Psych Hits Crude Low Level Below The Belt.

Councilman posted on Feb 09, 2009 at 12:55AM
"Truer Lies"
Gus says: WE are treading on then ice right now. To which Shawn says back: Yes but I'm about to do do a double axel, a salchow and finish with a sweet little cameltoe. Wow that's crude talk. I can't believe they let that on the air.
To be clever back to that I might say it was in bad taste or sounded fishy to me, but that could be taken as crude so I won't. Any more.
last edited on Feb 09, 2009 at 01:25AM

Psych 10 replies

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over a year ago Councilman said…
I posted the exact samething in another forum and some seriously ignorant people who have no idea what it nice in mixed company or in front of small children showed their back sides with their responses. I was amazed that one guy thought it was a reference about guys. I wonder where he grew up, if he did. I had to look it up to make sure I got it right after that.
over a year ago BigKitty75 said…
I read some of the posts on's forum and it seems to me that the people who you call ignorant, made valid points. Calling them ignorant just because they opposed your view is tactless.
over a year ago Councilman said…
It is amazing how many people get upset and mad then claim to be offended by the use of words like slang, crude, or ignorant, because they don't understand the use or meaning of simple words then get bent out of shape for no reason. Ignorant used as I did does not mean stupid,(look it up) and moral values don't come with a sliding scale you can pick or choose from. To those who wish to do nothing more than spread hate through their ignorant beliefs I wish you wisdom.
Having an opinion is fine, but jumping bad just to be doing so is wrong. Just my opinion. And you're welcome to yours, pseudo Gus from "Poker I barely Knew Her".
I try to be civil and not offend anyone, If I did sorry.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BigKitty75 said…
I'm a teenager who has been in public schools all my life. I mention this because, things that would offend most don't bother me. I was in no way offended by your remarks, I simply had an opinion and I expressed it. I am well aware of the many definitions of ignorant, and in no way did I imply you were calling anyone stupid. I assumed you meant that the people who opposed your views didn't fully comprehend your assessment of the "crude" line in psych. Its rare that anyone in a forum acts completely civil, forum are a way to have discussions or arguments about similar interests or opposing views.
over a year ago Councilman said…
BigKitty75 Clever use of Gus's on line handle in poker. Before the advent of cable TV there were standards for broadcasting on TV and in Radio those standards are still pretty much intact even though there has been some easing in some areas. I know this because back when you had to be licensed to be on the air in Radio I was. The use on sexual innuendo was forbidden in Radio and on TV for a very long time and some would say the changes to loosen them have been good. In some areas I would agree. There was a time when you could not use the word pregnant as if it were a bad word. "They" the FCC just didn't want people thinking what was done to achieve it. Today many of those standards we once lived by are gone even on broadcast TV, but in Cable & Satellite TV & Radio it's almost anything goes all the time. That being said a community, meaning all of us should have some standards we live by and not use the lowest forms of language try to create laughs when clever writing can do it without the crude talk. Having been in the business from the 60s I know a thing or two about it. That's where Im coming from. I love this show and a few others on today.
I'm happy there are young people taking the time to get involved.
over a year ago BigKitty75 said…
Clever writing is great and all, but a lot of what most (not all) consider to be funny and entertaining is crude and usually explicit. Even the Disney channel pushes whats appropriate for their target audience. What was once considered inappropriate for television and radio is now very normal. Its your right to think the remark made on Psych was a little too crude, I personally don't, and I thought it was a very funny line. Psych is on at 9 (or 10) on Fridays on USA which does not air kid friendly content, what with House, Law and order, Burn Notice and Wrestling, so its unlikely a child would watch, even if they do its highly unlikely they would understand what a cameltoe even is. Personally I don't see how referencing the cameltoe is any worse then having a murder in every episode. I would rather explain to a child what a cameltoe is rather then why do people kill each other. I guess what really bothered me about your comment was the fact that out of all the horrible s**t that is said on tv you chose to call out one that really isn't bad enough to fuss over. In Scary Sherry Goochburg tells Lassiter to go screw himself, which is much worse but hell it was funnier so no one called it out.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
I agree that murder is much worse and it's something everyone hears about in the news almost every day. There is something I feel almost as strong about and it was when Lassiters wife let him think he had a chance take to the place of their first date and then hit him with the papers. That sucks, and she could have said no we need to meet almost any other place and it would have been fine. It sort of happened in the last Chuck when Big Mike received divorce papers on Valentines day. That also sucked. But they did make that funny in the end. But with Carlton they just stomped on his heart right up to when she said she still loved him. Wow.

At any rate I have achieved part of my goal at least a couple of people are posting now. Even if it is to disagree with me.

Thanks. Next episode Shawn's mom is back as is the girl he likes from grade school Abigail Lightar. Enjoy.
over a year ago krazykray said…
I share Bigkitty's opinion, in that I didn't think it was crude. I thought it was funny because the character of Shawn is always messing up words. It was also a very quick joke that young children (who probably aren't watching) would most likely miss.

I agree, though, that forums are meant for your opinions to be expressed and not criticized. People who attack your opinions just because they are different from their own obviously don't understand this.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I am still amazed no one not a single person noticed the possible crude nature of part of my very first post.
(To be clever back to that I might say it was in bad taste or sounded fishy to me, but that could be taken as crude so I won't). I guess they didn't get it. Too subtle or maybe just goofy. Oh well.
over a year ago krazykray said…
Oh right! hahahahaha! I did get it. I just didn't remember to mention it. I chuckled to myself. It's totally my humor. Kudos :)