Psych Ideas for the Episodes

Councilman posted on Aug 17, 2008 at 02:55AM
What if at some point Chief Vick decides it would be more cost effective if Shawn and Gus were police officers or at least had to attend the academy to continue working for SBPD. There could be a lot of episodes there. After all we know Shawn Aced the detictive test when he was 15, Lassiter only got 95 or so. Might be a great story line and expand the possibilities for the show. Hell Gus could find a romantic entanglement there. Maybe a woman to challege his superior attitude and out him in his place from time to time

Psych 13 replies

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over a year ago lil_squee said…
I have to disagree. The reason Shawn and Gus get so much information so fast, is because they are not real officers/detectives. They can walk around as civilians, allowing the people they are questioning to be less guarded. And they are not held back by the rules and regulations that the rest of the police force are. But that's just my opinion, I could be over-thinking this.
over a year ago yaz said…
No, youre thinking is right on. If everyone is on the same team, there is no motivation for the competition between the two "clans". There would be no thorn in Lassy's side, being bested by an "ameteur" heh heh. The Boys need to stay on their side of the fence, getting it done, without rules ,regulations etc. Drives Lassiter NUTS!!!
over a year ago Councilman said…
For the next season opener I'd like to see Shawn in court testifying in the trail of Mr. Yang. WHo we now know by her real name Annie Wilkes. Shawn was in court once but not on the stand. I believe in the real world he would have to testify in almost every case, so here's a good place to start. And since at least one other person think as I do that it's possible this Mr Yang is no more than a copycat it would be fun to see a D.A. try making the case for the 8 murders from as far back as 1995 with nothing more to go on than what was found this time around. When all of a sudden a new riddle shows up that some are attributing to a copycat. But while on the stand Shawn says he believes the new riddle is from the real Mr. Yang and Annie Wilkes is the copycat. The defence attorney then calls for a mistrial, and the judge puts the trail on recess until the next monday which is three days away. But before Shawn can convince anyone he's right and catch the real Mr.Yang a kidnapping takes place. The victom is Abigail Lytar. And now they let Shawn go to work.
I won't give away the surprise ending.
This episode would be the first where the comedy and goofy lines would be left out once the new riddle shows up. It's all business because Shawn is mad they wouldn't let him work on the case and maybe save a victoms life and because he feels guilty he got so much press for catching who thinks is a head case more than anything else.
There you see how I would do it. Now have fun with your story line.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
Another Idea for "Mr.Yang, We Meet Again" The phone in the Psych office rings and the Chief once again orders Shawn to the station. As he & Gus go into the Chiefs office all the blinds are closed and there are only a few officers and Mary in her office. The Chief pick up a report and begins to talk: :"As you all know our Mr. Yang Suspect is in Patton State Mental Hospital. I just received this report from Washinton State Hospital that says Annie Wilkes, the suspects real name was comfined to this Hospital until a montha ago" Mary interupts: "That explains why she took almost 10 years off between crimes". The Chief continues: "Where she had been confined for the past 16 years before her escape last month". Gus: "Are you sure it's Annie Wilkes in Patton"? As you know we has no luck tracing her through her prints". Jules: "So how cam we be sure this is her"? The Chief holds up a picture of Annie in a straight jacket screeming: "She is a former Doctor who became psychotic, She is a genius who, when she is lucid is pleasant to be around and is an avid reader who has never been charged with any crime ever". Shawn: "Have you talked to the Doctors at the Hospital in Washington? What else can they tell us about this Annie Wilkes"? Chief "Yes I did call the hospital, and this report is from their records but they didn't send it". The Chief picks up the envelope turns it over and shows it to the group that on the back is the tell tail Yin Yang symbol. A gasp fills the room as the camera pans everyones face showing the shock and fear felt by everyone except Mary who remains unflappable. Chief: "Now we have an even bigger problem than we had with Ms Wilkes. I'm afraid Mr. Yang is setting out to prove he is still in control when he wants to be. He's already got his next victom". Jules: "Who is it". Chief: "Abigail Lytar"

