Prince Michael Jackson The Secret Lives of Michael Jackson's Children (on t.v.)

shawnaboe78 posted on Jun 15, 2010 at 07:11PM
Jun 20, 9:00 pm

(60 minutes)

The Secret Lives of Michael Jackson's Children (wt)

For all of their young lives, Michael Jackson has kept his three children cloistered, going so far as to hide their faces with masks and veils. This special takes an inside look into the lives of his three children since his death.
This is all true here is the link to prove im not lying to you! They will show some inside there life things such asthem at school and hanging with family. This episode will go inside there lives and the will be interviewed and share some inside things about themselves! All thsi is true plus i seen the commerical and jjust had to post this!


Prince Michael Jackson 31 replies

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