Psych Gus Needs To Leave The Show

nathan1234 posted on Feb 07, 2009 at 06:22AM
all gus does is complain like a token black man. as an afician american I find Gus to be annoying

Psych 35 replies

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over a year ago Councilman said…
As I posted way back in May of last year Gus is a bad friend and is negative at every turn but i don't think he need to leave the show, the writer need to make him a true friend to Shawn. I agree his role is does not add to the show and only makes me mad at every turn but it does not have to be this was. Because it does not help the show at all.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I wasn't going to say this but it came to me back when housediva posted "gus gets a girl". We have all seen that Gus is negative almost 100% of the time he goes out of his way to hurt the agency over and over and never has a girl friend, and the one time he could have he rwn from her. Maybe what he needs is a "boy friend". We have seen him run and screem like a little girl and react that way as well. His manerizems are suspect too. His negativizm could come from the frustrations of a closet gay guy. No
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DalekSec said…
This thread offends me as an African-American, a gay rights supporter, a Dulé Hill fan, and a lover of the show. Just sayin'.
JoJo6178 commented…
Really tho lol and let's look at the record....who's the one always taking advantage of him along with his money lol. he can be annoying, but it's what makes Gus, Gus lol. He does need to go back to being more of a conscience to Shawn, as opposed to negativity over a year ago
Psych777 commented…
He is a real friend to shawn. I don't understand why you think he isn't. He gives shawn money and he has been in business with him for over 7 years. In the last yin/yang episode he gave a speech to shawn. Gus has stayed by shawn this whole time and we can all agree shawn is a little crazy! over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
Let's face it in "Truer Lies" Gus almost got them both killed and it's nothing to do with being black and the gay thing is possible ask my younger brother the gay guy who is like that. But being a negative Nellie is a bad thing all around for Gus and he needs to change. He does act like a girl.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
Gus does better in "Tuesday the 17th" and trys to pickup the Miley Cyrus look alike, only a little older. But not by much. But alas he's shot down in the end. Sad for some, he acts awful around women. Too sweet. He trys too hard. Shouldn't he be Mr.Cool at some point?
over a year ago macuseroz said…
I just started watching this show on Netflix, and I thought it was because I was watching several episodes back to back that I found the character of Gus to be extremely annoying. After reading this, however, and several other sites, I am convinced that the character of Gus really needs a revamp or written off.
I get that at first, Gus was supposed to be an unwilling part of Shawn's adventures, adding moral and reason to the duo. And, in the first season I found his protestations to be quite believable. But I am currently in the midst of season 3 and I really don't understand why Gus and Shawn are friends: they are complete opposites who I would not believe would be friends even if they worked together, let alone longtime, childhood friends. How many times has Shawn asked Gus to do something just for Gus to act like a diva and refuse, and thus impede the progress of the case? Shawn did more for Gus when Gus's uncle came for a visit--and when Gus was in the bank during the robbery--than Gus has ever done for Shawn, or the agency. This brings me to my second point: I don't understand why Gus is even a part of Psych: he is constantly obstructing investigations by telling Shawn not to take this case, or not to follow that lead. This character sounds more like Shawn's grandmother than friend. Today I watched the episode in season 3 about the murdered sea lion. Gus protests against checking out the boat in favour of following the suspects, even though the boat does seem like the more logical place to start, because he fears danger; then inside the hull he places them both at even greater danger when he slaps Shawn's hand and throws a hissy because Shawn is touching him. It seems to me that if I were going to invest money and take time away from my "real" job for such a venture that I would be more adventurous and less reluctant. I mean, why does Gus stick around if he dislikes the way Shawn works so much? If Shawn is so reckless and constantly putting him in harms way--which he is ALWAYS protesting--it seems like he would quit.