So What do you think. Should I get a job of writing for the show? LOL.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
New idea for next season inspired by Posts of SloopDash & krazykray
This is just an idea, Okay keep that in mind.
In the new season opener after the usual little Shawn and Gus. We see people of all ages reading about the arrest in the Mr. Yang case listening to interviews on the radio or watching them on TV. On one news papers front page we see a picture of Chief Vick placing a medal around the neck of Shawn. The Head line reads; “13 Year Old Murder Cases Solved”. As the camera pulls back we see that news paper is in a rack at the check stand of a grocery store where it is being removed and placed on the check stand where the clerk picks it up saying: "Can you imagine that it took the police 13 years to solve that case". The camera now pulls out to show the woman buying it as she responds: "No. It took Shawn Spencer one day to solve it". And now we see it's Trish Conners, who begins to grow a thoughtful smile. She pays collects her groceries and leaves as the camera shows a man behind her in line from the back only as he stands at the check stand where the checker says to him: "Wow that's a lot of papers. You must be a real big fan of that Psychic guy". The man says: "You might say that. Do you know that woman who just left”? Checker: “Who Trish Conners”? The man: “Conners? I used to know a cop named Conners”. Checker: “Yea That’s Trish’s father. Captain Conners”. The man: "Interesting”. As he pays and turns to leave the check says: “Have a nice day”. The man: “Oh I shall now thank you, I shall now”. We see as he walks out of the store pulling his keys from his pocket as the camera shows a close up of the keys the with a Yin Yang medallion on it.
Next scene: In the Psych office.
Gus is framing for hanging a copy of the National Investigator tabloid with Shawn and Gus's picture on the cover showing Shawn steadying himself with Gus's help as he looks at his shoe. The head line reads "Psychic Gumshoe Steps on Serial Killer". On Gus’s desk we see a stack of other papers and magazines with Shawn and Gus on the covers. Gus says: "Wow can you believe it. The phone hasn't stopped ringing. I never felt so good in my life”. The camera slowly pans to show Shawn in thought. Shawn: “What. Did you say something”? Gus: “Yea, What’s eating you we solved the biggest case in Santa Barbara history you saved your Mom, You’re dating Abigail after all these years. You should be on top of the world” Shawn: I’d feel better if we’d have caught the real Mr. Yang”. Gus: “What”?
Shawn explains how it was too easy and how a woman of 5’5” might be able to kidnap the two women this time but back in 1995 two of the victims were pretty large heavy men that were taken and killed. She could never have moved them alone. That and the real Yang would never been taken alive. Not only that but this Mr.Yang was lonely and crying out to be liked by someone anybody.
Gus: “Are you saying she has Eremiphobia”? Shawn: “Now you made that word up”. Gus: “No I didn’t it means someone who’s afraid of being them self or suffers from massive loneliness”. Shawn: “How do you know that Gus? At that very moment the phone rings. It’s Chief Vick. “Get down here now. He’s back”. Shawn: “I know”.
Now you have to guess what happens next. Or may be not. It depends on what feed back I get.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago krazykray said…
I like it! It could be really good.

You're welcome for the inspiration. Hah!
over a year ago Councilman said…
Little Shawn comes home from school and asks Henry.
Shawn: "Dad, how do I get a girl to notice me and, and not end up hitting me like happened last year. I don't need another black eye".
Henry: "Shawn you have a crush on a girl"?
Shawn: "Yea kinda. What's a crush".
Henry: "Remember when the girl ask you to sit with you at lunch and you got hit because you ignored here? Well she had a crush on you. It means she liked you. Some times it's called puppy love. When it happens to you may not even know why you like the girl. You just do".
Shawn: "Oh I get it".
Henry: "Who's the girl"?
Shawn: "There are two of them".
Henry: "Two Shawn? That can't ever work out. You have to pick one or you'll have nothing but head aches and you might end up loosing both. Who are the girls"?
Shawn: Abigail Lytar and Trish Conners".
Henry: "Trish Conners! I thought you didn't like her'.
Shawn: "Me too".
We now switch to today. At SBPD as Shawn and Gus walk in.

Jules: "Oh Hi Shawn. How was your date with Abigal"?
Shawn: "It was great Gus had a wonderful time".
Jules: "You took Gus along"?
Shawn: "I didn't have a choice. It was his car".
Jules: "Sorry, Shawn but you are never going to have a proper date with Gus along. I can't imagine Abigail thought much of it either".
Shawn: "It was, how can I describe it"?
Gus: "Awkward, uncomfortable, agonizing. And that was just how I felt".
Shawn: "You could have left us alone for a few minutes Gus".
Gus: "And gone where? The snack bar was closed and the only place left to go was Mr. Yang's car and the police came and towed it away".
Jules: That's sad Shawn".

