Psych Shawn & Jules / James & Maggie <a href="target="_blank"><img src="border=0 ></a>

Councilman posted on Jun 09, 2008 at 07:50PM
I just found out and it is no secret that Mr. James David Rodriquez, AKA: James Roday/Shawn Spencer, and co-star Maggie Lawson/Jules are seeing each other off the set.
Good deal now let's get them together where it counts. In front of the camera, and hope tyhe writers done get all screwed up mess up a good thing by giving them all kinds of problems to deal with. For once let's have a happy relationship.

Psych 47 replies

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over a year ago astroasis said…
Oh, no. I don't want to see them together on-set! The best thing for any TV show is unresolved sexual tension - seeing two characters who are SO meant for each other NOT get together, but come SO close. That's what keeps the fans hooked. You can see in SO many TV shows that as soon as the male lead and female lead get together, interest in the show/pairing declines. It's just not a good idea.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I tend to agree with you astroasis. Look what happened to Moonlighting years ago. When Cybill and Bruce got together it wrecked the show.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I can see that other than the theme song this thread has some what of a following. What I hope is that the real life relationship between these young people holds. I'd hate to see it fall apart and effect the program. Besides they have good on screen chemistry.
over a year ago pineapple914 said…
if they put them together it would either end pysch or there would be some sort of dramatic break up so the ratings would stay up
over a year ago Councilman said…
I think we can count on the writers to tease us to death with the chemistry we saw between Juliet's and Shawn from the first episode Jules was in, in the Cafe way back when. As a hopeless romantic I want them to be together and be happy ever after but that ain't going to happen. Shawn has had girl friends or chances at girl friends but all for not. There was the girl from high school at the reunion in episode 302, the one that was the asst. curator of the museum in Shawn and gus of the dead, and don't forget the waitress in the pilot. All of them going no where. We need either Gus or Shawn to have a girl friend or move to San Franfreako and marry each other. We all know that in California it's like a bowl of granola what ain't fruits and nuts is flakes. And don't see that coming on. Please don't do that to us writers. I couldn't take it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
Nothing new to report, but if anyone hears anything don't keep it to your self. This topic seems gets the most hits and we all want to know the skinny on this one.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I'm adding a new post to keep up the interest. To date over 1,400 have looked into this thread since I first posted it back in June. I wish there was as much action in the rest of the Forum.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
over a year ago krazykray said…
I trust the writers with this. I think when they feel the time is right to start a relationship with the two, they'll come up with a really cute way of doing it. And the writers will keep the show from being boring or cliche. I totally trust them.
over a year ago Councilman said…
If the writers do come up with a way to put them together it means Shawn will have to learn to be a better bowler. In the episode "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not", Jules calls off a date with someone else, saying it was because the guy couldn't bowl. "It's a date breaker", she said. (As if the writers would pay any attention to continuity). lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
Here we find ourselves watching "Six Feet Under The Sea", and seeing Shawn confused about who April (truely a cutie) is stepping aside for. Hmm. Has Shawn lost it? Has he become dense suddenly? Or will Jules have to make the first move now. And what about the bowling issue?
Tune in next time when we might hear Gus say: "Hey when do I get the babe? The only cute black girl on the show was my sister. What's up with that?"
As I watched this episode I almost thought for a second the writers were going to have April make a pass at Jules. ( We dodged a bullet there).
over a year ago Melia said…
Shawn hasn't become's that Jules has refused him time and again, and she would be the last person he would ever consider thinking of him in that way.
krazykray I concur. I think that the writers have done an excellent job with keeping up the momentum of their chemistry thus far, and whether or not they get together the show will still be hilarious.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I don't think it's fair to say Jules has refused him and not make note that Shawn hasn't made a serious move yet. He did sort of kiss her once at the police station. Other than that he says things like in the episode Gus was at camp and Jules ask what Shawn had in mind to easy his loneliness and Shawn suggested Baby oil. If he wanted her he'd stop smarting off for 10 seconds.
And if they were to get together it would end the show. It always has on past shows because the writers can't keep the tension going in other ways once the sex has happened.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Okay I could be wrong. The writers are working me over pretty good on this. In "Lassie did a bad bad thing". Det. Drimmer while trying to find out if Shawn has picked up anything on him for the shooting, tells Shawn how Jules is talking favorably about him all the time.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I have a question about marriage. How long should and do people date these days before the get married? James & Maggie have been together for what about two and a half years?
Isn't that time enough to decide if your compatible? Or do you think one of them is afraid of commitment or could it be they both fear the entertainment couples curse? So many break up. Mostly because of cheating by one or both.
Now I would like to see them do the right thing get married have children and live happily ever after. You have to consider age at some point if you're going to have a family don't you?. After all she's what, about 28 and he's around 32 give or take. I don't know about these things today is why I'm asking. Used to be you were married by your mid twenties right after college for most. Just curious that's all. That and I hate to see anyone break up after so long.