But this gets to a larger point I have about the show in general. There is no progress in the characters (with the exception of Juliette and Chief Vick). No matter how often Shawn is proven right, Lassie, Shawn's father, and in many cases even Gus, view Shawn as an incompetent f-up. Gus's character sways a bit on this point, defending Shawn in one scene to his parents, and then in another telling Shawn that he wrong or in some other way not being supportive.
In short, Gus needs to jump on board with Psych or leave. If Gus and Shawn were going to have such a different POV on everything it would have been better if their relationship did not hinge on their childhood friendship; or the current stories need to show Gus being more supportive and taking more risk. As I continue watching episodes I find my self fast-forwarding more through parts that have Gus protesting or Shawn's father telling him how wrong he is.
robertbingalls commented…
Spot on. I'm right in the middle of the scene where they're hiding in the boat. I've been annoyed with Gus almost from day one but it came to a head during that scene. I paused it and typed "psych gus sucks", and, here I am. And, seriously, after the brilliance Shawn has displayed, this constant doubting by the entire cast is tired. over a year ago
robertbingalls commented…
Having stuck with the show, I'm really starting to enjoy it. The whole show has gotten tighter, and Shawn has gotten even funnier. The writers definitely stepped up their game. over a year ago
over a year ago ncismpm said…
Gus cant leave the show!!!! My sister loves Gus
juliet2022 commented…
i agree just cuz he can get shawn in a bad spot sometimes he cant leave the show it would not be the same without gus it would not be as funny without him he needs to stay over a year ago
over a year ago duncylovescourt said…
i dotn think gus should leave the show! sure he can be a little negative, but some of shawns theories are out there. but thats why there good friends they balance each other out. gus needs shawn and shawn needs gus. i think gus is funny, not annoying. and the show wouldnt be as good without him. plus lassie is negative and ppl dotn complain botu him, hes important 2 the show
juliet2022 commented…
i totally agree with u and i like lassie is negative thts also wat makes the show wat it is funny as can be lolz over a year ago
Psych777 commented…
I don't see why people want him off the show! over a year ago
over a year ago Noctis_Nigrius said…
In order to avoid racist accusations, they need to keep him on the show. Also, there are times in which gus provides much needed comic relief in a different manner than shawns crazy ideas and witty sarcasm.
over a year ago itwasepic98 said…
You gotta be kidding me? Gus is hilarious, maybe a bit negative but it's always funny how he freaks out. And no Gus&Shawn frienship? HELL NO! Psych without Gus would...pretty much suck.
psych545719018 commented…
Dude, I totally agree with you. Psych without Gus, would be crap. over a year ago
over a year ago smvgirl1988 said…
i completely agree any true fan of psych would know that gus with shawn and their banter makes the show what it is and if you watched the show you would see that he actually helps shawn with many cases and goes along with them. and if you watched it fully you would see that he complains to get his friend out of trouble and is only looking out for him. and another point is that they balance each other out and anytime they need money its gus who figures out expenses and everything else and without his car they would never get out tricky situations. sure most people don't get gus and shawn but that's is because they are people who never fully grew up and they are friends who stick up for each other so dissing one person is like dissing the other i think if you don't like show you should really pay attention to detail.
JoJo6178 commented…
yup and a lot of the funny would go right out the window w/o him over a year ago
juliet2022 commented…
i totally with all 3 of u if u are a true psych fan u know how gus and shawns friendship works shawn needs gus and gus needs shawn they always help each other who will they bring in a brother or sister shawnnever had it will be soo stupid if they do tht over a year ago
over a year ago smms said…
Gus might not be one of my favorite characters on the show, but he is essential. If Gus left, Psych would be cancelled. Many of the fans wouldn't watch it without Gus. In season 5 when Gus was solving the case with Lassi, and Shawn and Jules were solving it on their own, I kind of missed Shawn and Gus being together.

