Prince Michael Jackson My Life At Neverland #1

jackson_kids posted on Apr 20, 2010 at 08:07AM
Hi my name is Danielle Jackson i live at neverland valley ranch with my daddy and big brother and my soon to come little brother and sister.
September 27 1998:
12:30pm i entered a big world. On a rainy Thursday i took my first breath, daddy was so happy to see me. He wrapped me up in a blanket and walked out of the room with a big smile on his face. He walked towards my big bother prince and a bodyguard. My brother asked if he could hold me daddy said “yes” he gave me to my two year old brother, my brother asked ‘’ what is her name?”daddy replied ‘’Danielle’’ my brother said “hi Danielle” as he cuddled me. Daddy gave me to the bodyguard for a second daddy walked back into the room i was born in and got a towel and said something to my mummy and nurse. Daddy walk towards me and picked me up he put the towel over my face my face and gave my brother a mask we walk out the front door of the hospital. There where heaps of people taking pictures of daddy, prince and me i started to cry because of all the noise daddy started rocking me as he started walking fast to get to the limo when we got in the limo daddy started to sing to me because i was still crying he put me in a car seat and i fell asleep. We got to my new home neverland. Daddy took me out of the car seat and woke me up we went up to the front door and daddy unlocked it, the house was beautiful, prince said “daddy can we show Danielle her room?” daddy said “yes but first i need to get her changed in to worm clothes” daddy changed me and started walking upstairs to my room. He opened the door the room was amazing. Daddy sat on the rocking chair in the corner with me. I started feeling hungry so daddy went downstairs to the chef and asked if he could warm up a bottle for me and to make lunch for my brother. I drank my bottle faster than prince could finish his sandwich. Daddy started patting my back gently i started to fall asleep so daddy took me back to my room and put me in my crib. Daddy closed the blinds and put i blanket over me he then turned on some music daddy left the room and i fell asleep. I slept for most the day but when i did wake up it was 5:00 pm i started to cry daddy came running up the stairs and picked me up from my crib and calmed me down he took me down stairs into the movie theatre room where prince was watching peter pan. Daddy sat down on the seat with me and started to watch peter pan the movie had 5 more mins left.a guy that worked at neverland came in the theatre and said “Mr Jackson muculy Culkin is on the phone” daddy picked me up and went to the phone.prince got scared being in the theatre by him self so he followed me and daddy.

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