over a year ago Councilman said…
Love is in the Air, there is music all around. An Evening with Mr.Yang and Jules makes a move and we have to wait for bleeping ever to see which way Shawn ends up going. For Jules or for the 16 year old looking Abigail. I hate to have to wait that long. But what the heck.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
DAMNIT! Do you guys know how freaking pissed I am Jules decides to make a move when Shawn is on a freaking date? UGH! This is so enraging! Almost every single "season finale" we've seen a ridiculous hint of "sexual tension" between these two, minus the numerous amounts of hints given throughout the show. I knew something was going to happen based on all of Jules sudden interest in Shawn's butt during football, and a lot of other little tidbits at the end of this season. I just had a feeling they were going to leave us on the edge, and of course they did, but not even doing anything, leaving us in question. Shawn with Abigail, or Jules?

I hate cliffhangers, especially when they come to couples that you've been shipping since day 1 :'(
over a year ago Councilman said…
Housewhore4 Interesting handle you've chosen.
Some place in the Forum I came up with an idea for them to get together and not tell anyone even Gus. It would keep up the tension and add story lines as well.
Everyone wants to see the LOVE interests get toether here and on Chuck. Check out my idea there if you have the time.
I'm sure he'll end up someday with Jules, and the way the writers get lost we may never hear from Abigail again. Unless/ Oh may God another flash for the new episode just struck me.
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
That would be interesting, Councilman. See, I don't know why everyone feels that if Jules and Shawn get together, the series is over. It's not like the show hinges on Shawn being single, or for that matter, detective and psychic being "just friends" or not in a relationship. The only concept the show's fate rests on is that no one, except Gus and Henry, can know that Shawn is a fake psychic. Everything else, I say, is a free-for-all.

Personally, I feel keeping them apart is way too much of a cliche for it to wreck the show. I don't think we can even list how many series have attempted the long, drawn out "Just jump in bed, damnit!" approach to prospective couples. The more of the tease, the more, I feel, the higher expectations there are for the writers.

They should just be original, is all I'm saying. Put them together, see what happens. Have things go bad, maybe be an on again, off again, couple. Whatever they want, just do something, teasing is such a low blow :P
over a year ago Councilman said…
Housewhore4 I can't wait to meet numbers 1, 2,& 3, lol. You have good thoughts.
I think my idea of keeping it secret would work for the writers in a positive way. However in real life when people in a relationship have secrets from each other it can be the source of problems. Shawn can reveal to Jules that he's hyper observant not psychic. Her character has in part fallen for him because his gift is part of the whole package. Remember what Detective Drimmer told Shawn she said in "Lassie did a Bad Bad thing" about all his qualitys? She'd be crushed, disillusioned and heart broken to find out the truth. Not to mention her police mentality might kick in. Not a good thing if they were ever to have problems.
So I say yes let them be together but Shawn needs to keep the double secret alive. Keep gus out of his love life and Jules out of his true tallents.
By the way Shawns Mom Madeleine knows he's just an excellent detective too.
At 1931, I'm not surprised this topic is far and away the most viewed here. Everyone likes a good love story even if some tuff guys on the outside say different. I like ones with happy endings, but then I'm known as a hopeless romantic.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
lol! Well, we Housewhore's do tend to run in packs :P haha