Also, opposites attract, some of the time. Which is Gus and Shawn. Like smvgirl said, Gus lets Shawn use his car, and Shawn is always using Gus's money. I would pwn Shawn if he did that. Personally, if I grew up with Shawn and Gus, I'd probably be better friends with Gus. He's more down to earth, and he's trying to get somewhere.
over a year ago huddygirl2 said…
Guys him being get scared easy is PLAYED FOR LAUGHS if Shawn was ever in danger like in real danger he would never leave him ever and plus it is not

like Shawn is great friend ether always stealing his stuff? which is funny to the show won't be the same without him oh and one last thing if

he was a "bad friend" wouldn't he leave Shawn already?
over a year ago cestmoi said…
They compliment each other on cases. His geek skills come in handy. He's a good person because Shawn isn't a perfect friend either. Gus has a job and he doesn't need to be involved with the psychic agency so him doing it is entirely for Shawn.

Additionally, you can tell from their childhood that Gus is more likely the one to do homework and repetitive tasks. Nothing is too much work for Gus to take on.

Also, Gus's pessimism affects Shawn's decisions, even if Shawn pretends to make excuse for the faults in his harebrained plans. They're a dynamic duo. I think the writer purposely wrote their personalities that way.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago arcticflake said…
Without Gus, Shawn would be dead. Would you really want Shawn dead?
over a year ago otaku1bookworm2 said…
THANK YOU articflake! gus is an eskimo witha carmel swirl! DO NOT DISS THE GUS!
over a year ago Fingers1983 said…
One thing Gus is not - is a Rabbit Porcupine.

I'm sorry - but you all seem to have missed one of the most comical elements of their friendship. - Gus's nicknames from Shawn are incredible and if you watch - you'll see body language to accentuate Shawn's nicknames for him... - Dule Hill and James Roady (Gus and Shawn) work so well together, feeding off each other's humour and energy.

You need to bear in mind, this is not a serious cop show. - If you want a serious show, go watch Law and Order or such. - This is a comedy, and they openly make it apparent to the viewer....

Now, look at the flashbacks to Shawn (and Gus's) childhood. - The manner in which they relate as adults is the same as how they were children together. - Yeah, they bicker, they argue and they have differences of opinion - but only because they care about one another. - If they did not care, they would have such strong feelings on the issues they discuss. - Both of the men look out for each other nearly instinctively.

As for the comments about Gus being gay, clearly those comments were made by people who didn't see the ep where Gus had the extreme sports loving girlfriend or the one here his ex wife Mira was around?? - Or where Shawn and Gus regulalry talk about not wanting to compete for the same girl??? - Both are very very hetro men. - As for the racist side? - seriously, WTF? - Are you smoking something very illegal when you bring racism into it? One thing that Psych's writting staff and acting staff have never done in any episode or commentary is be racist, approve of racism or even allude to it. - Gus even pulls Shawn up that the 'Ole West Days' were not a highlight for 'his people' to which Shawn is shocked as they saw Pose together in Cinemas, indicating that never once has race been a factor of anything in their relationship.

This is the single best t.v show of the 2000's IMO and I've enjoyed every episode. - The characters may not develop much, but do they need to? - I find season 5 as enjoyable to watch as season 1.
juliet2022 commented…
agreed over a year ago
over a year ago KatieYou said…
I cannot believe that there are crazy people on this very planet that I live on, that don't like Burton Guster. I am disappointed. But for those who stuck up for Gus; did you hear about Pluto? Pretty messed up right?
juliet2022 commented…
lolz tht is the most funny thing about gus did u hear about wat happened to pluto over a year ago
over a year ago arcticflake said…
Wow... Without Gus Shawn would be dead! How does that NOT contribute to the show!!!! Gus has also provided clues that Shawn missed and has helped solved many cases!
juliet2022 commented…
i know right like shawn would murdered his self ifgus left over a year ago
over a year ago VeeTruLxi said…
Without Gus, there will probably be no more laughs, Shawn will probably be exposed as a fake psychic from not having Gus to help him, and it won't be the same.

Gus is a GREAT friend, and he supports Shawn sometimes, he's just scared easily. And wouldn't YOU be scared like that too? Gus does NOT need to be written off, or change. In fact, I think he's changed over the seasons. At least a bit.

I can't believe so many people want Gus off the show! D: I know this was posted 2 years ago, but seriously, so many people agreed with it!

