effect on my investigation.
A random sample of some of the terms used to describe my efforts are: Brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, nuts, and wrong.
That was only a small portion of the "Hate" having been directed toward me, but it will not dissuade me from my mission. It only invigorates me even more.
over a year ago Councilman said…
The confusion which I experienced at the outset of my inquiry has given way to a clarity of purpose that has reinvigorated me following the personal attacks. That along with the connections I have been able to make in the last several hours. Up to now all I had been able to say conclusively that there was some kind of connection between Psych and Chuck that lead me to some sort of alphabet code in the two names then to the use of names in Psych, Chuck and to NCIS in the Abby, Abigail conjointment. I was looking the whole time for something like a subliminal message or anything to tie all this to a larger, wider conspiracy and I believe I'm closing in on that now.
The father figure in Psych who was in total control in the upbringing of Shawn was not only a dominate person but he alone shaped Shawn into who and what he is today,
His Name Henry Spencer. We don't have to look far to find another strong figure in another show named Henry. In fact he's the Mayor of the fictional "Government Controlled Town" of Eureka, CA. His name Henry Deacon. Add to this the information tie into a member of the secret illuminati connected Bilderbergs one Henry Kissinger and a picture begins to emerge that I may very well have stumbled onto something with international ramifications, that will go so much farther than ever dreamed of until now.
It's like peeling an artichoke with one leaf or layer after another that must be removed to get to the heart of the matter. In the words of Winston Churchill . This is not the end, It is not the beginning. It is the end of the beginning.
over a year ago Councilman said…
As if I don't have enough to track down and be concerned about I now find that Mary is himself a fraud. He last week posed as a Profiler on the Serial Homicide and Abduction Task Force at the Santa Barbara Police Department. One week later he turns up in a New Jersey hospital as Priest, Daniel Bresson suffering from a rare and life threatening illness only a Dr. Gregory House and a whole team of Doctors under his direction can properly diagnose and cure. It is without question Mary or Father Bresson or what ever his true name is, can no longer be trusted.
Had I been told this information and not seen it for myself I would have at best been dubious about it's authenticity. But having see it I can say it is in fact true. What's worse is as if to taunt me the title was "Unfaithful". It was like salt in an open wound to learn this at a time. I felt I was making progress and closing in on the relevance of all the connections I had disclosed thus far but no such luck. I will be forced now to redouble my efforts to enable that I will reach a satisfactory conclusion. Sooner rather than later. Until then I will do what ever it takes to keep you abreast of any new developments in this widening case I have now renamed "Joined but Disjointed".
over a year ago krazykray said…
I KNEW it was the same guy! I'm not crazy after all!

He's a really diverse actor. Good for him!
over a year ago Councilman said…
Crazy is a relative term. As in I have many crazy relatives but it has had no effect on me.

As the plot does seem to thicken it continues to draw me deeper into the realm of darkness and intrigue. I must admit I've gone much farther than I had ever ventured before and have found another group of connections worthy of note. So far we've been able to associate Santa Barbara with L.A. then on to Eureka and all the way to New Jersey and now I can show an interface with Miami, Florida. Remember one of the clues from the paper in the mouse cage was Adam Hornstock, he was a lawyer in "Cloudy Chance of Murder"? Murder once again a recurring theme. I'll get back to that at a later time. Then we come to who Adam is in real life. His name is nun other than Michael Weston ring any bells? That is the name of the former Government Spy forced into Miami by who? The agency he worked for in Washington D.C.. What other clues were in the paper and to where do they advance us? Mira Gaffney seeks Bruton Gaster. Who is Mira actually but Kerry Washington? The Washington association once again points the way. To what or where I as yet am no sure.
So far, along with our other clues that have brought us here, we have the three Henry's. Spencer, Deacon, & Kissinger. The later of Washington and Builderberg fame all of whom represent power. In following the clues I was able to confirm my theory of the Henry's and the connection to all of this. When Shawn, & everyone are on the pier looking for the phone. Where is it but taped to a bench with an old man on it. The pier is over the sea making this represent the "Old Man and the Sea". Who was the star of that movie? Spencer Tracy. The Henry Spencer conjunction is unambiguous. So that is established as
Where all this will ultimately lead is any ones guess at this juncture. All I know is we must always be vigilant in seeking the truth where ever it takes us considering we know it is out there.