I've been debating the idea in my head, if Shawn and Jules were to get together, would he ever tell her the truth? I think it could go numerous ways. He could not tell her, then it gnaw at him that he's lying to her, and then eventually confess to her, and she could either take it as "your secret is safe with me", or, it could be a breaking point in their relationship, and she could act on it as a police officer and arrest him for treason or whatever charge would be brought upon Shawn for lying.

But, I think not telling her in general may actually work fine. Shawn has been able to develop this whole persona and job title really well, never expecting anyone to even question that he's a psychic, or flinching when he tells people he is a psychic for the SBPD. He's convinced himself that he's a psychic, not a literal "I can see the future", but as an acceptable facade, the job title is his. It's gotten to a point where it doesn't even seem like a lie, at least from the viewers POV. So maybe it wouldn't be difficult keeping it from Jules. Then again, he's never had to face love, relationship, etc. when it comes to this. So, hard to say.

Then, the question comes up, would it come down to Shawn having to confess who he is that would end the show? Or would Vick just turn him into a real detective, which he basically is now minus the gun? That's a whole other discussion. But it is crazy how much leeway the writers have for this story line. It can go so many ways with Shawn and Jules.

Here's my biggest concern for next season: Shawn ending up going out with Abigail for the entire summer stretch, then they break it off at the end, and either Shawn tries to catch Juliet on the rebound, or, she starts dating someone for real, and then they drag that into the Winter second half, and finally, they put them together at the finale this time next year. I've seen it before, it's painful like nails up against a chalkboard. So far, with all the little teases, nothing is telling me that it won't be this way. Just get it over with, my God!

Oh, this thought just came to me (sorry, I'm going on for far too long, bare with me). If Shawn does date Abigail for some time, maybe that will be the test for how long he can keep a secret. I mean, what if she on dates is like "read my mind, Shawn", or notices little details that don't connect to him being a psychic. He doesn't have someone in his intimate personal life he doesn't know he's lying, so this could be an interesting taste tester. But, I'd rather it be with Jules, no doubt.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Wow very thoughtful indeed. I hope you get to read some of my other posts for this and other topics. I've covered a lot of things.
About the Chief making Shawn a police officer I used that in one of my ideas some place. I forget where but I had forgot Shawn can't be a Policeman because he has a felony for GTA on his record from when he was 18. So that's out but it might be removed by a judge with the Chief's help maybe.
As to Abigail I hate to see Shawn dating her knowing he's going to end up with Jules. Abigail has has a thing for Shawn since high school seeing anyone have their dreams dashed bums me out. So it becomes a delima with few good out comes. It eve just caused me to flash back to a song from the late 60s or early 70s. "Torn Between Two Lovers". We know Shawn has had a thing for Jules from their fisrt meeting more od less and on Abigail so much in the passed he was afraid of her.
Either way it goes Shawn can never tell Jules he's a fake. After all she saw him convince the judge in "Cloudy Chance of Murder" that he was for real.
I used to just enjoy your screen name #4 but I also like the way you put thought in to this stuff.
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Thanks CM, I will definitely start rummaging through everything. Haven't been on Fanpop that long, just started in December, and only just started paroozing the Psych spot, but I've been watching the show since the very beginning and it's nice to actually discuss ideas about the show with others.

