Prince Michael Jackson (offtopic) Dear Diary

ozchick posted on May 26, 2010 at 02:39PM
I know this has nothing to do with PPB but I am in a thoughtful mood and feel like writing about my thoughts. I had a birthday yesterday and to be honest I felt kinda guilty, I guess I kind of look at my life so far and realize how lucky I am to have what I have. I was up late last night having a deep and meaningful conversation with my dad. He used to be in the Navy and has travelled to many 3rd world countries and experienced first hand how much poverty there is in the world. Some of the things that he told me brought tears to my eyes about how much suffering he's seen throughout his travels. It made me think about how fortunate I am to sit down to a meal everyday, and have a hot shower everyday and to sleep in a warm bed every night. He asked me how I was going at school and I was complaining about it and telling him how much it sucked, and then he reminded me of how lucky I was to have an education and the possibilities that it could bring me in the future. I told him I felt guilty coz other people in the world are starving and living in poverty and here I am complaining over minor stuff like "this person said this" and "that person has that" or "this girl at school has all the guys chasing her" and stuff like that. It just makes me realize more that, even though sometimes those little things get to me, I should really look at the big picture and not be so selfish. It re affirms my dream of traveling the world someday and helping less fortunate people, children especially. I started thinking about the MJ song Man in the mirror, and I appreciate the meaning behind the lyrics of that song, but how can I change the world when I have no money? I'm still a kid and rely on my parents to survive, I wish I had enough money for a plane fare out of here so I could go to another country and help some people in need? I don't have much to offer, just alot of heart and alot of love. I hope I can make that wish come true one day

Britt xo

Prince Michael Jackson 4 replies

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over a year ago TheFunnyChick95 said…
Wow, thats deep.... beautiful, Brittany, beautiful....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ForShawdae said…
Oh my...I wish I could help 3rd world countries too!
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
Its soo True, I'd realize that too. So precious from your part Britt.
over a year ago TheAwesomeness said…
You have soo much to offer. I know that there are some schools and groups that help out in other countries and volunteer. I think there are groups that deliver food and stuff.