Prince Michael Jackson If the jacksons were my guests

ozchick posted on May 17, 2010 at 01:47PM
If I ever had the Jackson kids come and stay for a weekend, Here's a look at what we'd get up to..........

we'd start out with this in the morning


then this


then a bit of this


then onto this


then off to the gym and finish off the day with this


Hope you enjoyed your stay PPB :)

last edited on May 17, 2010 at 02:36PM

Prince Michael Jackson 4 replies

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over a year ago ozchick said…
I thought we might try something new here, how about everyone describe your weekend with the Jackson's in video form, it would be fun, just post the links and we can all get a visual idea of how we'd spend our weekend with PPB, I thought Dsgt5's question oh how you'd spend a day with Prince was awesome, so I thought i'd take it to the next level and lets all do a visual description.
Hope you don't mind dsgt5
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
Its will be so cool, I will do this some time in the weekend :)
over a year ago ozchick said…
Well my momma always said, Life is (like a box of chochalates).........ahahahahah, nah just playin, nah serious, mum and dad always encourage us to be as active as can be coz were only young once, we don't sit in front of the TV much here, were too busy out doing stuff. I have a good life and I'm very blessed to have good parents who teach me alot and make me apreciate what I have.

I love you Mum and Dad MMMMWWWAAAAAHH
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
LOL forest gump quote lol LOVE FG