Ah, I totally forgot about the GTA, but I'm sure something could be done if it really came down to the Vick having to come up with a way to keep Shawn on her staff. Because, besides Jules, Chief Vick has been the one person who has, for the most part, given Shawn and his psychic "capabilities" a lot of credit and leverage. If one day the truth did unravel, after a brief period of anger, I couldn't see how they could not invite Shawn and Gus in as members of the force for real. For 3 years now, the majority of the SBPD's success has been fueled by them. Psychic or not, the guys solve the case. It's definitely a likely scenario.

The other issue with Jules ever finding out about Shawn, is not the details of the lie, but the actual lie itself. No one likes finding out they've been deceived, especially over a long stretch of time, and especially by someone who's supposed to be the love of your life (or, at least that's what we all think, and part of the scenario). I don't know how well she'd take that, knowing for so long he'd been carrying on this ridiculous act that she gave into. Pretty big blow. So, its either best that nothing is ever said, or they want to end the show on everything getting blown up and ruined, or think of a better plan.

Thanks, I appreciate that, and you do too. Three years of watching and all these built up thoughts and ideas, they needed to come out at some point :P Glad I can share them
over a year ago Councilman said…
d(0.0)b My answer to :P. I read that another show with a situation not unlike that of our Romeo & Juliet is going to take a chance and let the duo in that theatrical production conjugate garmentless while situated in the same bed. I hope it comes out alright so the writers for our couplet will entertain this concept as viable and persue it to a logical conclusion that is copacetic to the vast majority of the assemblage who gather hither. I'm not going to tell what show that is.
In other words. Maybe if it works out there, Shawn and Jules can hook up in an acceptabe manner and we can all reat easy because it's what we would all like to seely, let's make no bones about it.
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
hahahaha, very smooth, very subtle :P I heard the same, though I don't really watch that show. I almost started to, then I found out about their "Will they, won't they" sexual tension and I realized I probably wouldn't be able to handle another show that has that going on, so I stopped :P lol! I have too many!
over a year ago Councilman said…
d(0.0)b :
Twas early on intended you'd deduce
Easy answers from my meager clues
A secret, no never was a part
Of a tail imagined of loving hearts
Forsooth in future I shall endeavor
To use better words when being clever

As this topic nears 2000 views
I'm humbled by the likes of all of you
I must admit by this I am impressed
Now I hope it spreads to all the rest
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
I had to come back because As I was about to post another idea for next season I saw the number was 1999 so I had to be 2000. Thanks everyone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Congrats Councilman, and huzzah for Shules! Shules? Jawn? eh, maybe we should just stick with Shawn and Jules :D
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Oh, and I have I ever mentioned how much it tickles me to know these two date in real life? I think that is just the ultimate romance right there.

And you know? Proven fact, when a couple is dating on and off the screen, makes for a better show. As obvious as that sounds, its a good thing to take notice of. I don't know if anyone ever watched Gilmore Girls, but one of the main female characters, the daughter, Rory, played by Alexis Bledel, started dating Jess, played by Milo Ventimiglia. In real life, they had been dating for awhile, and continued to while they were an onscreen couple, and it sells so much better! They're scenes together, couldn't have been better, and I realize now in hindsight why that was. They weren't just good actors, ha. Can't wait to see what Jamie and Maggie have in store for us :P
over a year ago Councilman said…
I generally don't like the cutesie names like Shules. Yuckie! To me it's like some idiot taking a normal name and changing it for a child. I find it stupid not uniquea!(No spell error) My opinion and little joke.
A long time ago I dated a girl who played my leading Lady and Love interest in two plays. A lot of people thought we'd end up together for ever. Didn't happen. But I was jealous when she married a guy in the band I didn't like. Weird thing was I didn't love her. I guess it was that I had kissed her hundreds of times on stage and off and felt she could do better. lol.
I hope James and Maggie get married and live happily ever after. It's getting harder and harder these days. But I'm a dreamer, even for others.
As I always like to say."Oh what fun I could have had if only I knew them. All the things I know today, when I were just a KId".
over a year ago krazykray said…
I really like James and Maggie together. I think it could help the show if they are together in real life, because then they are more comfortable around one another when they act. It helps so they can concentrate on the acting more than how they, or the other person, feels outside of their characters. And I do believe that James and Maggie are both very talented actors. Not to mention great chemistry!

