Prince Michael Jackson June 25th.- FanFiction - Chapter Three.

chelyrsimone posted on Jul 05, 2010 at 05:00PM
Chapter Three.

June 25th. Well it’s the big day I guess, I'm in Hawaii with grandmother and my brothers and cousins, I think she’s trying to you know soften the whole fact and everything, I have the tape with me I still haven’t listened to it, I’ve been way too busy! Sometime I don’t even understand this whole thing it’s a load of bull crap to be honest. In the bigger picture I love the fact were away from the whole rush of things don’t get me wrong, I just kind of wish I didn’t feel like every one was covering up reality, its like there all trying to sweeten up the truth. Well here’ the truth for you on this day last year my dad died yes he left the earth. Now it’s real to me today it’s finally hit me… one whole year without him. Hey! I'm still standing to I guess that’s a good sign. Hawaii’s beautiful I tell you, I love the ocean and swimming, this is a nice change, but I know for a fact at home everyone’s sad.


“Yo prince, pass me the goggles?”

“Yeah sure Paz, want to race to the other end?”

“I don’t really think I'm up to it you know, today’s not really a good day.,..”

“Look Paz, you’re my baby sis, I know today’s gonna be hard on all of us, but c’mon try and just let go for a while, I’m always gonna be here we can just talk if you want to?”

What would I do without him seriously?

“Okay I’ll race you, but we’ll talk at the other end, ‘because I don’t think I want grandma to see me emotional”

It was at that point he turned and hugged me, “I promise you one day everything will go back to normal or at least some kind of normality”

Of Corse I knew as time went on we was all going to adjust to the new way of life but I couldn’t help but disagree with my brothers statement, I ****ed it up and put on a fake smile

“Okay ready” he said “On the count ‘a three, one… twooo…..three!” his head dived under neither the waters surface and I saw his body gracefully glide thought the waves, his little movements caused him to look gracious like fish cutting through the water at a high speed, one day he’s gonna be a pro swimmer ha-ha! My brother, I smiled to myself and dived in.

I started off slow wait for my fast pace to pick up a little later, I felt as if I was straining myself to keep my self a float like I was getting pulled down. I kept swimming in hopes that it was just my imagination but then I felt something grab hold of my foot, I was defiantly being pulled down completely under the surface, I kicked wondering if it would just shake off, the grip tightened – something wasn’t pulling me down, it was someone! My senses numbed and I couldn’t help myself to get free, I could feel my lungs filling up with water the deeper this person pulled me down, I couldn’t see, breath, or move I was helpless in that moment. I tried, I really did to remove my goggles to stop this seizing feeling I was getting on my face, it was then I realized, prince never gave them to me.


Forest lawn.
Janet's POV

You know sometimes I wonder why bad things happen, why god chooses someone and says ‘yep your next’ and causes pain and grief to there families. My brother should be here today, we should be going out for a meal, having fun, go-karting like old times but I'm here at forest lawn cemetery, with flowers visiting his grave. My brother’s grave. This is way too much for me.

I pushed my sunglasses closer to my face to hide my tears; I laid the flowers down on his tomb and sat my self quietly next to it.

“Hi mike” I sniffed a little “um, I know you wouldn’t want me to cry, but I cant help it I’m sorry.” I shifted myself to sit a little more comfortable
“I just wanted to say that I love you, you’re the best brother even now I hope that your okay up there, the babies are doing well, blanket’s still confused though bro, bless his heart he doesn’t know yet. Prince is staying strong for the younger ones, and me come to think of it, can you believe he threatened my boyfriend...I’m not with Jermaine anymore…” my smile turned into a frown. Jermaine…as much as I hated to admit it I still loved him and deep down I knew for a fact that I had to get him back… “Paris is just a trooper; she’s made a shrine for you in her bedroom, so when she wakes up she can see you and when se goes to bed, it really is beautiful know I know why you loved her art so much, she’s the most talkative since you…went away, she has this journal that she never puts down. But overall everyone is healthy. Mothers doing great she loves having kids in the house. But her polio seems to be coming back we don’t know if she’s going to make it this time, I’m next in line to look after the babies mike, I don’t know if I'm ready for the responsibility. I need your guidance bro, I love you. I have to go now, but I’ll come visit you soon, I promise. I love you. Bye”

I got up and just stared at his tomb one last time, then slowly walked away.


The idiot visited me today, he’s going through tough time, and yano cause like being rich is so painful. Whatever. So I sat with him and talked about how things are going to get better and it’s not the end of the world and blah blah blah. Yawn. This guy really is lame though I don’t understand why this is so hard for him, he made this decision to do that now he’s done it he’s not so sure about it. Huh, lemme tell you something I'm not gonna help him get his sorry ass out of this, and give up all that I’ve finally achieved, this is all I wanted in the beginning, yes I betrayed him an I a worthless fool? No I'm a smart worthless fool that’s what I am. Next time I’ll let play around with Kate for a hour or two, I mean even though the guys an idiot doesn’t mean he cant have any sexual life right? Right! Ha-ha who am I kidding he’s probably a virgin…… ha! I wonder how Hawaii must feel, I wonder if john sorted out my little problem. Hey a deals a deal you leave I get control, my first mission to get rid of the girl, she’s too smart she’ll figure this all out. Then as a treat Johnny boy actually gets a passport to PARIS, like what I did there? Huh well my life pretty much sorted for the next I don’t know 50 years should be fun having all this money to being able to do anything I want and get away with it, life at the moment is great. You still don’t know who I am, do you? Ah well I guess I’m gonna keep my identity secret until necessary. Aww sweet dreams stalker. Ha-ha.

Prince Michael Jackson 2 replies

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over a year ago DarynRoxHard said…
omg...i can't wait to read chapter 4! :D
over a year ago kimijonas said…
Can't wait either !