Psych Mistakes

Councilman posted on May 29, 2008 at 06:03PM
Shawn notices everything but there are things wrong in most if not all episodes,ie: Weekend Warriors. #1.If a bullet were stuck in the barrel the gun cannot be fired. Because it's a mussle loader.
#2.The size of an exit wound has nothing what ever to do with the distance from the gun.
#3.The size of an exit wound is always larger than the entrance unless it's an armor piercing round that hits only soft tissue on the way through.
Pilot episode and all others. The location of the Psych office does not exist, there is only 1 pier in Santa Barbara not the two you can see from the office window.
Just a couple to start you out I have many but why should I have all the fun. What can you see if you pay attention. Don't be Psych'ed out Henry Spencer wouldn't like it.
I love this show.

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