But however, if their relationship doesn't make it then,for lack of a better term, that just sucks. But I think they are amazing together.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I have thanks once again to you a new idea for them to get together. I'll work on it and post it soon.
over a year ago Councilman said…
With so many visits you might want to continue the fantasy with (Ideas for the Episodes) which will lead you to, (Shawn and Jules "The Hook Up")
Just something to do while we wait for next episode for real.
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Hey Councilman, I'm back. Sorry I went MIA for awhile, just been really busy with life. Plus, the show's hiatus really dries up a lot of the conversational topics :P

So now that our show is FINALLY coming back, what's everyone been thinking? Anyone else a tad nervous, based on the promos, that Sean's little "dilemma" that ended the last cycle of shows may be ignored a bit? I just don't see anything personal in the previews, but then again, they are promos, their job is to hook you in on the show's concept and humor, not the actual meat of the story lines.
over a year ago Waitforit13 said…
Hi all. Just adding my 2 cents.

First, the idea that a Shawn/Juliet relationship will tank the show is pure bunk. Whats the diff, he's with Abigail now! This show runs on Shawn/Gus fuel, and the reserve tank is the supporting cast. Second, Abigail doesn't fit with Shawn eventually. Why? She's not quirky. From what little I have seen from her character shes the "grounding" influence, the "time to grow up Shawn" school marm aka family counselor. Ground Shawn? You do that and there is no show. Juliet IS quirky. My case in point? Remember Jules as the roller girl that broke the nose of the other teams rollergirl and told Chief Vick, "yeah she curled into my wingspan?". Or Jules the Valley girl sorority girl " Beta Kappa Theta?" Or her hilarious part as dance instructor to Shawn and Gus "Sharp as Cheddar?" Already I feel the "pop" in this 4th seasons shows just isnt there like it was. Just because Shawn and Juliet start dating doesnt mean things would change much..he goes out and solves cases and she does her thing like always..things have changed more in a negative direction on this show with Abigail in it as the GF. The slowed down Mr. Mature Shawn will kill it. Give me the I just solved the case jumping up and down,doin the dance,fist bumping Shawn any day.
over a year ago Waitforit13 said…
O, and a P.S.
He won't tell Abigail hes not psychic.
He will tell Juliet before a marital plunge.
over a year ago Councilman said…
The only thing that should happen if Shawn were to either grow up or become semi normal could be the show would be less disjointed, less childish, and maybe cause the writers to stop writing totally childish stupidity in to the show for Shawn and Guss to do. An Evening with Mr. Yang could have been great instead of just good if Shawn and Gus hadn't both done dumb arsed stuff that made no sense and only detracted from the case. Quirky is fine but childish nonsense is just stupid. Abigail would be a perfect match if Shawn were capable of doing anything even close to adult in nature, but the writers are too stupid to be able to use clever humor rather than immature silliness. The only way being Mature would kill the show is if the writers done grow up some along with the cast. It's easy to entertain children but adults require a more logical thoughtful clever cerebral approach. i think by making the show sillier than ever they're killing it because it's the same old, same old every week.

over a year ago Waitforit13 said…
I agree mostly with what you said about the writers. Their problem is they have decided to minimalize Racheal Leigh Cooks prescence on the show. She wasn't even mentioned in High-Noonish, unless I missed it. To replace the Shawn-Jules flirtatious banter with ..umm..errr..nothing is a mistake. I think they need something alot more substantial with the GF relationship between Abigail and Shawn, but I think they are trying to show he's not fully committed to that relationship. What's your opinion on this..
over a year ago krazykray said…
They had a moment in the High-Noonish episode where Shawn, Gus, Juliet and Lassie are sitting at the table in the police station conference room...Shawn is dressed in his hilarious Sheriff costume and is sitting across from Jules. He finishes what he was explaining with a tip of his cowboy hat to her, and she blushes a little bit and tries to keep a smile off her face. The writers have re-placed the outright flirting with subtle moments, like the tip of the hat, between Shawn and Juliet.

