Psych Where are the Psych fans?

Councilman posted on Jun 08, 2008 at 05:02AM
I found this site over a week ago and since posting my first topic only a very few have been here. I posted the Gus isn't the best friend topic to try to spark some interest but 1 response is sad. Where are the real fans.

Psych 19 replies

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over a year ago tessajanuary said…
Well, we're all taking a bit of a break, I think. It's still between seasons and I'd bet that in July, you'll get more of a response. But I'm here, I promise!
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
Also, this is sadly not a very popular spot. Despite the 700-some-odd fans, I find that not many people come here (and update). But like tessajanuary said, I'm sure there'll be more members visiting the spot once the next season starts.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Councilman said…
I hope you're right. But now for those who have the time can go to USA Network to view past shows to find things they may have missed.
over a year ago swimswamswum said…
It's just that the show is off season right now, when the new season airs the internet will BUZZ.
over a year ago jojoplum said…
over a year ago Councilman said…
The new season is weeks old and of the over 800 good folks who are members here few seem to be posting here. I figure that I am one of the old guys here and that means I've seen more crapy TV than most of you. And I assure you "PSYCH" ain't it. Get a grip folks but if you look around there are plenty of sites where you can watch old B/W TV shows that bring tears to your eyes. And those Tears are from laughter because of the poor writing, acting, and story lines etc.
I have no connection with this show. I am not a writer nor producer of Psych. I have however been a stage actor, commercial ad writer and actor and radio talk show host so I'm know what I'm talking about. This is a good if not great program.
that being said get on board and let's all
support this progarm. Happy viewing my friends.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Here we are weeks into the new season and out of the over 800 (fans) I see little interest in this new season. What's the deal? Poor story lines, not enough action, too predictable out comes?
I'm curious obout this. I'm a huge fan of the show and I'd like to have it not be left of the dust heap by poor ratings.
over a year ago psych_psycho said…
I love the show.
Long live Psych!!
over a year ago astroasis said…
Councilman, chill out. The forums on Fanpop aren't always that active. It depends on the spot. The forums here definitely don't reflect the ratings of the show. The number of fans here would be a better indication - not how vocal they are in the forums. Fanpop is more about content (videos/icons/images/picks/quizzes) than about forums. And this spot is very regularly updated.
over a year ago hahahannahaha said…
does anyone know when the next episode(9) of season 3 is going to be aired?
over a year ago yaz said…
We're here!!!! Just waiting for the new season in January to start up. Christmas was a hoot!!!!
over a year ago Councilman said…
What new season. A couple of episodes? And there are very few real fans of this show.
over a year ago yaz said…
So.......what? You want to close down the site?
over a year ago MISAforever said…
noooooo don't close it! I'm a fan!!!
over a year ago Councilman said…
I never said a word about closing down the site or anything else. I have done everything I can think of to get things going here. I concider Psych to be one of the best shows on TV. I just wish more people felt the same way about it.
over a year ago lil_squee said…
I have to agree with Councilman, Psych is freaking sweet. Seriously my favorite show on t.v. Regardless if there a few people signing on, I personally got my whole family, and most of my friends addicted to the show. But I know you won't find them in a forum or anything, a lot of people are just there to enjoy the show. And a LOT of the older people out there don't even know where to find these sites. Trust me Councilman, I am sure there are a lot more people than u think, that feel the same way about the show.
over a year ago Councilman said…
I'm sure a lot more people watching are than are reflected in the weak showing here. BY the 10s of thousands. As to your "older people" comment. I most likely would fall in to that catagory.
I based my comments on the number of fans listed in the upper right side of the page. Out of the 1056 only about 10 or 15 or so are involved. I have tried to say things to provoke a response and have started many threads for the same reason. Hasn't worked yet. The only thing that got real attention is Maggie & James dating. And they still are by the way.
I'm also a huge fan of Chuck. And not just because Sarah (Yvonne) is the most beautiful woman on TV.
over a year ago Councilman said…
The question might have been where are the intelligent fans. And don't get me wrong most of you are plenty smart. However there are some people on this site and another I frequent that are as dumb as rocks or just want to use their lack of gray matter to start trouble. I'll give you a hint who they are but don't AXE me their names. Get it. The numbers are few but they are stupid. Now I feel better. And you can go back to sleep.
over a year ago Councilman said…
Now I'm really confued about something. Psych and Chuck are my two favorite shows on TV I've never missed a minute of either, and of course there are a few others I like also, even if not as much. What I can't figure out is why shows like House has over 10,400 fans and Psych has 1,169 and Chuck have 1,229. This makes no sense to me. Yes I like and watch House but if I had to make a choice which one had to go off the air it would be House. Shawn and Chuck are both people you would like to hang around with. House not so much. He's a pain in the posterior and the only people he might like he treats like $#!+ all the time.
When I first asked the question where are the Psych fans I was told wait for the new season to start. Well I did, and they never showed. I posted some stuff to try to get a rise out of any body and a couple of people responded and that's it. I know that those who are here on the site are good loyal fans and I hope each of you will try to get some friends to come make this a bigger deal than it is. After all something weird has been dicovered that might freak everyone out when they see all the connections between Psych, Chuck and a lot of other stuff. You'll find it on: Deja Vu All Over Again or Parallax? It's very important you start at the beginning to be able to understand, if you can at all.