Prince Michael Jackson Just a thought I had today

ozchick posted on May 02, 2010 at 12:05PM
we had a great day today, we were jumping and back flipping off the jetty (pier) today and then we went dirtbike riding and gokarting out in the bush when it suddenly dawned on me, How cool would it be if prince was here having fun with all of us. just makes me wonder if he would be into all that sort of stuff.

I was just picturing him flying as fast as on the bike doing mad donuts in the dirt and throwing himself off the jetty seeing how cool a trick he could do when he jumps like we all do.

I wonder if he'd like doing that sort of stuff? Sorry guys, just a random thought I had thats all.

Prince Michael Jackson 7 replies

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over a year ago TheFunnyChick95 said…
Only 1 word can describe your day, my friend: EPIC!!!
over a year ago paloma97ppb said…
big smile
Wow cool
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
Dangerous for Prince wouldn't want him to get hurt but its something I might try and he might. IDK?
over a year ago ozchick said…
Oh you have to try it at least once, its so much fun, it feels good to really push yourself to the limit. We like to do fun stuff like that alot, we are very lucky to have the freedom that we have. We don't bother anyone or make any trouble, we just have alot of fun.
Thats also why I love my sport thai kickboxing, its really challenging and just fun all round and i'm all for trying to exceed my last result. life's short so I want to grab it with both hands. I just wondered if Prince approached life in the same way?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago magic001 said…
big smile
good thought were all mostly just laid back and all about that side and we pretty much talk and fuss about relationship matters about Prince and asking whether he would go out with me and all the stuff like that and then fight with eachother...and we never reaize that Prince is like us and will enjoy fun stuff like that, he could probably be more immature than we think after all media can fool us.
So I like your thought! I consider Prince as more of a friend I wish I knew and would rather do those stuff with hime then go out and make things awkward, I mean come on his only 13!!
over a year ago ozchick said…
thankyou magic001, your spot on mate, he is only a young fella of 13. With all due respect to everyone on this page, I really mean that, I, in no way mean any disrespect to anyone here or the Jackson's themselves but, i have no interest in making lovey dovey comments about Prince, and that is out of shear respect. I like him as a mate and would love to have him join our crazy crew and have fun with all of us for a day, but thats about as far as it goes for me. I'm sure him and his siblings are lovely people and I really hope for the best for all of them.

God Bless you PPB
over a year ago tiver said…
thats cool