And that, I believe, is a BRILLIANT way for the writers to change up the show without loosing what made it great to start with!
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over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Councilman, again, I completely agree with you, and I sense some cynicism in your words as well, lol! No, but it's true and totally called for. I don't know what's happened lately, but from last seasons second half to the beginning of this season, everything has really started to deteriorate. Remember when the show was funny because the anecdotes and charm of Shawn cracked a smile across everyone's face? Now, that semi-blatant, but also subdued (at least, compared to now) comedy has detracted into this incessant need to make everything "goofy", have Shawn and Gus parade around with random antics that, sure, may amuse after the first 12 times, but get old really fast and have become redundant, pointless, and "wtf?" worthy.

A major disappointment is Gus. What happened to the Devil's Advocate in him? He was always the best friend dragging his feet to play along, a reasonable, fearful, grounding yang to Shawn's insane, ridiculous, risk-taking, outspoken yin. Now he's simply the sidekick who's morphing into another Shawn with mere seedlings of resistance scattered around every so often. I hate it, there's no balance, and now every line and every moment is one big joke (not to mention far-fetched, even more so than usual).

To make a point about Jules (since this is the Shawn and Jules thread), Abigail appears to be the chick who attempts to change and settle the wild ways of her new man, where Jules is the girl who puts up with - no - engages in Shawn's rambunctiousness. She tolerates and even understands him at times. As big of a hoax as his whole psychic position is, Jules is a believer, and that alone is a reason why the two of them together work.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Well Housewhore4 & Waitforit13 I believe you'll both agree this last episode The Devil is in the Details was a major improvement and Abigail only got an honorable mention. It was king of subtle but cute when Jules nodded in agreement with Shawn about women faking the big O.
I agree with you Waitforit13 that they are going to continue to minimize Abigails role but keep her around until Shawn & Jules finally make a real move toward each other. I predict when that happens it will be a made passionate moment followed depending on how far they take it by a cooling off period. I only hope that it Abigail breaks it off with Shawn so she doesn't get hurt. I'd hate to see Shawn betray her trust. But them be a bit clinical I can see the writers letting Abigail either catching Shawn kissing Jules or Shawn calling Abigail Jules in the midst of passion. Te would be a bummer.
Can you believe she is 30 years old next month? Wow who have thunked it?
Well Housewhore4 & Waitforit13 I believe you'll both agree this last episode The Devil is in the Deta
over a year ago Waitforit13 said…
Hi Councilman and HW. I really liked the Devils episode, but one part bothered me. When the "possessed" girls' mother asked if they wanted anything, Shawn came off as obnoxious with his comments. I don't mind him being that way with Lassiter, but with a woman worried about her daughter seemed much. Other then that I really enjoyed the episode.
In a future episode this season Gus and Lassiter will work a case. I see a possible Shawn/Juliet pairing of a case possibly somewhere down the line as a vehicle for something more in depth between them,who knows.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Waitforit13, I could not agree more the antagonistic relationship with Lassiter goes back to episode one when Shawn first claimed to be Psychic and Lassiter got Pi$$ed because Shawn figured out Lassiter and his Partner Lucinda were doing the horizontal Hula. There is no way in real life a normal person would be such a jerk with a distraught mother. But if you remember back to "The Shawn Vs The Red Phantom" episode Shawn did the same thing to the mother of the missing, asking for pancakes them not eating them. The writers get childish I think if you confronted them about it, they'd say: Will Shawn grew up not knowing if his father even loved him and blah, blah, blah, BS.
But this is about Shawn and Jules and right now even Abigail has been MIA most of the time.
last edited over a year ago
Waitforit13, I could not agree more the antagonistic relationship with Lassiter goes back to episode
over a year ago Chuckster said…
I don't want to see Jules and Shawn ever become a couple on the show. They have their private little thing to deal with and having to it play out on camera might have a bad effect on the real life thing. Besides I like the Shaw and Abigail angle she's so pretty and sweet and as somebody said she could be just what Shawn needs to make him grow up and be more adult.
And you're right there C-Man Miss Cook Does not look 30, 22 maybe.
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Chuckster, I understand your concern for James and Maggie, but honestly, the "sexual tension" in the writing has been there from day 1 of Maggie Lawson's arrival to the set. When J&M started going out, they had to probably realize that their characters would one day maybe be an item as well. I don't know, I tend to give actors the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their interactions, me believing they thought it through before choosing to start seeing one another. Who knows, it might have not come to mind, but I can't see them glossing over the idea.