In fact, whenever my brother asks me who my favorite is: Shawn or Gus? I say that I can't choose, cause they are like one person. One can not be funnier or better than the other.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bookruler133 said…
Gus kinda is the balance in the friendship, so I say otherwise.
over a year ago BubblesVGS said…
If you don't like gus then don't watch the show! Gus is practical, a good friend, and hilarious.
juliet2022 commented…
i totally agre over a year ago
over a year ago burdockburr said…
The show wouldn't be the same without Gus, and Shawn wouldn't be able to hold up the psychic act without Gus either.
over a year ago llaurel said…
Gus can be a bit negative... but he always pulls through... like Watson, and shawn is sherlock Holmes!
I think the show just wouldn't be the same without Gus!
If you agree, fan me!
juliet2022 commented…
agreed over a year ago
over a year ago jchevy1991 said…
I definitely have to agree with the people that say gus should leave. He's not very funny, he's constantly opposing shawn and slowing down investigations, and he doe's very little at all to help shawn solve crimes. I'd rather see shawn work alone or with the detectives then see gus get half the credit for a crime shawn solved on his own. Not to mention gus fights with shawn constantly, I don't see how they're supposed to be friends.
juliet2022 commented…
i jacked up if gus lefted then the show wouldnt be the show they are the best duo ever over a year ago
robertbingalls commented…
The problem with the show is it is failing to progress. I'm halfway through season 3 and everyone, Gus included, continue to treat Shawn as if he's a slacker who made a couple good guesses, instead of a brilliant detective. After solving countless murders, Gus continues to argue with Shawn over the most insignificant things, impeding Shawn every step of the way. I don't think he needs to leave, but serious character progression is needed. over a year ago
robertbingalls commented…
I am now deep into season 4. Gus is still mildly annoying from time to time, however, the dynamic of the duo has become more endearing. And, the show as a whole has improved markedly. Stick with it! over a year ago
over a year ago BigBabyBurton said…
People saying Gus is annoying and needs to leave the show are fools Gus bring the information that helps Shawn solve cases a lot of people above already gave enough reasons as too why he's necessary for the show so Im not going into that much.

If there's one bone I have to pick it would be Gus never getting a girl something always goes wrong or something is wrong with the girl and I think Gus needs too be a little more brave.
juliet2022 commented…
thank u tell them they dont get gus apparently sure sometimes they get into baby fights then thety fix the lil prob over a year ago
over a year ago Angels18 said…
Gus is not annoying . link He's an asset to the show. Without him, the show won't be the same. There's a reason for certain characters to be there, and I don't say that to just this show but to movies, stories, shows in general. Every character has its purpose. link

And Gus, I love him as much as I love Shawn . They're both perfect in their own way. link
juliet2022 commented…
and hes funny Heard wat happened to pluto? Thats messed up? over a year ago
over a year ago rjjflash said…
How would Shawn get around? Who would smell stuff? Who would Shawn throw under the bus? Whos cell phone would Shawn use when he leaves his in the car? Plus Dule Hill co-produces and is unlikely to axe his character.
juliet2022 commented…
agreed over a year ago
over a year ago christinie213 said…
I LOVE Gus! Why would u EVER want him off the show?!
over a year ago nutshot19 said…
Gus is my favourite character and for him to actually be a better friend to shawn i think it would take awe fro the show. disagreements creates conflict that keeps people entertained and that is what gus does
juliet2022 commented…
totally agree plus theyre both the co producers i dont think james would let dule leave the show over a year ago
over a year ago juliet2022 said…
plus if u let gus go wat would happen to magic head or wait tap man thats how gus is funny to the show
plus if u let gus go wat would happen to magic head or wait tap man thats how gus is funny to the sho
over a year ago grac3_ann said…
I think if Gus left the show, it wouldn't be the same. Shawn and Gus have been friends almost since birth. Nobody could fill the void of Gus!!! Beside who would take his place. It would be good for an episode but it the end he would come back. And so what if he is annoying, so is Shawn! Would we get rid of him too? Gus also bring a lot of knowledge and experience to the table. If they got rid of Gus, it would be Psych...
over a year ago psycho14 said…
Im african american too but you are obviously the dumbest person alive if you believe gus should leave the show. if you got a problem with gus its probably because you're jealous of him.
over a year ago ArielHK said…
I cant believe I'm reading this omg!!! if there was no gus there would be no show i live Shawn to but their chemistry together is GREAT!!! they are hilarious together...when Shawn was shot in the trunk of a car you saying gus didn't care??? he was heart's suppose to be a comedy that's the comedy...Dule Hill and James Roday do a fantastic job and need to keep it up...this show 5 out of 5 stars!!!
over a year ago psych545719018 said…
Gus should not leave the show!!!!! sure he can be a bit of a kill-joy at times but Gus is awesome.
And I think that your post is offencive to African-American people.