Prince Michael Jackson Prince Jacksons biggest fan contest

iluvPrinceMJ213 posted on May 09, 2010 at 10:09PM
There will be a Prince Jackson's biggest fan contest u will have articals, images, trivia on the fourms, and videos as the competitons every week once a week. The competition is hosted by StephMJfan it will start next week Sunday.

Prince Michael Jackson 44 replies

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over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
over a year ago tiver said…
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
I'll be one of those competing I think we might start it tuesday this week and the deadline 4 it is by sunday the following week.
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
ok yeah tuesday will be betta
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
Yeah.I think we all need to write a artical as the first contest.
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
My artical 4 it link
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
It starts today.
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
EPIC FAIL! lmao.
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
hahahaha, i know right OMGMJfanforeva,
its kinda stalkerishy
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
THANK YOU LOVE_MJACKSON! lol soo stawlker-ish! haha but its EPIC FAIL! lmao
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
Your such a loser OMGMJfanforeva epic fail as u would say LOSER U!
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
Noo your such a loser! You got a pic of prince and you getting married!! thats soo stawlker-ish!!! WIREDO!!!!!!!!! lmao!!
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
Can u only add ish at the end of every word wow my pic is so freakish its photoshoped people can have pics of them kissing Prince hugging him and I can't have this I'm not saying I want it to happen soon in 11 years or farther maybe so shut up.
over a year ago PrincessCammy said…
what do i get when i win?
over a year ago ozchick said…
Not havin a crack at you iluvPrinceMJ213 but, maybe you wont feel the same way in 11 years, alot of things change in that space of time, lets not rule out the possibility.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
lmao Its just kinda wired your pic!! Your 11? Ehh lets just forget about this.
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
no i'm not 11 im 12 weirdo nope still feel the same 4 him.
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
You just said you were 11! Oh wait nvm!!! lmao thats the yrs!! and good..?
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
hahahaha i soo agree with you OMGMJfanforever,
here photos scared the shit out of me, i was like woaaah massive stalker !
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
haha i know!!! thank you love_mjackson!! lol for agree-ing with me!! :)
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
hahah, i totaally agree !
her photo is actually so freaky !
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
11 years from now so 12 + 11 = 23 DUH bet u feel ashamed that a 12 year old is better at math and in 7th grade I get to be in 8th grade math so u could say I'm 13 or 14 :)!
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
OMG you guys are mean!! What the freaking problem having a pic like that?! you guys are just jelous cause you cant even show how muchh you feel for him, and that your guys suck at doing pics like that
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
Thanks Paloma ur great :):):):):)
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
big smile
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
Thanks I appriciate it :)
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
What ever
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
lmao kk
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
why would i be jelous, i have no intention of making a stalkerish photo.
and iluvprincemj213, ew your 12 and in 7th grade ? im 13 and in 9th grade. haha youur gay.
over a year ago OMGMJfanforeva said…
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
No I'm 12 and in 6th and in 8th grade classes so we match so shut up and u r gay.
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
You're the gay one love_mjackson , are you still in the closet? Come out and then say whatever you want.
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
LOL Paloma u r the bestfriend in the world except 4 damian since I've known him since 4th grade but u r second :)
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
Aww that's so cute thank you :). Your one of my besfriends too ! Cause we got things in common with you that I don't have with my other friends, that's special.
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
I have more in common with u then Damian but we've been through so much he hates MJ and prince which really suck my whole school hates MJ and Prince so I'm a loner.
over a year ago ozchick said…
what's with all the gay comments, I'll be gay for a day, i'm cool with that lol hahaha don't know if shawny (my bf) would be impressed though lol nah just playin n bein random as usual lol
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
LOL u r awesome Britt ;)
over a year ago ozchick said…
big smile
Thankyou sweetie
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
U r welcome
over a year ago love_mjackson said…
iluvprincemj213, you just said before you were in 7th grade ?
stop trying to be cool and changing your answer.
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
No u idiot I said WHEN I"M IN SEVENTH GRADE I'll be in 8th grade classes but turns out I'll be in all honors classes and in aledrbra or however u spell it.