Here's my question: finale this Friday, what's everyone thinking? I assumed from the season premiere that Shawn would date Abigail throughout part 1 of 2 of this season, break up with her and hint at something with Jules at the finale of part 1. Then again, I already explained my fear of "Date Abigail, break up to be with Jules to find out Jules is with someone else, she breaks up with him and then finally together next summer's end". I don't think the writers have given any indications of a romantic fall or heavy pick up with the three characters in question (minus the little winks and nudges of Shawn and Jules thrown in sporadically throughout this season), but Shawn's disappearance may be the "life perspective" he and Jules need.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I tend to agree with the Chuckster in a way but as you said there
Housewhore4 there has been tension from the outset. In episode 2 of season one when Jules was introduced she looked back at Shawn as she left the Cafe As I believe I have said before indicating and interest in him. And that was before her character knew who he was. So the writers wee setting up the tension all the way back then. But I hate to think character wise that Abigail is going to be hurt because as the Chuckster says she's so damn sweet and pretty and i hate to see anyone even my imaginary friends be hurt because of insensitive writers. lol
I tend to agree with the Chuckster in a way but as you said there 
Housewhore4 there has been tension
over a year ago rose96line said…
big smile
yeah. i dont want them togehter on set either. I like the relationship as it is., funny and wierd:) If they got togheter Shawn would tell Juliet and the fun would be over. And i kinda like him single. i couldnt imagen him with a girlfriend.
over a year ago Housewhore4 said…
Well hello all, how has everyone been?

I almost don't know where to begin; we've all maintained a rather consistent absence for quite some time, and meanwhile, our dream relationship has finally been consummated! The sexual tension has been acted upon, huzzah for Shawn and Jules!

I've been away at school and couldn't watch Psych until I came home for break, I watched 9 episodes in a row over the last 3 days and it was fantastic. So, what are everyone's thoughts?

Since I last posted, I believe we were in the middle of season 4, and I'm ecstatic to say season 5 made dramatic improvements since. First of all, the writers are starting to tap into themes and conflicts that we brought up in the first page of this thread, giving hints at Shawn's facade not being foolproof and potential for his secret to be exposed. Also, hints of the lingering lie surfaced, with Deckland trying to get Shawn to out himself to Jules, perhaps foreshadowing future conflict?

The writers seem to be handling the relationship well, haven't gone overboard with any vomit-inducing cutesiness, though I give an incredible amount of credit to both James and Maggie for their ability to maintain composure and keep their characters completely true-to-form even with the budding romance. My only complaint is the somewhat brief beginnings. They had one episode where they got together and then everything after that has just slight glimpses; it got really comfortable really fast and we haven't had any action outside of the force in regards to their relationship. In hindsight, that may have been the best plan since this is obviously not a soap opera and their romance isn't the focus of the show. What can I say, I'm a greedy bitch and after 5 years I want to see some more action! :P