Psych New story line contest proposal

Councilman posted on Nov 26, 2008 at 04:50AM
Why don't we suggest Ideas for episodes and the producers can pick one as a winner. The prize? An all expense payed fresh Golden Pineapple or maybe a cameo shot on the episode written by the fan who wins.
Having some knowledge of the "bizz" and politics my suggestion is as follows. Shawn and Guss are called to the Chief's office where she asks if they saw last night's City Council meeting on the Gov. channel. Of course they missed it. So the Chief shows them part of it. The clip shows the Mayor and Council questioning the expense of paying and outside Psychic all that money, and is he really worth it. Possibly even asking why not hire one as an officer so the cost would go down, Then the fun begins. It could even lead to:
Well I'll hold that in reserve so I don't spoil the surprise ending.
last edited on Nov 26, 2008 at 08:40AM

Psych 4 replies

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over a year ago lil_squee said…
hold on, if we do this, where do we post the story-lines?
over a year ago Councilman said…
Make them short and post them here. If the producers and writers are smart they watch these sites and can contact you if they wish.
I'm sure someone out there has some ideas that would be fun to kick around. Let's get busy fans. Think!
over a year ago Councilman said…
Here's an idea for you: The scene opens with lttle Shawn and Henry fighting over who's right about something or other, and they don't resolve the issue as we fade to black and then into today where they are arguing over who is the better detective. The phone rings and it's the Chief with a very big case. Shawn and Henry deside to resolve the arguement by seeing who solves the case first.
In order for Henry to have access to the SBPD he has to become an employee of the Psych Detective Agency. Now let the fun begin.
What say you?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
If you like any of the ideas posted here, add a very short post saying so. And if you don't think they are very good say that as well.
last edited over a year ago