Stay tuned for more. Or you can add our own ideas.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…

After a short glance back in time with little Shawn and Henry talking about what seems real and what is truly real. We cut to Chief Vick's office today.
Chief Vick: "We received the following message 1 hour ago".
Mary ally we stroll along. Now do I now have your attention?
You have the wrong Mr. Yang and now to prove it is my intention
When you find the body you shall know
That on with my game we all will go
No armatures need to apply
Or you your next victim will surely die.
In the last 15 minutes we found the body of Mary Lightly on the walking path next to the beach. The real Mr. Yang or an impostor is still out there killing people".
Shawn: "It's not an impostor it's the real Mr. Yang. We caught a copycat".
Jules: "Are you sure Shawn"?
Shawn: "I've had a strange feeling about it since we arrested the suspect that she was not the real Mr. Yang".
Chief: "You're right Mr. Spencer her real name is Catherine Tremell. She escaped from a mental hospital last month where she was held for the past 18 years. Meaning she could not have been Mr. Yang back in 1995".
McNabb: "Chief this fax just came in".
The Chief looks at the fax. And then reads it aloud.
Chief: "It's from Mr. Yang. It says.
For now we find the situation Lytar
Time is short I hope your psychic's insights brighter
It's her life now that he must save
Say uncle to keep her from dying in this hidden grave".
Shawn places his fingers to his temples to think.
Shawn: "I know where she is".
Jules: "Are you sure Shawn"?
Gus: "How could you know already Shawn"?
Shawn: "I'm psychic Gus. Yes I know the key is Uncle".
Gus: "Okay where is she"?

Next time people.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago krazykray said…
No should just tell us!
over a year ago Councilman said…
At this point Shawn puts his fingers to the side of his head thinks for a minute and says: "I got it Gus; I know exactly where she is let’s go".
Lassiter: " What where we going"?
Shawn: "The answer is in three words. Uncle, save, and grave. Uncle, I have only one it's my Uncle Jack. When he was last here he had a map to Bouchard's treasure. Save and grave rhyme with cave. She's in the cave where we found Bouchards' treasure on the point".
Shawn, Gus, Lassiter, Jules, and Chief Vick alone with several uniformed officers head for the point. On the way they pass a single vehicle going the opposite direction. Shawn turns to watch it pass saying.
Shawn: "Have that car stopped, that's Mr. Yang".
Lassiter: "How do you know that Spencer"?
Shawn: "This road it a dead end and there's no reason for one guy to here unless he's Yang".
Jules gets on the radio and instructs one of the marked police cars to turn around and stop the car and hold the person in it.
As they reach the area where they have to park and walk to the cave an officer comes on the radio saying they can't find the car.
Lassiter: "Great where the hell could it have gone? There are no turn offs for 5 miles".
The officer on the radio says they'll keep looking.
They make their way to the cave and sure enough they find Abigail bound, blindfolded, and gagged laying in the hole where the treasure was berried. As they set her up and remove the gag she begins to cry. Shawn hugs her telling her she's okay no. As Jules looks on with a sad look on her face.
Abigail: "Did you catch him he just left a few minutes ago. You had to have seen him".
Shawn: "Yea we saw him but he got away. For now".

Stay tuned.

"Catherine Tremell" was the name of the cold blooded killer played by Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. lol
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over a year ago Councilman said…
As they arrive back at SBPD Abigail’s parents are there waiting. Her mother rushes to her holding her while crying and asking if she’s alright. Abigail assures her she’s fine thanks to Shawn and the police. Her father walks over to Shawn standing face to face with him and speaks.
Chester: “I guess I owe you for saving my baby girls life. I’m Chester Lytar”.
Shawn: “You don’t have to thank me sir”.
Chester: “I didn’t. She wouldn’t have been in this situation if it weren’t for her knowing you”.
Chief Vick: “Mr. Lytar, I assure you that the victims of Mr. Yang were up until the copycat case, all taken at random and it appears Mr. Yang has adopted a page from the copycats play book in taking only people known to the one he chooses challenge. Abigail is the only one of very few victims found alive and Mr. Spencer found her unbelievably quickly. I have every confidence with his and Mr. Guster’s help and that of our lead detective team Mr. Yang will be brought to justice soon. They have never failed so far”.
Chester: “That may very will be but this Mr. Yang will not have another chance to hurt Abigail. I’m sending her out of town until he’s captured”.
Abigail: “Daddy I’m not a child and I have my job to do”.
Chief: “Mr. Lytar, I’ll assign an officer to Make sure Abigail says safe until we catch Yang. O’Hara”.
Jules: “Not me Chief”!
Chief: “O’Hara go get detective Mitchell and have her come in here”.
Jules: “Right Chief”. Jules leaves the Chiefs office
Chief: “Now we have to debrief your daughter and you’re welcome to wait for her at in the lobby, but it could take some time. Lt. Lassiter you and Shawn take her to interrogation one where you won’t be disturbed. I’ll be right there I have to call the Mayor and keep him informed”.
Abigail: “You don’t have to wait Mom and Dad I’ll be fine here and Shawn will make sure I get home safe”.
Shawn: “You’ll have Detective Mitchell looking out for Abigail I have work to do. Mr. Yang will be looking for his next victim and we need to be ready to move on a moments notice. I’ll come by and check on you later”.
Mr. and Mrs. Lytar kiss Abigail good by and leave.
Chief: “Mr. Spencer I have something for you”. She hands Shawn a piece of paper which he reads and replies.
Shawn: “This can’t be Chief I felony convection from when I was 18”.
Chief: “I had a talk with the Governor last week and your record is now clear. Based on your record in the past few years he issued you a full pardon”.
Gus: “What is it”? Shawn passes the paper to Gus.
Gus: “Congratulations Shawn”.
Chief: “Here’s yours Mr. Guster. Of course you’ll have to qualify but having read a report from Detective Lucinda Barry Shawn already has, and you’ll both have to attend a class”.
Lassiter: “What is it Gus”?
Shawn: “They are concealed carry weapons permits”.
Lassiter: “You’ve got to be kiddy me”.
Chief: “This is no joke detective they’ve earned them. Here’s something else you requested. These are form me”.
She hands them each black leather cases they open to find inside shinny new Private Detective Badges with photo IDs.

