Prince Michael Jackson Find Your Love: UPDATE #2

SashaPrince4ver posted on Jul 17, 2010 at 02:17AM
Find Your Love: UPDATE #2
Okay, these are just for the new characters only:
Amerie *NEW*
Ashley *NEW*
Emma *NEW*
Raven *NEW*
What do you think Prince will choice?
Free Math or Love
Hmmm.... What do you guys think?

Prince Michael Jackson 93 replies

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Showing Replies 51-93 of 93

over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
The Harry Potter movies are my husband. Just saying. Me and Jamieeee(:
over a year ago lovepink said…
ahh! im so excited!
and i LOVE harry potter. the books are phenomenal!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
Better than Twilight, might I add!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
I can't wait for the stories! But, i'm not an early riser, so I probably won't be the first comment.
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
Its okay. I will probably post it like at noon or when every1 is on!
over a year ago lovepink said…
hahaha me neither! today i woke up at 1!!!
and oh my gosh everything about harry potter is 10 times better than twilight! the plot, the acting (especially the acting)everything!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
Well, they don't have Taylor Launter which is a downer. But HP is wayyyyyyyy better than Twilight hands down. And I woke up at two today! And it's 10:55 right now! So I haven't been up long! Ha
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
The Twilight books r great! I read New Moon in ONE freakin day and it was like 526 pages long! Im mad, someone should eat Bella already!
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…

Yea... the Harry Potter movies don't have my boyfriend Tay Tay! (At least I wish he was my boyfriend tho lol)
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
Lol!! My bad if ur waiting Jamie! Tomorrow is here, just wait a few hours! And Taylor Lautner is soooooo HOT!
Someone needs to eat Bella already!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
I hate Bella. Shes puts the entire thing in a depressing mood.
And woah, Jamie, why do we keep marrying and dating the same people? I definitely saved a Taylor cup from Burger King in my room! Haha
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
Random Question: What time is it from where y'all are from?
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
9:05 pm
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lovepink said…
hahah whoaaa ash, goin a little far with that obsession much? lol just kidding! and i know, taylor is sooo hot and those abs are.... ahmazing!!
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
And I hate her 2! I wanna throw a knife at the movie screen! ERGGG...!!
Taylor Lautner could want so much better!
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
Jus thought I'd throw that out there....
over a year ago lovepink said…
hhahaah! wow princemjluv! lol
and its 9:08 here!
and i HATE HATE HATE kristen stewart in twilight. and new moon. and eclipse. shes horrible at acting! she stutters all the time and she has the same expression on her face throughout the whole movie!
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
She knew Edward 4 five days and she is inlove with him!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
It's 11:08 to mee. (:
You threw that out there for a good reason. It was hilarious in the theater when Edward denied her request for sex, someone yelled out "Because he's gay!" And everyone laughed.
over a year ago lovepink said…
sounds like my friend morgan. after 3 days she tells a guy she loves him. and then he tells her he loves her too but then the next day they break up and shes 'heartbroken'
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
Hahaha, wow. A little dramatic, dontcha think?
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
AND KRISTEN STEWART IS A SLUT!! She can't even kiss a guy! Did anyone see that "Kiss" at the MTV Movie awards?! Pssh
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
Oh wow! I HATE Kristen Stewart! Taylor Lautner shouldn't even had his lips on hers! Ehhhhh! One day in class, my friend gave me a picture of Carlisle and Bella and I stabbed her out the picture and kept Carilsle!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
Woahhhhhhhh, thats a bit dangerous, Sasha. I'll keep my distance from you if we ever have a Fanpop meeting at some headquarters some day. Haha, jk.
over a year ago PrinceMJluv said…
I think bella likes having orgasms too much
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
Lol haha! And Jamie ikr! SHE IS SO UNGREATFUL! SHE SAYS IT WAS 'WEIRD' KISSING TAYLOR! She act like it was a piece of cake kissing her! Im sorry but I can't stand Kristen Stewart!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
So, did all four of us just become Fanpop bestfriends?
over a year ago lovepink said…
hahah! omg i know when they kiss its like... your making out. not having sex. i cant believe they were even NOMINATED. The notebook still has the best mtv best kiss, in my opinion.
over a year ago lovepink said…
i think we did ash, i think we did.
over a year ago SashaPrince4ver said…
Ash, idk!
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
We did.
I tried to make my question sound like Stepbrothers, btw. Haha (:
over a year ago lovepink said…
hahahaha! niiceee
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
Thats movie is wicked sweet. I think I might go eat some pizza and watch it right now.
over a year ago lovepink said…
hahaha that nice. i think im gonna go eat some popcorn and watch the hangover now(:
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
I never watched it. :/
over a year ago UmOkayThen said…
It's like one of the best comedy movies ever!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ashleybrooke510 said…
"Theres a jungle cat in the bathroom!"
over a year ago UmOkayThen said…
lol. What do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze.

Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her catwoman suit.

Don't you worry your pretty stripped head we're gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed.

And they we're gonna find our bestfriend Doug and then we're gonna give him a bestfriend hug.

Doug, Doug, Oh, Doug Douggie Douggie Doug Doug.

But if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweekers, well then we're sh*t out of luck.
over a year ago lovepink said…
^ thats probably my FAVORITE thing from the movie EVER!!!
over a year ago UmOkayThen said…
Mine too! I made my cheer squad do a ballet dance to it!
over a year ago lovepink said…
hahahah(: i seriously am in love with that movie
over a year ago UmOkayThen said…
Hey^We have the same last name. Sorry I'm just really random 8D
over a year ago lovepink said…
oh haahah! really? thats kinda cool lol