Psych Pineapple?

XpsychotickissX posted on Aug 16, 2008 at 07:05PM
Why is it in a great majority of teh episodes there's a pinaeapple?!?!?!?!

Psych 14 replies

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over a year ago krazykray said…
There is a contest on to win show merchandise. If you watch each week, you enter to win.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Every one who is true fan of the show will remember pineapples popping up in episodes from the start. But here's the tough part. Please don't post the location of the pineapples on this site. It would only lesson your chance to win the contest.
I believe the pineapple contest is a way to do as I have said long ago. Become more observant when watching the program. For me it adds to the fun and in my opinion could help you in everyday life. Try not to miss anything going on around you. It has served me well as a City Councilman, reporter, and radio talkshow host, father, grand father and all around bitchen guy. LOL
I do wish I had made better use of my skills when my wife was cheating on me but I digress. Enjoy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
I don't recall ever reading what the heck the pineapple connection really is. Even the pilot had one in it.
Is it possible that someone just said hey lets put a pineapple in every episode just for the hell of it and see if anyone ever asks about it. Even when there is no real pineapple there is a picture or design on a shirt or some darn thing.
It's kind of funny any way you cut it. Or do you prefer sliced?
over a year ago Councilman said…
I just remembered that in an episode of Chuck Pineapple was the code word for panic or emergency clear the Buy More. It's also a slang term for the old Fragmentation Granades. By extention Pineapples are often segmented or fragmented.
Then again It's most likely a red herring with no meaning other than to give us something to talk and wonder about.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago krazykray said…
Psych has made me a pineapple fan. No joke.
over a year ago Councilman said…
In "Lassie did a bad bad thing" I saw two pineapples Lassie has one in his bag from the market and Henry has a wooden one on counter in his house. I too like pineapples and I see no reason to stop finding them just because the game is over.
over a year ago Sneak_Hug said…
Theres a thing on this youtube wannabe that has an interview w/ steve franks and 1 of the othr writers and they sed that the pilot pineapple (lol) was just a coincidence and then when thay were wriyting 3rd ep there was a pinappl on desk and they thawt it was a funny fruit so they just kept usin pineapples... it may not have been a real intrview tho its just wat ive seen
over a year ago Councilman said…
Sneak_Hug, Have you seen the interviews with many of the actors and crew about the pineapple? They all have a gag idea about it. But what you've posted makes as much sense as any. As I said before there really is no mystery it's just a gag and a hook.
over a year ago Sneak_Hug said…
yeah thats all it really seems 2 b... but its still v. cool! it was an interview w/ a couple of writers from psych...
over a year ago Councilman said…
Up until now "Pineapples" were seen one or at most two at a time per episode but in "Truer Lies" we fined hundreds in the alley at the end when the bad guys a caught. I've never seen this many outside a Dole commercial. They must have spent hundreds of dollars on all those crates of them.
over a year ago Councilman said…
In "Tuesday the 17th", there are two that I saw. One was little Gus's Pinata, the other was in the fridge when Shawn looked inside it.

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over a year ago Councilman said…
In "An Evening with Mr.Yang I believe the only pinapple is bright yellow on Abigail's desk. It's very small and only on camera for a few seconds.
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over a year ago Waitforit13 said…
There is a pineapple in every episode, wheter an actual pineapple or a pic of one or symbol of one etc. It started as a quirk and now they have a contest to find the pineapple in the episode,text where in the scene you saw it or go to the official Psych site and do it online.
over a year ago DalekSec said…
James Roday always improvises after the scene is over. After the scene in the pilot in Gus's apartment when he grabs the keys, the "Should I slice this up for the road?" line was an improv. Some people loved it, some people didn't, and they kept going back and forth on whether to put it in the final cut. It made it, and suddenly they kept putting pineapples in other episodes, until it became Psych tradition. That was the answer they gave at comic con (in my somewhat less eloquent words).