Stay tuned as the plot thickens.
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over a year ago Councilman said…
As the next scene opens.
Shawn, Gus, and Lt. Lassiter accompany Abigail in to an interrogation room and all takes seats around the table
Lassiter: “Miss Lytar we need you to tell us everything you can remember about what has happened to you and please try not to leave out any detail no matter how small of insignificant it may seem”.
Abigail: “I was leaving my house for work. I unlocked the door of my car someone grabbed me from behind saying “No school today my dear” and the next thing I remember I couldn’t see anything but I heard him saying that I had made a poor choice in friends”.
Gus: “Did you ever see him”?
Abigail: “No but there was something about his voice that was familiar, like I’d heard it or one like it before. Almost an English accent but not quiet the same”.
Shawn has a flash of an old Pepperidge Farm commercial. And using that type of speech says.
Shawn: “Could it have been something like this? If it’s fresh and delicious it comes from our Farm”?
Abigail: Yes that’s it.
Shawn: “Alright we know he’s from the New England “.
Abigail: “And something else, he smelled of cigarette smoke and a really good smell but not like a soap, or normal after shave, it was like very nice but subtle cologne, I’ve never smelled it before. Except at our reunion, Shawn it was you. It smelled nice like you did that night”.
Gus: “Shawn what were you wearing”.
Lassiter: “Yea Spencer what was it and where were you this morning”.
Shawn: “First of all smell me now and tell me what you smell, secondly I was with Gus since early this morning, next don’t make me regret saving your butt from murder charges Lassie, and lastly, I got the cologne I wore to the reunion from a sample on the page of a magazine Gus brought into our office. It was a retro fragrance I liked”.
Gus: “You told me you didn’t know what happened to that missing page”.
Shawn: “It was an ad Gus Lighten up”.
At that Jules joins them, along with Detective Mitchell.
Lassiter: “Well if you think I’m going to smell your neck Spencer you’re nuts”.
Jules: “What’s going on”?
Lassiter: “O’Hara smell Spencer’s neck and tell me what you smell’.
Jules: “Why would I do that”?
Abigail: “I’ll do it”.
Jules interrupts.
Jules: “No if it’s my job I’ll do it”.
And so Jules steps up and places her nose on Shawn’s neck and lingers a bit too long, as a smile crosses her face.
Lassiter: “Okay O’Hara enough, what do you smell”?
Jules: “Well it’s pleasant; I think maybe it’s Old Spice”.
Lassiter: “Then nothing special”.
Jules: “Well I wouldn’t say that”.
Shawn: “It’s Brut okay. Can we get back to what it was Yang was wearing”?
Jules leans over near Gus and whispers.
Jules: “Is that what that was about”?
Gus: “Yep”.
Shawn: “I think it was called. (He places his finger to his head) It was something like, Jagest or Jadest something like that”.
Lassiter: “That’s Jade East”.
Shawn: Yes I see it now. Jade-East”.
Lassiter: “It was really big in the 60s and 70s everyone used it back then, very hard to find now I would think. What we need to do is get an APB out on the description of the car we saw this morning and find out where you can buy that cologne, check our records for anyone ever arrested from New England who smokes. Anything else you can think of Abigail”?
Abigail: “No I think that’s all I can think of”.
Shawn: “Did you hear anything at all”.
Abigail: “Heavy breathing when he carried me to the cave”.
Lassiter: “He may have COPD too. Alright then Detective Mitchell is going to stay with you every minute until we can catch this guy”.
Abigail moves over placing her arms around Shawn and kisses him.
Abigail: “Thank you for saving me Shawn. I knew you would”.
Jules kooks away not wanting to see this.
Shawn: “I’ll come by later if I can”.

Fade to black
over a year ago Councilman said…
Move to Shawn and Jules "The Hook Up" to find out what happens next please.